Use Statutory in a sentence

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See also: Statutory State Static Statistics Status Stature Statute Stationary Statement Stationery Stated Stat Statue Stately Compact Thesis Mission Socioeconomic Descriptive Does Income

1. Statutory definition is - of or relating to statutes

Strong, Statutory, Statutes

2. How to use Statutory in a sentence.

Strong, Statutory, Sentence

3. Statutory duty / obligations / responsibilities When managing agents are dealing with other people's money, it is vital that this is covered by Statutory regulation

Strong, Statutory

4. Unions want a Statutory right to time off for training

Strong, Statutory

5. The Board of Management will submit the annual Statutory

Submit, Strong, Statutory

6. A Statutory penalty, for example, is punishment in the form of a fine, prison sentence, or both, that is imposed against an offender for committing some Statutory violation.

Strong, Statutory, Sentence, Some

7. Statutory powers were obtained for the provision of hospitals in the Metropolis by combinations of boards of guardians

Strong, Statutory

8. ENGLISH POOR LAW POLICY SIDNEY WEBB The foregoing rules with the table were laid before Parliament in the usual way, and so received the required Statutory sanction

Sidney, So, Strong, Statutory, Sanction

9. A Statutory employee is an independent contractor that is treated as an employee for tax withholding purposes if they meet certain conditions

Strong, Statutory

10. Statutory voting is a corporate voting procedure in which each shareholder is entitled to one vote per share and votes must be divided evenly among the candidates or issues being voted on.

Strong, Statutory, Shareholder, Share

11. The Statutory employee must also pay their own federal and state income taxes

Strong, Statutory, State

12. Statutory employees who must pay income taxes and their share of FICA taxes individually may need to make quarterly estimated tax payments during the year, to avoid penalties for underpayment of taxes.

Strong, Statutory, Share

13. Statutory Law is the term used to define written laws, usually enacted by a legislative body

Strong, Statutory

14. Statutory laws vary from regulatory or administrative laws that are passed by executive agencies, and common law, or the law created by prior court decisions.

Strong, Statutory

15. Statutory and nonStatutory apply disciplines other than law

Strong, Statutory

16. One example that shows the difference between Statutory and nonStatutory is the benefits supplied to employees through employers

Shows, Strong, Statutory, Supplied

17. Statutory means relating to rules or laws which have been formally written down.

Strong, Statutory

18. If something is Statutory, it is related to or set by laws or statutes

Something, Statutory, Set, Statutes

19. Statutory restrictions on air pollution require drivers to have the emissions from their cars checked every few years


20. You might wonder what the difference is between Statutory and legal


21. Save Word Definition of Statutory tenant : a tenant whose tenancy has expired under the ordinary rules of law but who has rights by statute to pay rent and continue in occupation under rent control or other emergency legislation

Save, Statutory, Statute

22. Statutory requirement means any act of parliament, any instrument, rule or order made under any act of parliament and any regulation or by-law of any local authority or of any Statutory Undertaker which has jurisdiction with regard to the design works or with whose systems the same are or will be connected including any Statutory provisions and any decisions of a relevant authority under the

Strong, Statutory, Systems, Same

23. What does Statutory mean? The definition of Statutory is something mandated by or related to statutes, which are laws or bills passed by the legis

Strong, Statutory, Something, Statutes

24. Statutory - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions

Strong, Statutory, Spanish

25. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Statutory adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (of statutes) reglamentario/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande", "mujer alta").

Strong, Statutory, Statutes, Sustantivo, Ser

26. Statutory accounts – also known as annual accounts – are a set of financial reports prepared at the end of each financial year

Statutory, Set

27. In the UK, all private limited companies are required to prepare Statutory accounts


28. Speed-up your Statutory accounts with automatic financial reports in Debitoor

Speed, Statutory

29. Statutory: Created, defined, or relating to a statute; required by statute; conforming to a statute

Strong, Statutory, Statute

30. A Statutory penalty, for example, is punishment in the form of a fine, prison sentence, or both, that is imposed against an offender for committing some Statutory violation.

Strong, Statutory, Sentence, Some

31. Statutory law or statute law is written law passed by a body of legislature

Strong, Statutory, Statute

32. In common law jurisdictions, Statutory rape is nonforcible sexual activity in which one of the individuals is below the age of consent (the age required to legally consent to the behavior)

Strong, Statutory, Sexual

33. Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sexual contact with minors under the age of consent, it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term Statutory rape in the language of

Sexual, Strong, Statutory

34. ‘The regulatory and Statutory requirement to report adverse patient experiences has always been resisted.’ ‘These may relate to certain regulatory requirements, Statutory charges, access to finance, or other parameters.’ ‘The merged body does not have new powers and leaves the existing Statutory basis of regulation unchanged.’

