See also: Swamiji Swamis Swaminarayan Swamy Swamp Swami Swamped Swam Swampy Swamper Swamping Swampland Swamee
1. Swamiji, swami-ji, or swami ji is a variant of swami that is used as a direct form of address toward, or as a stand-in for the name of, a Hindu religious leader (and usually capitalized in such usage)
Swamiji, Swami, Stand, Such
2. Parthasarathy, popularly known as Swamiji, is a pre-eminent philosopher
Strong, Swamiji
3. In a life of selfless service over six decades, Swamiji’s exceptional contribution has been the translation of subtle philosophical themes into a practical technique of living.
Selfless, Service, Six, Strong, Swamiji, Subtle
4. A Swamiji is a mystic teacher, yogi or guru, and, in Hinduism, a religious teacher
Strong, Swamiji
5. Affectionately known as Swamiji, is the disciple and successor of Paramhans Swami Madhavanandaji
Strong, Swamiji, Successor, Swami
6. Swamiji was not just our spiritual leader but an inspiration to us all in the way he lived his life
Strong, Swamiji, Spiritual
7. HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam (lovingly known as “Swamiji”) is a world renowned spiritual leader whose mission is to spread Enlightenment and raise the consciousness of planet earth, and reproduce the same spiritual experience of Enlightenment which happened in him, in everybody
Swamiji, Spiritual, Spread, Same
8. Chandra Swamiji used to invest the money of the politicians in the stock market with the help of Harshad Mehta
Strong, Swamiji, Stock
9. TV channel of Yoga In Daily Life from
Strong, Swamiji
10. Swamiji was a Partner with a major management consulting firm in New York, and then led his own independent consulting practice, which included working with UNICEF on global reform for several years
Strong, Swamiji, Several
11. Swamiji’s lectures cover the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Shreemad Bhagwatam, Puranas, Bhagavad Geeta, Ramayan, & other Eastern scriptures and Western philosophies
Strong, Swamiji, Shreemad, Scriptures
12. Like the true Disciple of a true Master, Swamiji masterfully quotes from the scriptures of all the great religions, to satisfy even the most discerning of knowledge- seekers.
Strong, Swamiji, Scriptures, Satisfy, Seekers
13. Pujya Swamiji is President and Spiritual Head of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India, one of the largest interfaith, spiritual institutions in India
Swamiji, Spiritual
14. Swamiji’s Devotees Volunteer team is working on other cities for future trips too
Strong, Swamiji
15. Speeches of His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji and Pujya Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji
Speeches, Sri, Sachchidananda, Strong, Swamiji
16. On 19lh October, 1956, Swamiji left his mortal coil and merged in Baba
Strong, Swamiji
17. Swamiji’s relentless efforts in popularizing Baba, started bringing innumerable crowds to Shirdi to have darshan of Samadhi Mandir
Strong, Swamiji, Started, Shirdi, Samadhi
18. Swamiji was a blessed and saintly soul, who was thus mysteriously drawn to Samartha Sadguru Sai Baba.
Strong, Swamiji, Saintly, Soul, Samartha, Sadguru, Sai
19. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, Mysore, Karnataka
Sri, Sachchidananda, Strong, Swamiji
20. Sri Swamiji’s Music transcends from an age-old tradition of Indian musical system called “Raga
Sri, Strong, Swamiji, System
21. Sri Swamiji claims that " ragas are the unspoiled sounds of eternal nature, the soul of man and Paramatman
Sri, Strong, Swamiji, Sounds, Soul
22. " Sri Swamiji uses a synthesizer because this instrument can reproduce singly or in combination the sounds of more than 1,100 instruments.
Sri, Strong, Swamiji, Synthesizer, Singly, Sounds
23. The latest tweets from @AOLSwamiji
24. Swamiji sees his Guru within himself and throughout the world in all people and even inanamate objects
Strong, Swamiji, Sees
25. It is this Guru's vision for the world that Swamiji serves
Strong, Swamiji, Serves
26. Swamiji teaches his students to know his Guru, the true essence of all, by worshipping and serving the Lord in all things.
Strong, Swamiji, Students, Serving
27. At 92 years, Swamiji follows a daily schedule of yoga and jogging
Strong, Swamiji, Schedule
28. Above all, at 6 feet Swamiji has maintained a 32-inch waistline, 148 pound weight and ideal blood pressure and sugar levels for the past 66 years!
