Use Stave off in a sentence

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See also: Stave Stave-off To Staving Staved Staves Staver Off

1. Stave off: See: avert , contain , defer , delay , deter , dissuade , forestall , hold up , parry , postpone , prevent , procrastinate , repel , restrain , thwart

Stave, See

2. Stave off To defend against or keep someone or something at bay; to delay something

Stave, Someone, Something

3. A noun or pronoun can be used between "stave" and "off." He's been trying to scrounge up money so that he can Stave off his creditors for a while longer

Stave, Scrounge, So

4. 14 synonyms of Stave off from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 60 related words, definitions, and antonyms

Synonyms, Stave, Strong

5. Find another word for Stave off


6. Stave off definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation

Stave, Synonyms

7. Find 5 ways to say Stave off, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Say, Stave, Sentences

8. Stave off means to ward off, to avert something, to hold something at bay.For instance, one may ingest vitamin C to Stave off a cold, or one may avoid answering the telephone to Stave off creditors.The idiom Stave off contains an archaic use of the word stave.Today, the word stave is primarily used as a noun to mean the slats around a wooden barrel

Stave, Something, Slats

9. Synonyms for Stave off include repulse, repel, rebut, fend off, beat off, turn away, turn back, ward off, hold off and keep at bay

Synonyms, Stave

10. We have solved Stave off crossword clue

Solved, Stave

11. That’s why it is okay to check your progress from time to time and the best way Continue reading ‘Stave off crossword clue’ »


12. At Stave off, we believe that movement is medicine and have an exercise-focus


13. Stave off - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


14. Definition of Stave off in the dictionary

Stave, Strong

15. What does Stave off mean? Information and translations of Stave off in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions

Stave, Strong

16. Stave off: 1 v prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening Synonyms: avert , avoid , debar , deflect , fend off , forefend , forfend , head off , obviate , ward

Stave, Synonyms

17. To Stave off the ennui as I do my pain, I've started to go through my old video collection

Stave, Started

18. The city, hoping to Stave off a touchy situation, tested the water, which turned out to be harmless

Stave, Situation

19. For a while, I shaved my bikini line along with my legs and armpits, mostly to Stave off

Shaved, Stave

20. Stave off A transitive verb phrase is a phrase that combines a verb with a preposition or other particle and requires a direct object (e.g


21. Stave off is a crossword puzzle clue


22. Stave off is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times

Stave, Spotted

23. Stave off something/someone definition: to prevent something, or prevent someone from doing something, esp

Stave, Strong, Something, Someone

24. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English stave something off phrasal verb (past tense and past participle staved) PREVENT to keep someone or something from reaching you or affecting you for a period of time She brought some fruit on the journey to Stave off hunger

Strong, Stave, Something, Staved, Someone, She, Some

25. → stave → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus Stave off

Stave, See

26. Stave off definition: If you Stave off something bad, or if you stave it off , you succeed in stopping it Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Stave, Something, Succeed, Stopping

27. Another word for Stave off: hold off, avert, ward off, parry, evade Collins English Thesaurus


28. Synonyms for Stave off in Free Thesaurus

Synonyms, Stave

29. 18 synonyms for Stave off: hold off, avert, ward off, parry, evade, fend off, keep at bay, keep at arm's length, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off

Synonyms, Stave

30. What are synonyms for Stave off?

Synonyms, Stave

31. Spices are laden with anti-microbial properties which Stave off bacterial and fungal infections.: Les épices sont chargés de propriétés anti-microbiennes qui Conjurer les infections bactériennes et fongiques.: Both fiscal and monetary policies must be used actively to Stave off prolonged stagnation.: Aussi bien les politiques budgétaires que les politiques monétaires doivent être

Spices, Stave, Sont, Stagnation

32. (idiomatic) to prevent something from happening; to obviate or avert He drank plenty of orange juice, hoping to Stave off the cold making the rounds at the office

Something, Stave

33. ?, Alfred Tennyson, Geraint and Enid And answered with such craft as women use, / Guilty or guiltless, to Stave off a chance / That breaks upon them perilously

Such, Stave

34. I will do my best to Stave off his participation


35. In a desperate attempt to Stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution


36. She brought some fruit on the journey to Stave off hunger

She, Some, Stave

37. Find 5 ways to say Stave off, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Say, Stave, Sentences

38. The problem is also taking on board the need to Stave off the rebound effect whereby energy savings, which bring about an immediate increase in the public's purchasing power, are used to finance further consumption

Stave, Savings

39. A contrite heart and ten nobles to holy mother Church may Stave off perdition; but he hath a pardon of the first degree, with a twenty-five livre benison, so that I doubt if he will so much as feel a twinge of purgatory

Stave, So

40. Definition of Stave off in the dictionary

Stave, Strong

41. What does Stave off mean? Information and translations of Stave off in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions

Stave, Strong

42. Stave off "Strength Training, Aging, Vitality and Energy" Providing you with resources to keep fit & healthy through the best years

Stave, Strength

43. Stave off "Strength Training, Aging, Vitality and Energy" Providing you with resources to keep fit & healthy through the best

Stave, Strength

44. We should Stave off encroachment by other bodies on the issues of the General Assembly

Should, Stave

45. Stave off (1620s), however, is literally "keep off with a staff," as of one …

Stave, Staff

46. Should scientists artificially cool the planet to Stave off climate catastrophe? Here's everything you need to know: What is geoengineering? Some …

Should, Scientists, Stave, Some

47. House Moves To Stave off Automatic Medicare Cuts Triggered By Deficit


48. Stave off is a Brewmaster monk artifact trait


49. 2 days ago · One Thousand Museum developers score $90M refi to Stave off foreclosure Reuben Brothers filed foreclosure lawsuit on March 3rd

Score, Stave

50. 1 day ago · Mayoral candidate Echohawk calls for ’emergency action’ to Stave off sweep in ‘growing crisis around the homeless tent encampment at Miller Playfield’ Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - …

Stave, Sweep

51. COVID-19 Relief Bill Could Stave off Historic Wave Of Evictions A rental assistance program in the bill is key for helping millions of struggling renters at risk of losing their homes in the

Stave, Struggling

52. 1 day ago · Common cold infections could help Stave off coronavirus infections - study The researchers recreated controlled coronavirus infections within a lab-based environment.

Stave, Study

53. To Stave off digital threats, you have to take practical steps to revamp traditional financial customer experiences

Stave, Steps


STAVE OFF [stave off]

  • › Stave off in a sentence

Frequently Asked Questions

What does stave off inflation mean?

Despite the enemy sentries, he made a dash for the stream. The lost hiker could not stave off her hunger any longer. Keep or hold away, repel, as in The Federal Reserve Board is determined to stave off inflation. This metaphoric expression transfers beating something off with a staff or stave to nonphysical repulsion. [c. 1600]

What does it mean to stave off something?

stave off. To defend against or keep someone or something at bay; to delay something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "stave" and "off.". He's been trying to scrounge up money so that he can stave off his creditors for a while longer.

What does stave STH mean?

stave sth/sb off. › to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily:

What does staved mean?

verb (used with object), staved or stove, stav·ing. to break in a stave or staves of (a cask or barrel) so as to release the wine, liquor, or other contents.

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