See also: Suggestibility Suggest Suggestion Suggestive Suggested Suggestible Suggesting Suggestively Sagging
1. Suggestibility definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
Strong, Suggestibility, Synonyms
2. 1. Suggestibility - susceptibility or responsiveness to suggestion susceptibility, susceptibleness - the state of being susceptible; easily affected Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection
Strong, Suggestibility, Susceptibility, Suggestion, Susceptibleness, State, Susceptible
3. Psychology Definition of Suggestibility: 1
Strong, Suggestibility
4. Suggestibility refers to how susceptible we are to altering our behavior based on the suggestions of others
Strong, Suggestibility, Susceptible, Suggestions
5. Suggestibility is a scale that was earlier used to understand whether or not people were ‘ hypnotizable ’
Strong, Suggestibility, Scale
6. In the context of mental health treatment, Suggestibility refers to a client’s vulnerability to accepting information provided by a third party as true, regardless of its veracity
Strong, Suggestibility
7. The hyper- Suggestibility of recently traumatized individuals has provided an occasion for exercising political influence and manipulating loyalties
Strong, Suggestibility
8. Although hypnosis creates a state of Suggestibility, it does not weaken a person's will or control
State, Strong, Suggestibility
9. Our Suggestibility is simply how we take in information
Strong, Suggestibility, Simply
10. Depending on your individual Suggestibility type, suggestions are framed and presented to your subconscious mind in hypnosis in a way that they will be most effective
Strong, Suggestibility, Suggestions, Subconscious
11. What is the hypothesis relating to cognitive factors of Suggestibility by Wright and Loftus
Strong, Suggestibility
12. What is the theory by Reyna and Kiernan 1994 on cognitive factors of Suggestibility.
Strong, Suggestibility
13. Definition of Suggestibility in the dictionary
Strong, Suggestibility
14. What does Suggestibility mean? Information and translations of Suggestibility in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Strong, Suggestibility
15. Suggestibility has to do with how we take in information and interpret it
16. There are two primary types of Suggestibility
17. Suggestibility is a variable that researchers have the potential to address and manage, through introspection and planning
Strong, Suggestibility
18. Examples of how to use “Suggestibility” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs
Strong, Suggestibility, Sentence
19. Suggestibility describes the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories
Strong, Suggestibility, Sources
20. ‘The Suggestibility of and ease with which young children can be ‘coached’ has created an environment where children are often perceived as unreliable in their testimony.’ ‘Yet I suspect that all it is showing is the enormous Suggestibility of the human mind, and that common human desire to fit in.’
Strong, Suggestibility, Suspect, Showing
21. Suggestibility definition: a state, esp under hypnosis , in which a person will accept the suggestions of another Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Strong, Suggestibility, State, Suggestions
22. A new Suggestibility test, potentially useful in the context of police interrogation, was administered to 45 subjects who also completed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
Strong, Suggestibility, Subjects, Scale
23. Suggestibility was significantly related to low intelligence, poor memory recall, …
Strong, Suggestibility, Significantly
24. Synonyms for Suggestibility include impressionability, receptivity, credulity, credulousness, susceptibility, tractability, malleability, manipulability
Synonyms, Strong, Suggestibility, Susceptibility
25. Validity of a test of children's Suggestibility for predicting responses to two interview situations differing in their degree of suggestiveness
Suggestibility, Situations, Suggestiveness
26. Hull's work "Hypnosis and Suggestibility" was first published in 1933
Strong, Suggestibility
27. The Suggestibility scale we use at Morpheus Hypnosis is the Harry Arons depth scale, which can be used to not only determine a person’s Suggestibility but their level of hypnotic depth after the induction
Strong, Suggestibility, Scale
28. Introduction to Hypnotic Suggestibility Since 1968, when HMI’s College of Hypnotherapy under the direction of Dr
Strong, Suggestibility, Since
29. John Kappas, recognized the existence of two distinct types of Hypnotic Suggestibility – “Emotional and Physical” – a new Hypnotic world has been revealed.