Strong, Swamiji, Sugar
29. Today I finished reading Swamiji
Strong, Swamiji
30. Definition of Swamiji in the dictionary
Strong, Swamiji
31. What does Swamiji mean? Information and translations of Swamiji in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
Strong, Swamiji
32. Swamiji TV or Yoga in Daily life is an online television channel about yoga, spirituality, and the purpose of life
Strong, Swamiji, Spirituality
33. 1 day ago · Swamiji is also a good singer and has lent voices for Bhajans and devotional songs
Strong, Swamiji, Singer, Songs
34. In an in-depth interview with Daijiworld editor-in-chief, Walter Nandalike on Daijiworld 247 channel's 'Yatishreshtaru' programme, Swamiji spoke recalled his spiritual …
Strong, Swamiji, Spoke, Spiritual
35. Siddeshwara Swamiji Biography Life: Shri Siddheshwar Swamiji was Born and raised in Bijjaragi, Tal /District of Vijayapura, Karnataka state.Which has always been known as the ‘Walking God of North Karnataka‘.At the age of 19, Shri Siddheshwar Swamiji wrote the book “Principle Shiromani” under the guidance of Shri Mallikarjun Swamiji.
Siddeshwara, Strong, Swamiji, Shri, Siddheshwar, State, Shiromani
36. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Founder Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham at Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashrama
Sri, Sachchidananda, Strong, Swamiji
37. HH Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji is an Indian erudite Vedic scholar
Strong, Swamiji, Scholar
38. Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji belongs to a highly esteemed line of monks of the followers of Sri Ramanujacharya.
Sri, Srimannarayana, Strong, Swamiji
39. Pramukh Swamiji, one of the most inspiring spiritual leaders of modern times and the fifth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, is the inheritor of a legacy of enlightened gurus that goes back to the early nineteenth century
Strong, Swamiji, Spiritual, Successor, Swaminarayan
40. Pramukh Swamiji became, through a chance meeting, friend to one of India's most eminent citizens, the eleventh
Strong, Swamiji
41. Pejawar Swamiji was born at Ramakunja to a Shivalli Madhwa Brahmin family on April 27, 1931
Strong, Swamiji, Shivalli
42. Swamiji had, however, little faith in politics since it often reduced men to brutes who ‘in the name of politics rob others and fatten themselves by sucking the very life blood of the masses‘.
Strong, Swamiji, Since, Sucking
43. Swamiji diligently attends discussions and programs of different faiths whenever physically possible
Strong, Swamiji
44. Studying different religious texts, to understand their messages and then explaining the parallels between them is a favorite task of Swamiji
Studying, Strong, Swamiji
45. Swamiji still encounters his other Gurus often and has had the blessing to meet with many great Saints
Strong, Swamiji, Still, Saints
46. Guru D akshinamurti is the teacher who guides, advises, and compels Swamiji's works today
Strong, Swamiji
47. Swamiji teaches his students to know the grace his Guru, the true essence of all, by worshiping and serving the Lord in all things.
Strong, Swamiji, Students, Serving
48. Respected Swamiji, My heartfelt wishes on your Birthday
Strong, Swamiji
49. May God and Guru continue to bless you, Swamiji, for being a daily part of my life, in the form of your wonderful inspirational words of wisdom, which have helped immensely to keep me focused on the Spiritual path/journey for several years now.
Strong, Swamiji, Spiritual, Several
50. Listen to Swamiji SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.
Strong, Swamiji, Soundcloud, , Sounds
51. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Swamiji on your desktop or …
Stream, Strong, Swamiji
A swamiji is a mystic teacher, yogi or guru, and, in Hinduism, a religious teacher. In Sanskrit, swami means “one who knows.”. This honorary title often refers to Swami Vivekananda who greatly influenced Indian history and Hinduism in the late 1800s.
A swamiji is a mystic teacher, yogi or guru, and, in Hinduism, a religious teacher. This honorary title often refers to Swami Vivekananda who greatly influenced Indian history and Hinduism in the late 1800s. In addition, Swami Mahamandaleshwar, who developed the “Yoga in Daily Life” practice, is referred to as Swamiji by spiritual devotees.
Definition of swami. 1 : a Hindu ascetic or religious teacher specifically : a senior member of a religious order —used as a title.
Swamiji famously said that in the West, the woman is treated as a wife while in the East she is treated as the mother. Indresh Kumar performed the stone breaking ceremony in Siem Reap for the 5th Dham along with His Holiness Gurujee Kumaran Swamiji. The Swamiji was not exactly a friend of the Christians, as he used to trouble them a lot.