Use Supervisorctl in a sentence

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See also: Supervisorial Supersede Superior Superfluous Superlative Supercilious Superficial Superb Superiority Supernova Supernatural Supervisor Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Superhuman Superstition Superstar Superego Supervising Superstructure Superabundance Superabundant Superintendent Superintendence Superannuated Supervise

1. The Supervisorctl executable may be invoked with “one time” commands when invoked with arguments from a command line

Strong, Supervisorctl

2. An example: Supervisorctl stop all

Strong, Supervisorctl, Stop

3. Supervisorctl - Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord

Strong, Supervisorctl, State, Supervisord

4. Community.general.Supervisorctl – Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord — Ansible Documentation community.general.Supervisorctl – Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord ¶

Supervisorctl, State, Supervisord

5. Supervisorctl - Supervisorctl Documentation Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems

Strong, Supervisorctl, Supervisor, Server, System, Systems

6. Supervisor/supervisor/ /Jump toCode definitions

Supervisor, Supervisorctl

7. """Supervisorctl -- control applications run by supervisord from the cmd line

Supervisorctl, Supervisord

8. Supervisorctl: it is the command-line client piece which provides a shell-like interface to the features provided by supervisord

Strong, Supervisorctl, Shell, Supervisord

9. Since Supervisorctl accepts multiple processes on the command line, you can take advantage of shell brace expansion (e.g

Since, Strong, Supervisorctl, Shell

10. In Bash) to control multiple processes: Supervisorctl restart process {1..4} is expanded by the shell into Supervisorctl restart process1 process2 process3 process4

Strong, Supervisorctl, Shell

11. When you run Supervisorctl it first searches for the config file located at /etc/supervisord.conf, if it's not present, it will search for the package's default file /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf this is the one systemd actually runs

Supervisorctl, Searches, Supervisord, Search, Supervisor, Systemd

12. “Supervisor” comes with configuration tool named “Supervisorctl” which basically allow us to configure,monitor, start and stop processes running under it

Supervisor, Supervisorctl, Start, Stop

13. Supervisorctl status will set exit code 3 any time a subprocess is in states.STOPPED_STATES

Supervisorctl, Status, Set, Subprocess, States

14. Note! Supervisorctl is still the recommended and official console application

Strong, Supervisorctl, Still

15. Supervisorctl is a simple CLI interface with decent built in help

Supervisorctl, Simple

16. Alternatively, the full path to the executable, sudo /usr/sbin/Supervisorctl should work

Sudo, Sbin, Strong, Supervisorctl, Should

17. Supervisord differs from Upstart in that it uses a main background daemon that does the work of starting processes and monitoring their status, along with a UNIX socket file used by the Supervisorctl command-line tool to talk to the main

Supervisord, Starting, Status, Socket, Strong, Supervisorctl

18. # read the new config $ sudo Supervisorctl reread # activate our configuration $ sudo Supervisorctl update # start queue command $ sudo Supervisorctl start laravel-worker:* # check the status of our new config $ sudo Supervisorctl status That is it, we are all setup with supervisor.

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Start, Status, Setup, Supervisor

19. If everything works right You may start the app without the sudo.-c flag may be needed with Supervisorctl as well if I remember correct, but I'm not sure its necessary.

Start, Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Sure

20. Supervisorctl -c /path/to/supervisord.conf I find it helpful to create an alias in my bash profile for those 2 commands above so that I don't have to manually type -c all the time.

Strong, Supervisorctl, Supervisord, So

21. Easy_install supervisor echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisord.conf supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf echo -e "\n[include]\nfiles = /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*" > /etc/supervisord.conf mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ Supervisorctl reload Supervisorctl reread Add suppervisord init script, to …

Supervisor, Supervisord, Strong, Supervisorctl, Suppervisord, Script

22. Sudo Supervisorctl reread sudo Supervisorctl update sudo Supervisorctl avail sudo Supervisorctl restart my_flask_api_app

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl

23. Sudo Supervisorctl restart todaysmeet-web A quick look through the docs didn’t reveal how to fix this (it’s there but not in a task-oriented, easy-to-find way) and a quick search of the web turned up something close to what I wanted, but not exactly

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Search, Something

24. In the Supervisorctl output above, example is the name of the group that has two running processes, which can be collectively adressed as example:

Strong, Supervisorctl

25. The stdout of child processes spawned by supervisor, by default, is captured for redisplay to users of Supervisorctl and other clients

Stdout, Spawned, Supervisor, Strong, Supervisorctl

26. How does `Supervisorctl tail` work, for a given process?, From the command line help ( Supervisorctl help tail ): tail [-f] [stdout stderr] (default stdout) Ex: tail -f Continuous tail of named So by default, the tail command tails the process stdout

Strong, Supervisorctl, Stdout, Stderr, So

27. Supervisorctl reread Supervisorctl update Supervisorctl start hello

Strong, Supervisorctl, Start

28. Sudo Supervisorctl restart ckan-uwsgi:* For full documentation of CKAN’s config file and all the options you can set, see Configuration Options

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Set, See

29. Sudo Supervisorctl stop all To start all the ERPNext processes, use: sudo Supervisorctl start all Setting Up SSL Using Let's Encrypt

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Stop, Start, Setting, Ssl

30. Supervisorctl stop groupworker: Restart all processes in group groupworker; Supervisorctl stop all: Stop all processes

Strong, Supervisorctl, Stop

31. Supervisorctl reload: Reload the latest configs

Strong, Supervisorctl

32. Supervisorctl update: Reload all the processes who’s config has changed.

Strong, Supervisorctl

33. The process control (Supervisorctl) works and management processes correctly, as well as control via web! Install as Windows service

Strong, Supervisorctl, Service

34. The Supervisorctl executable may be invoked with “one time” commands when invoked with arguments from a command line

Strong, Supervisorctl

35. An example: Supervisorctl stop all

Strong, Supervisorctl, Stop

36. Supervisorctl: The command-line client piece of the supervisor is named Supervisorctl

Strong, Supervisorctl, Supervisor

37. LMS - sudo /edx/bin/Supervisorctl restart lms; CMS - sudo /edx/bin/Supervisorctl restart cms; Workers - sudo /edx/bin/Supervisorctl restart edxapp_worker: (Note: the colon character : at the end of the line is mandatory!) Updating Versions using edX repos

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl

38. # read the new config $ sudo Supervisorctl reread # activate our configuration $ sudo Supervisorctl update # start queue command $ sudo Supervisorctl start laravel-worker:* # check the status of our new config $ sudo Supervisorctl status Additional Supervisor Command

Sudo, Strong, Supervisorctl, Start, Status, Supervisor



  • › Supervisorctl auto restart
  • › Supervisorctl restart all

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name supervisor mean?

Supervisor definition is - one that supervises; especially : an administrative officer in charge of a business, government, or school unit or operation. How to use supervisor in a sentence.

What is supervisor in Ubuntu?

Linux Guides Server Apps Ubuntu. Supervisor is a client/server system used to control a number of UNIX processes, more specifically processes related to a project or a customer. For example, you could use supervisor to spawn and monitor an arbitrary number of worker queues of your web application.

What is supervisor department?

Legal Definition of supervisor. : one that directs or oversees a person, group, department, organization, or operation specifically : the popularly elected chief administrative official of a township or other subdivision in some states of the U.S. Other Words from supervisor.

What is supervisor for kids?

Kids Definition of supervisor. 1 : a person who is in charge of others. 2 : an officer in charge of a unit or an operation of a business, government, or school.

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