Use Understudy in a sentence

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1. Understudy definition is - to study another actor's part in order to substitute in an emergency.


2. Understudy synonyms, Understudy pronunciation, Understudy translation, English dictionary definition of Understudy


3. Understudy definition, to learn (a role) in order to replace the regular actor or actress when necessary


4. What does Understudy mean? To act as an Understudy to


5. (verb) The definition of an Understudy is an actor who learns the role of another actor and who performs when that actor is unable.

Understudy, Unable

6. Find 11 ways to say Understudy, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


7. In theater, an Understudy, referred to in opera as cover or covering, is a performer who learns the lines and blocking or choreography of a regular actor or actress in a play.Should the regular actor or actress be unable to appear on stage because of illness, injury, emergencies or death, the Understudy

Understudy, Unable

8. From Katie Holmes to Anne Hathaway, see our picks for her Understudy.: Since then the younger son, James, has stepped forward to Understudy.: Gerry says the dog star and his Understudy puppy pals are Bobby dazzlers.: Hopkins became Olivier's Understudy, and filled in when Olivier was struck with appendicitis during a 1967 production of August Strindberg's The Dance of Death.


9. Instructor Razuvious will be accompanied by four Death Knight Understudy, a key factor to this encounter's mechanics.Instructor Razuvious hits far too hard for a typical Main Tank of a guild …


10. The Understudy takes over the part if the main actor or actress is unable to perform due to illness, injury, or other unforeseeable circumstances

Understudy, Unable, Unforeseeable

11. Typically, an actor or actress is an Understudy for a main character while still performing a smaller role within a particular production.


12. Hoping for another thriller from these clever women who obviously works so well together, I highly recommend The Understudy.


13. Synonyms for Understudy in Free Thesaurus


14. 9 synonyms for Understudy: stand-in, reserve, substitute, double, sub, replacement, fill-in


15. The Understudy is tasked with knowing their track, of course, in addition to one of those heftier roles, be it featured or leading


16. So, to bridge the full circle: When an Understudy is called upon

Understudy, Upon

17. In many ways, working as an Understudy is a tougher job than playing the title and/or leading role in a show


18. An Understudy can be asked to learn multiple major roles in a performance and have the expectation to perform any of those roles at any time, theoretically as well as the original cast member for whom they are taking over.


19. Antonyms for Understudy include adversary, antagonist, boss, detractor, enemy, foe, leader, manager, opponent and stranger


20. Understudy definition: An actor's or actress's Understudy is the person who has learned their part in a play and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


21. Deathknight Understudy is a level 59 - 60 Elite NPC that can be found in Naxxramas


22. Understudy for [sb] vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (stand in for an actor) (actor) prepararse para suplir a loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como …

Understudy, Unidad

23. Usually, an Understudy performs in the ensemble of the show

Usually, Understudy

24. By the way, Shoshana Bean was the STANDBY for Elphaba, not the Understudy.


25. Understudy translate: sobresaliente, doblar, aprender un papel para suplir (a alguien), suplente

Understudy, Un

26. The Understudy quickly got into costume and stepped on stage


27. The Understudy eventually won the lead and toured with a major Broadway hit


28. Some writers have no Understudy project.


29. The actress got sick right before the beginning of the show and her Understudy had to replace her at the last minute


30. Understudy - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


31. 28 reviews of Understudy "This place is great


32. THE Understudy Drama and Theatre teaching resources for teachers working with international curricula: IGCSE Drama; IBDP Theatre.


33. A perennial Understudy takes matters into her own hands to achieve fame at any price.


34. ‘The Understudy has had laryngitis for the past week.’ ‘Shortly after making the move, she was hired as an Understudy for the company.’ ‘Opera singers have ‘doubles’, or understudies, who are able to take over a role in case of the principal's absence.’

Understudy, Understudies

35. Understudy is a 700 square foot arts and culture incubator space dedicated to creative exploration


36. Understudy provides a free, central, and innovative platform to …


37. Understudy: 1 n an actor able to replace a regular performer when required Synonyms: standby Type of: actor , histrion , player , role player , thespian a theatrical performer v be an Understudy or alternate for a role Synonyms: alternate Type of: con , learn , memorise , memorize commit to memory; learn by heart


38. Strong relationships are forged; frequently, an Understudy will, in subsequent productions, be cast in an on-stage role by the same director


39. Essentially, this is Deceptive Disciple, except that the Bastard Understudy is apprenticed to an Evil Mentor.


40. In many cases the Bastard Understudy appears to have been groomed as a


41. Understudy is a Water, Bronze Cerebella variant


42. THROW DOWN Understudy is one of the three fighters that players start with, the other being Rerun and Bassline


43. Understudy is a fighter with a Signature Ability that revolves around THROWS


44. Understudy, supported by the DTD, is a 700sqft arts and culture incubator space dedicated to creative exploration


45. Understudy provides a free, central,


46. Understudy, supported by the DTD, is a 700sqft arts and culture incubator space dedicated to creative exploration


47. Understudy provides a free, central,


48. Rebecca works as an Understudy to a vapid starlet, and has to listen to her complain about her perfect life


49. Tired of being an Understudy, Rebecca decides she will kill her way to the top.


50. Jerry dates the ultra-sensitive Understudy for Bette Midler in Rochelle, Rochelle: The Musical

Ultra, Understudy

51. Understudy Gallery is adjacent to the Convention Center RTD stop and viewable to all from the train



UNDERSTUDY [ˈəndərˌstədē]

understudy (noun) · understudies (plural noun)

  • (in the theater) a person who learns another's role in order to be able to act as a replacement at short notice.
Synonyms: stand-in . substitute . replacement . reserve . fill-in . locum . proxy . backup . relief . standby . supply . surrogate . stopgap . second . alternative . ancillary . locum tenens .

understudy (verb) · understudies (third person present) · understudied (past tense) · understudied (past participle) · understudying (present participle)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the word understudy?

Definition of understudy. (Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. : to study another actor's part in order to substitute in an emergency. transitive verb. : to prepare (a part or character) as understudy also : to prepare as understudy to (an actor) understudy.

What is a person's understudy?

A lot of people know what the purpose of an understudy is, but for those of you who don't, the understudy is someone who learns the part of a leading performer. They take over the part if the main actor or actress is unable to perform due to illness, injury, or other unforeseeable circumstances.

What does under study mean?

under study can also mean "being studied, as the object of a controlled experiment". The new approach is under study at the moment, and won't be used until the results are in and it is shown to be safe.

What is the plural of understudy?

(ʌndəʳstʌdi ) Word forms: plural understudies. countable noun. An actor's or actress's understudy is the person who has learned their part in a play and can act the part if the actor or actress is ill. He was an understudy to Charlie Chaplin on a tour of the U.S.A..