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See also: Stoning Stunning Stonking Storing Stones Stowing Stoving Stunningly Stone Stonewalling Stony Stoned Stoner Stock Stonewalled Stony-hearted Stoney Stony-faced Stono

1. The Stoning is meant to be a slow, painful, and deliberate death

Strong, Stoning, Slow

2. In the Muslim world, Stoning is a relatively rare means of punishing those who commit adultery (zina al-mohsena) under Islamic Law

Strong, Stoning

3. Answer: Stoning is a method of execution during which a group of people, usually peers of the guilty party, throws stones at the condemned person until he or she dies

Strong, Stoning, Stones, She

4. Death by Stoning was prescribed in the Old Testament Law as a punishment for various sins.

Strong, Stoning, Sins

5. Kunduz province, where the Stoning took place, is one of the primary economic hubs in northern Afghanistan and was one of the safest areas in the country

Strong, Stoning, Safest

6. A: Stoning (also called lapidation) was a brutal and gruesome way to die

Strong, Stoning

7. Stoning is still being done, even today in parts of the world, by the Muslims but no longer by Jews

Strong, Stoning, Still

8. A video posted on the Internet shows the Stoning of a woman accused of adultery in the Hama area in Syria

Shows, Strong, Stoning, Syria

9. The Stoning of Stephen - When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him

Strong, Stoning, Stephen, Sanhedrin

10. SUDAN: Stoning is a legal form of punishment for adultery under the 1991 penal code

Sudan, Strong, Stoning

11. Two young women, Laila Ibrahim Issa Jamool and Intisar Sharif Abdallah , were sentenced to Stoning

Sharif, Sentenced, Strong, Stoning

12. Definition Stoning to death (رجم Rajm), according to traditional interpretations of Islamic law, is primarily a punishment for persons who engage in unlawful sexual relations (which include homosexual relationships), and is one example of abrogation (naskh) being applied to Qur'anic text.

Strong, Stoning, Sexual

13. Rajm (Arabic: رجم ‎; meaning Stoning) in Islam refers to the Hudud punishment wherein an organized group throws stones at a convicted individual until that person dies

Stoning, Stones

14. Iran Infuriated By Film Of Woman's Stoningsource: film portraying the real-life Stoning of an Iranian woman is

Stoningsource, Strong, Stoning

15. Stoning - the act of pelting with stones; punishment inflicted by throwing stones at the victim (even unto death)

Stoning, Stones

16. Stoning is a form of capital punishment and it is still used today in some places

Stoning, Still, Some

17. While Stoning does seem harsh it helped prevent a lot of crimes and evilness.

Stoning, Seem

18. They went on Stoning Stephen as he called on the Lord and said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!” More verses: Joshua 7:25 2 Chronicles 24:21 John 10:31 The Nation » Stoning » Laws concerning

Strong, Stoning, Stephen, Said, Spirit

19. In early Bible history, Stoning was the Israelite method of executing those found guilty of the most serious offenses against the law

Strong, Stoning, Serious

20. The condemned individual was restrained by some means, ranging from being thrown before the Stoning from an elevation of some sort that caused incapacitating injury, to being tied

Some, Strong, Stoning, Sort

21. Stoning (רָגַם, H8083, to stone, kill by Stoning; סָקַל, H6232, stone, put to death by Stoning; NT λιθοβολέω, G3344, throw stones at, stone to death; λιθάζω, G3342, stone someone; καταλιθάζω, G2902, stone someone to death).The act of throwing stones at someone, often a means of capital punishment

Strong, Stoning, Stone, Stones, Someone

22. Stoning A form of capital punishment in which the criminal is pelted with stones until dead

Stoning, Stones

23. In Judaism and Muslim cultures, Stoning is administered as atonement for sins such as adultery, murder, and prostitution

Stoning, Sins, Such

24. "there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then Stoning (to death)."


25. The Stoning is just the most recent in a string of public punishments in Ghor that have sparked outrage

Strong, Stoning, String, Sparked

26. Stoning Stoning or petrification is the process of a character turning to stone

Stoning, Stone

27. Stoning resistance can not be gained by external means but only by polymorphing into an intrinsically Stoning resistant monster.