Strong, Suggestibility
30. Medical definition of Suggestibility: the quality or state of being suggestible : susceptibility to suggestion.
Strong, Suggestibility, State, Suggestible, Susceptibility, Suggestion
31. Children’s memory and Suggestibility Allegations of child physical abuse and child sexual abuse are serious matters requiring skillful, methodical investigation
Strong, Suggestibility, Sexual, Serious, Skillful
32. Suggestibility tests to gauge how well a person may respond to hypnosis can take on many forms
Strong, Suggestibility
33. Most Suggestibility tests will involve some sort of physical movement, while …
Strong, Suggestibility, Some, Sort
34. A recent study found that LSD increases Suggestibility
Study, Strong, Suggestibility
35. A new Suggestibility test, potentially useful in the context of police interrogation, was administered to 45 subjects who also completed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
Strong, Suggestibility, Subjects, Scale
36. Suggestibility was significantly related to low intelligence, poor memory recall, neuroticism and social desirability.
Strong, Suggestibility, Significantly, Social
37. Suggestibility was related to number and severity of reported symptoms, as well as the inability to inhibit the automatic processing of information
Strong, Suggestibility, Severity, Symptoms
38. Attempts to isolate a global trait of "Suggestibility" have not been successful, due to an inability of the available testing procedures to distinguish measurable differences between the following
Strong, Suggestibility, Successful
39. Interrogative Suggestibility (IS) describes the extent to which an individual behavioral response is affected by messages communicated during formal questioning within a closed social interaction
Strong, Suggestibility, Social
40. The completion of the E&P Suggestibility Questionnaire will provide a snapshot of your Hypnotic Suggestibility type
Strong, Suggestibility, Snapshot
41. This information provides your Hypnotherapist with valuable information that will allow them to maximize the results of your hypnosis sessions by tailoring hypnotic suggestions to fit your personalized Suggestibility type.
Sessions, Suggestions, Strong, Suggestibility
42. Our research extends studies that have examined the relation between hypnotic Suggestibility and experiential involvement and the role of an hypnotic induction in enhancing experiential involvement (e.g., absorption) in engaging tasks
Studies, Strong, Suggestibility
43. ‘The Suggestibility of and ease with which young children can be ‘coached’ has created an environment where children are often perceived as unreliable in their testimony.’ ‘Yet I suspect that all it is showing is the enormous Suggestibility of the human mind, and that common human desire to fit in.’
Strong, Suggestibility, Suspect, Showing
44. Suggestibility is the attribute, the very essence of the subWaking, reflex consciousness." (27) Suggestibility in the normal and abnormal state
Strong, Suggestibility, Subwaking, State
45. Regarding the positive correlation between conscientiousness and increases in Suggestibility, the authors speculated that conscientiousness is a form of …
Strong, Suggestibility, Speculated
46. Nature of Suggestibility: Suggestibility is the extent to which a person can be suggested
Strong, Suggestibility, Suggested
47. Suggestibility can be measured by conducting an experiment.
Strong, Suggestibility
48. The Gudjonsson Suggestibility scale (GSS) is a psychological test that measures Suggestibility of a subject
Strong, Suggestibility, Scale, Subject
49. Variation of information in the firing rate of neural population, as reflected in different frequency bands of electroencephalographic (EEG) time series, provides direct evidence for change in neural responses of the brain to hypnotic Suggestibility
Series, Strong, Suggestibility
50. Suggestibility in Children's Testimony: Implications for Sexual Abuse Investigations —Gail S
Strong, Suggestibility, Sexual
51. Commentary: Sexual Abuse and Suggestibility —Lucy S
Sexual, Strong, Suggestibility
SUGGESTIBILITY [sə(ɡ)ˌjestəˈbilədē]
Dr. John Kappas (1925–2002) identified three different types of suggestibility in his lifetime that have improved hypnosis: Emotional suggestibility – A suggestible behavior characterized by a high degree of responsiveness to inferred suggestions that affect emotions and restrict physical body responses; usually associated with hypnoidal depth.
Definition of suggestible : easily influenced by suggestion : likely to believe that what someone says is true or may be true : easily influenced : easily influenced by suggestion a suggestible hypnotic subject
Examples of suggestible in a Sentence. The patient was highly suggestible. People who are overly suggestible, isolated and angry, based on their social and environmental circumstances may get attracted to dangerous ideologies, or join a criminal group or cult.
However, suggestibility can also be seen in extremes, resulting in negative consequences: A witness' testimony is altered because the police or attorneys make suggestions during the interview, which causes their already uncertain observations to become distorted memories.