See also: Steadiness Coefficient Steadfast Steal Steady Stealth Stear Steam Stealthy Steadily Stealing Steadfastness Steampunk Steak Steatosis Stealthily Steamy Steatorrhea
1. Synonyms for Steadinesses in Free Thesaurus
Synonyms, Strong, Steadinesses
2. The Crossword Solver found 22 answers to the Steadinesses crossword clue
Solver, Strong, Steadinesses
3. Antonyms for Steadinesses include capriciousness, changeabilities, ficklenesses, instabilities, mutabilities, unpredictabilities, unSteadinesses, variabilities
Strong, Steadinesses
4. Looking for Steadinesses? Find out information about Steadinesses
Strong, Steadinesses
5. Persistence McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Explanation of Steadinesses
Scientific, Strong, Steadinesses
6. Steadinesses Total Number of words made out of Steadinesses = 402 Steadinesses is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 13 points.Steadinesses is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 14 points
Strong, Steadinesses, Scrabble
7. Steadinesses is a 12 letter long Word starting with S and ending with S
Strong, Steadinesses, Starting
8. 11 letter Words made out of Steadinesses
Strong, Steadinesses
9. Three Steadinesses of good womanhood: keeping a steady tongue; a steady chastity; a steady housewifery
Strong, Steadinesses, Steady
10. Steadinesses: steading : steadings
Strong, Steadinesses, Steading, Steadings
11. Three Steadinesses of good womanhood: keeping a steady tongue; a steady chastity; a steady housewifery
Strong, Steadinesses, Steady
12. UnSteadinesses Total Number of words made out of UnSteadinesses = 686 UnSteadinesses is a 14 letter long Word starting with U and ending with S
13. Steadinesses steading steadings steads steady steady-going: Literary usage of Steadfastness
Strong, Steadinesses, Steading, Steadings, Steads, Steady, Steadfastness
14. I had it on the highway at about 80mph -- a little more weight would probably provide more Steadinesses, but I kept up with traffic without vibration
Strong, Steadinesses
15. The longer barrel also adds weight to the front of the gun, thereby giving you more Steadinesses when you are aiming the gun
Strong, Steadinesses
16. Steadinesses steading steadings steads steady: Literary usage of Steadfastly
Strong, Steadinesses, Steading, Steadings, Steads, Steady, Steadfastly
STEADINESSES [ˈstedēnəs]
adjective, stead·i·er, stead·i·est. firmly placed or fixed; stable in position or equilibrium: a steady ladder. even or regular in movement: the steady swing of the pendulum.
Definition of steady. (Entry 1 of 4) 1a : direct or sure in movement : unfaltering a steady hand. b : firm in position : fixed held the pole steady. c : keeping nearly upright in a seaway a steady ship.
sted, n. the place which another had or might have: a fixed place of abode: use, help, service, as in 'To stand in good stead.'— n. Steading, the barns, stables, &c. of a farm. [A.S. stede, place; Ger. stadt, statt, place, Dut. stad, a town.]