28. Get to know the Bible Verses About Stoning Adulterers.Cheating by a spouse is referred to as adultery

Strong, Stoning, Spouse

29. The Stoning comes months after a woman was brutally killed by a mob in Kabul

Strong, Stoning

30. What does the Bible say about Stoning? Discover the top Bible verses about Stoning from the Old and New Testaments

Say, Strong, Stoning

31. Read through the biblical references of Stoning to learn more about its meaning and significance

Strong, Stoning, Significance

32. Iran appears to have backed down over the Stoning of a woman for adultery amid an international outcry, putting the whole issue of Stoning as a …

Strong, Stoning

33. The plight of the two women is added to that of Leila Jamul, a 23-year-old Sudanese woman who was sentenced last July to death by Stoning for adultery

Sudanese, Sentenced, Strong, Stoning

34. Though prohibited by law, Stoning can be sanctioned by the all-male religious authorities to punish a woman deemed unfaithful to her husband

Stoning, Sanctioned

35. After being raped she is sentenced to death by Stoning.

She, Sentenced, Strong, Stoning

36. Stoning to death is a religiously stipulated punishment for adultery under Sharia law, however it is rare for judges to hand this sentence down

Strong, Stoning, Stipulated, Sharia, Sentence

37. In The Stoning of Soraya M., the point of the project--to bring a heinous cultural practice to light--drowns out all other concerns

Stoning, Soraya

38. The Bible does not instruct parents to use Stoning in dealing with the rebellious nature and disobedience of their children, but to use the rod and reproof (Pr

Strong, Stoning

39. In fact, according to a recent fatwa, merely denying that adultery is appropriate grouds for Stoning adulterers is a sign of apostasy

Strong, Stoning, Sign

40. One strategy of the apologists is to claim that Stoning was not practiced as much during the middle period between the "time of Muhammad" and the last century

Strategy, Strong, Stoning

41. The Bible prescribes capital punishment for a variety of actions; Stoning was one way of accomplishing capital punishment

Strong, Stoning

42. Template:Capital punishment Stoning, or lapidation, is a form of capital punishment whereby a group throws stones at a person until the person dies

Strong, Stoning, Stones

43. This is in contrast to the case of a judicial executioner.Stoning is slower than other forms of execution, and hence is a form of execution by torture.

Strong, Stoning, Slower

44. Transcript for Video Of Fatal Stoning In Afghanistan

Strong, Stoning

45. And those Stoning her will be happy because they are carrying out God's will.'' Sa'id was a member of the committee that drafted Sokoto's new …

Strong, Stoning, Sa, Sokoto

46. Stoning to death which was at first an expression of popular fury analogous to "lynching", later came to be a natural and legally recognized method of execution

Strong, Stoning

47. Consider Harris’s example of Stoning adulterers, found in Deuteronomy 22:22: “If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die

Strong, Stoning, Sleeping, Slept

48. Stoning or petrification is the process of a character turning to stone

Strong, Stoning, Stone

49. In vanilla, Stoning resistance can only be gained by polymorphing into an intrinsically Stoning resistant monster, not by any other means (such as equipment or eating corpses)

Strong, Stoning, Such

50. Rajm, (Arabic: “Stoning”) also called rāmī al-jamarāt (Arabic: “throwing small stones”) or Stoning of the Devil, in Islam, ritual Stoning as a punishment, especially as prescribed for fornication.The term also refers to the ritual casting of stones at the Devil during the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).That particular rite co-occurs with Eid al-Adha, the Muslim festival commemorating

Strong, Stoning, Small, Stones

51. The Stoning of Stephen was a turning point in the history of the early church: Prior to that, the church functioned as part of Judaism, Christians lived practically as Jews and the church was confined to Jerusalem

Strong, Stoning, Stephen

52. A harsh new criminal law in Brunei — which includes death by Stoning for sex between men or for adultery, and amputation of limbs for theft — went into effect on Wednesday, despite an

Strong, Stoning, Sex

53. The Stoning took place in 1986, after the Islamic Revolution

Strong, Stoning



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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of stoning?

stoning - the act of pelting with stones; punishment inflicted by throwing stones at the victim (even unto death) lapidation. corporal punishment - the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime.

What does death by stoning mean?

Answer: Stoning is a method of execution during which a group of people, usually peers of the guilty party, throws stones at the condemned person until he or she dies. Death by stoning was prescribed in the Old Testament Law as a punishment for various sins.

What is public stoning?

A map showing countries where public stoning is a judicial or extrajudicial form of punishment, as of 2013. Rajm ( رجم) is an Arabic word that means " stoning ". It is commonly used to refer to the Hudud punishment wherein an organized group throws stones at a convicted individual until that person dies.

Is stoning legal?

Even though stoning is not legal, it will likely continue to happen unofficially. If the public outcry is loud enough, these punishments can be prevented. Learn more about it. Read the stories online, share them on social media and let your voice be heard. The petition on to “End Stoning Now” has accumulated nearly 12,000 signatures.

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