See also: Waiflike Waif Waifu Waifish Waif-like
1. Waiflike meaning Resembling a waif; apparently homeless, starving, etc.
Waiflike, Waif
2. Waiflike (Adjective) Resembling a waif; apparently homeless, starving, etc
Waiflike, Waif
3. What he has tried to sell the public is the Waiflike innocence of his Peter Pan persona
What, Waiflike
4. This is the realm of iconic Japanese cartoons in which doe-eyed characters with Waiflike faces have fantastic adventures that inspire devotion in millions of fans
Which, With, Waiflike
5. I did not see these super-thin, Waiflike girls that I see today.
6. You may purchase the Waiflike CD "Fifty Pence Piece of Mind" at live performances.
7. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Waiflike …
8. 'Waiflike' is a 8 letter word starting with W and ending with E Crossword clues for 'Waiflike' Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Waiflike [thin] We hope that the …
Waiflike, Word, With, Words, We
9. The clue "Waiflike" was last spotted by us at the Crossword Champ Crossword on March 20 2021
Waiflike, Was
10. Waiflike has also appeared in 0 other occasions according to our records
11. What is the definition of Waiflike? What is the meaning of Waiflike? How do you use Waiflike in a sentence? What are synonyms for Waiflike?
What, Waiflike
12. Synonyms for Waiflike include light, airy, delicate, insubstantial, fragile, ethereal, frail, dainty, gossamer and fine
13. Synonym of Waiflike: Babylon English-Turkish Waiflike s
14. Evsiz barsız kimse gibi, terk edilmiş kimse gibi Babylon English Waiflike adj
15. Like a homeless or abandoned person Babylon English-Arabic Waiflike ص
16. كالمتشرد, كاللقيط Babylon English-Hebrew Waiflike (ת') כאדם חסר-בית או אדם שננטש
17. 5 letter answer(s) to Waiflike ALONE radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled
Waiflike, Without, Was, Whose
18. A Waiflike college student, she was volunteering at a gallery of Communist propaganda posters located in the bowels of a Shanghai apartment complex
Waiflike, Was
19. Why China Loves 'Gossip Girl' Emma, a skinny, Waiflike girl, perhaps ten, with lank ash-blond hair and smudges like bruises under her pale blue eyes.
Why, Waiflike, With
20. Waiflike •alike, bike, dyke, haik, hike, kike, like, mic, mike, mislike, pike, psych, psyche, shrike, spike, strike, trike, tyke, Van Dyck, vandyke •pushbike
21. Synonyms (Other Words) for Waiflike & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Waiflike.
Words, Waiflike
22. Examples of how to use the word Waiflike in a sentence
Word, Waiflike
23. Waiflike in a sentence - Use "Waiflike" in a sentence 1
24. She has a Waiflike sweetness and a sense of subversive humor
25. Beneath the fragile, Waiflike exterior is a surprisingly canny veteran
26. Click for more sentences of Waiflike: 4.Waiflike definitions Resembling a waif; apparently 2
Waiflike, Waif
27. While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Waiflike crossword clue
While, We, Waiflike
28. The solution we have for Waiflike has a total of 4 letters.
We, Waiflike
29. The latest tweets from @Waiflike
30. The Waiflike Giannini has a deep voice and feline self-assurance
31. As played by the Waiflike Fritzi Haberlandt, whose limbs keep falling into doll-like positions of passivity, the unformed Lulu is the eternal Woman who becomes the flesh of every man's dream.
Waiflike, Whose, Woman, Who
32. Only Zoe Kazan, playing a Waiflike virgin and looking positively edible in her little white dress and Madonna-inspired gloves, manages to portray something that resembles a character
Waiflike, White
33. Clive Ico is a boy who has been left to rot in a castle where he meets Yorda, a Waiflike girl who he helps to escape.
Who, Where, Waiflike
34. Waiflike (English)Origin & history waif + -like Adjective Waiflike (comparative more Waiflike, superlative most Waiflike)
Waiflike, Waif
35. Resembling a waif; apparently homeless, starving, etc.; Translations, Act I - Brian Friel "She has a Waiflike appearance and could be any age from seventeen to thirty-five."
Waif, Waiflike
36. His Waiflike shyness made people smile
37. Waiflike, Category: Artist, Albums: Fifty Pence Piece Of Mind, Top Tracks: Money And Movie Stars, Glass Of Something, Not At All Alone, Cabbage And Cadavers, Why Is The Bed So Wet?, Monthly Listeners: 2, Where People Listen: Auboranges, Valparaiso
Waiflike, Why, Wet, Where
38. Waiflike in a sentence - Use "Waiflike" in a sentence 1
39. She has a Waiflike sweetness and a sense of subversive humor
40. Beneath the fragile, Waiflike exterior is a surprisingly canny veteran
41. Click for more sentences of Waiflike
42. Word Scramble - English word Waiflike: words that start with Waiflike, words that end with Waiflike, anagrams of Waiflike, how to spell Waiflike!, Words with Friends, Scrabble
Word, Waiflike, Words, With
43. Waiflike definition in English dictionary, Waiflike meaning, synonyms, see also 'waif',wail',wiglike',wailer'
Waiflike, Waif, Wail, Wiglike, Wailer
44. A Waiflike body [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples
45. You look really sad today, sort of Waiflike.: Tu as l'air vraiment triste aujourd'hui, comme un animal abandonné
46. Appearing Waiflike and vulnerable, as David Hutchings wrote, her performance as "canary with a broken wing" Julie Barnes earned her four Emmy nominations and four Golden Globe nominations during her tenure.: Apparaissant perdue et vulnérable, comme l'a écrit David Hutchings, son
Waiflike, Wrote, With, Wing
47. Waiflike – neglected; uncared for
48. A Waiflike college student, she was volunteering at a gallery of Communist
Waiflike, Was
49. RELEASED JULY 13, 2005 ℗ 2005 Waiflike
WAIFLIKE [ˈwāflīk]
waiflike (adjective) · waif-like (adjective)