Use Unconstitutional in a sentence

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1. Unconstitutional definition is - not according or consistent with the constitution of a body politic (such as a nation)


2. How to use Unconstitutional in a sentence.

Use, Unconstitutional

3. Unconstitutional synonyms, Unconstitutional pronunciation, Unconstitutional translation, English dictionary definition of Unconstitutional


4. ə l / not allowed by the constitution (= set of rules for government) of a country or organization: Changing the law in this way would be Unconstitutional.


5. That's downright Unconstitutional !," they're saying that the action violates the tenets of the U.S


6. ə l / not allowed by the constitution (= set of rules for government) of a country or organization: Changing the law in this way would be Unconstitutional.


7. The plaintiffs—18 states with Republican governors, led by Texas, plus two individuals—argue that the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is Unconstitutional. WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT’S CASE ON THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF OBAMACARE GEOFFREY COLVIN NOVEMBER 10, 2020 FORTUNE


8. Description of Unconstitutional Provision(s) Constitutional Provision(s) Invoked Constitutional Clause(s) Invoked; 1: 2019: Barr v


9. A federal judge in Texas ruled on Thursday that an order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) temporarily halting evictions amid the pandemic is Unconstitutional


10. Unconstitutional means that a law violates conditions laid down in the constitution, and therefore is not a law and is not enforceable as applied by the independent judiciary, all the way up to the supreme court

Unconstitutional, Up

11. When a statute is found to be Unconstitutional, all obligations arising from it are unlawful, and no person can be held accountable …

Unconstitutional, Unlawful

12. When laws, procedures, or acts directly violate the constitution, they are Unconstitutional


13. Unconstitutional refers to a government action which is in violation of the authority and rights defined and granted in the government's constitution


14. ‘the Act would be declared Unconstitutional in the courts’ ‘The law was later ruled Unconstitutional by the Florida state Supreme Court.’ ‘It led to the US supreme court ruling that the segregation of buses was Unconstitutional.’ ‘First of all, the first declaration that you claim is that a certain High Court Rule is

Unconstitutional, Us

15. An Unconstitutional constitutional amendment is a concept in judicial review based on the idea that even a properly passed and properly ratified constitutional amendment, specifically one that is not explicitly prohibited by a constitution's text, can nevertheless be Unconstitutional on substantive (as opposed to procedural) grounds—such as due to this amendment conflicting with some


16. A federal judge in Texas on Thursday ruled that the federal moratorium on evictions is Unconstitutional, according to court documents.


17. Definition of Unconstitutional in the dictionary


18. What does Unconstitutional mean? Information and translations of Unconstitutional in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


19. Republicans use ‘Unconstitutional’ in bad faith — and it’s dangerous for the pro-life movement

Use, Unconstitutional

20. Even at the state level, these mask mandates can often be proven Unconstitutional


21. Jensen, nonetheless, came to the conclusion that such a wealth tax would be Unconstitutional


22. STATE LAWS HELD Unconstitutional


23. And make no mistake: If the law in Gundy is Unconstitutional, then as Justice Kagan wrote, “most of government is Unconstitutional.” Alarmingly, a …


24. The court’s decision sets a critical precedent — the eviction moratorium imposed by the federal government is Unconstitutional


25. It is just flat-out Unconstitutional


26. Direct taxes on people or property: Unconstitutional unless apportioned by state population Direct taxes on income: now constitutional even without apportionment Indirect taxes on …

Unconstitutional, Unless

27. In his new book Unconstitutional, Roger Simmermaker explains how free trade policies were not only contrary to what our Founding Fathers had in mind but also why they are hurting our economy today.He clearly and strongly points out the utter fallacy and failure of “Free Trade”

Unconstitutional, Utter

28. 20 state AGs denounce Democrats' HR 1 as Unconstitutional "In other words, the goal is to censor those with whom the authors of the bill disagree," wrote the attorneys general.


29. A Japanese court has ruled that not allowing same-sex marriage is Unconstitutional, a landmark decision that could herald a new era for marriage equality in the country.


30. Unconstitutional is a movie about an extremely important topic


31. There is a clear next step in changing the Senate filibuster: Vice President Kamala Harris, as presiding officer of the Senate, can — and should — declare the current Senate filibuster rule Unconstitutional


32. A more appropriate name would be the “Keep The Democrats In Power Forever Act.” Among its other issues, the bill federalizes elections, which is Unconstitutional by usurping the states’ rights to …

Unconstitutional, Usurping

33. Unconstitutional pronunciation: uhn kan stih tu sh n l features: Word Parts

Unconstitutional, Uhn

34. In the United States, it is Unconstitutional for the government to limit free speech

United, Unconstitutional

35. In two cases nearly fifty years apart, the Court has suggested that these kinds of conditions can amount to Unconstitutional “coercion” on the states, but it has never actually had a case in which it found Congress violated the Constitution on that ground.


36. A New Jersey law that forbids nearly all public employees from living out of state unless they get a waiver is “Unconstitutional” and can not be used to fire a Somerville high school teacher

Unless, Unconstitutional, Used

37. Japan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By District Court Advocates hope the decision will set a precedent for marriage equality lawsuits now pending across the …


38. Unconstitutional definition: If something is Unconstitutional , it breaks the rules of a political system


39. Asa Hutchinson on Sunday admitted that the near-total abortion ban he signed into law earlier this month is Unconstitutional, but said the bill was designed to …


40. Example: An awful lot of people think the income tax as it applies to private-sector wage earners is illegal—even Unconstitutional—and they assume that if they can only come up with the right legal arguments, judges will strike down the tax and make America a free society once more.

Unconstitutional, Up

41. The Fleming case contests USDA’s use of Unconstitutional administrative law judges (ALJs) in a way that violates Article II of the U.S

Usda, Use, Unconstitutional

42. Supreme Court decision in a Louisiana case that determined such verdicts Unconstitutional.


43. Orange County’s Rene Plasencia was the only Republican to break ranks with his party and join the Democrats, one of whom called it “undoubtedly Unconstitutional.”

Undoubtedly, Unconstitutional

44. Translation for 'Unconstitutional' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.



UNCONSTITUTIONAL [ˌənˌkänstəˈt(y)o͞oSH(ə)n(ə)l]

unconstitutional (adjective)

  • not in accordance with a political constitution, especially the US Constitution, or with procedural rules.
Synonyms: autocratic . dictatorial . totalitarian . authoritarian . absolute . absolutist . arbitrary . undemocratic . antidemocratic . uncontrolled . unaccountable . summary . one-party . autarchic . monocratic . tyrannical . oppressive . tyrannous . repressive . harsh . ruthless . merciless . draconian . illiberal . domineering . imperious . arrogant . high-handed . democratic . accountable .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean when a law is unconstitutional?

Unconstitutional Law and Legal Definition. Unconstitutional refers to a government action which is in violation of the authority and rights defined and granted in the government's constitution. Most constitutions set forth the powers of governments, so that the constitution normally applies only to government actions.

What can the court declare as unconstitutional?

Actually, any Article III federal court (or state equivalent) can declare a law unconstitutional under the doctrine of judicial review if the law is relevant to a case before the Court and legitimately infringes on a person or entity's constitutional rights.

Who declares a law unconstitutional?

The process by which the U.S. judicial branch declares a law unconstitutional is called judicial review. The Constitution does not actually spell out the power of judicial review. Rather, it is known as an "implied power.".

What is an example of an unconstitutional act?

Some examples of unconstitutional actions can be: Actions by politician outside the powers of his constitutionally-established office; Actions on behalf of the government that prevents an individual from exercising constitutionally protected individual rights (such as the right to vote or to practice religion).