Strong, Statutory

35. If the Statutory holiday falls on a rest day, a holiday should be granted on the day following the rest day which is not a Statutory holiday or an alternative holiday or a substituted holiday or a rest day

Strong, Statutory, Should, Substituted

36. Statutory accounting should be reasonably conservative over the span of economic cycles and in recognition of the primary responsibility to regulate for financial solvency

Strong, Statutory, Should, Span, Solvency

37. Statutory meeting junta (f) ordinaria 2 (token) I was the Statutory woman on the committee yo tan solo estaba en el comité porque la ley exigía que hubiese una mujer

Strong, Statutory, Solo

38. Statutory rape is a crime that involves sexual contact with a person who is under an age specified by law, commonly referred to as the “age of consent.” Most states no longer refer to this crime as Statutory rape

Strong, Statutory, Sexual, Specified, States

39. A Statutory deed generally is a deed whose format is defined by a state statute

Strong, Statutory, State, Statute

40. The following is an example of a state statute dealing with Statutory deeds: 93.850

State, Statute, Strong, Statutory

41. Definition of Statutory (adjective): controlled by a law or statute

Strong, Statutory, Statute

42. Definition and synonyms of Statutory from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

Synonyms, Strong, Statutory

43. This is the British English definition of Statutory.View American English definition of Statutory.

Strong, Statutory

44. Statutory requirement definition: A requirement is a quality or qualification that you must have in order to be allowed to Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Strong, Statutory

45. Statutory liens do not result from a court case

Strong, Statutory

46. The classic example of a Statutory lien is a mechanic's lien, also called builder's lien.

Strong, Statutory

47. The Statutory audit increases the authenticity and credibility of financial statements, as an independent party is verifying the financial statements of the company

Strong, Statutory, Statements

48. Statutory law in the United States consists of the laws passed by the legislature

Strong, Statutory, States

49. For the federal government, then, the Statutory law is the acts passed by the United States Congress

Strong, Statutory, States

50. Statutory rights of an employee include protection from unfair dismissal and from discrimination in the work place

Strong, Statutory

51. Statutory rights often apply to aspects of life in which citizens must enter into a contractual agreements with one another.

Strong, Statutory

52. Statutory adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (of statutes) θεσμικός επίθ επίθετο : Περιγράφει το ουσιαστικό που συνοδεύει, π.χ

Strong, Statutory, Statutes

53. Relatedly, public disclosures, such as trade show exhibits, industry publications, press releases and Kickstarter campaigns, may also trigger Statutory bars, and care should be exercised to ensure all patent applications are filed within the applicable grace period.

Such, Show, Strong, Statutory, Should

54. Penal Code 261.5 PC – Statutory Rape.In California, the crime of Statutory rape occurs when any person engages in unlawful sex with a minor under 18 years of age, to whom the defendant is not married, regardless of whether the sex was consensual or even initiated by the minor

Strong, Statutory, Sex

55. If workers are independent contractors under the common law rules, such workers may nevertheless be treated as employees by statute (Statutory employees) for certain employment tax purposes if they fall within any one of the following four categories and meet the three conditions described under Social Security and Medicare taxes, below.

Such, Statute, Strong, Statutory, Social, Security

56. Understanding Statutory Durable Power of Attorneys

Strong, Statutory

57. A Statutory power of attorney is a legal document that was created by statute (law)

Strong, Statutory, Statute

58. A Statutory audit is an examination of an entity's financial records in accordance with the requirements of a government agency

Strong, Statutory

59. A number of organizations must undergo Statutory audits, including banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, and municipalities

Strong, Statutory

60. These entities must undergo Statutory audits because they are subject to a certain

Strong, Statutory, Subject

61. Statutory Guidance means any code or guidance issued by the Authority under the Act that makes provision about the terms and conditions of an agreement for the performance of duties under sections 66A, 66B or 66C of the Water Industry Act 1991 in relation to the introduction of water by a Licensee in accordance with its water supply licence.

Strong, Statutory, Sections, Supply

62. Definition of Statutory in the dictionary

Strong, Statutory

63. What does Statutory mean? Information and translations of Statutory in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Strong, Statutory

64. Statutory will forms are most useful for those who want or need a very simple, straightforward will

Strong, Statutory, Simple, Straightforward

65. The state legislatures who have created Statutory wills did so to provide a no-cost estate planning tool that anyone can use

State, Strong, Statutory, So

66. The quality of your global Statutory reporting data is critical, as is selecting the right technology provider

Strong, Statutory, Selecting


STATUTORY [ˈstaCHəˌtôrē]

  • › Define statutory law in healthcare
  • › Example of a statutory law

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of statutory?

Definition of statutory. 1 : of or relating to statutes. 2 : enacted, created, or regulated by statute a statutory age limit.

What does statutory interpretation mean?

Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation. Some amount of interpretation is always necessary when a case involves a statute. Sometimes the words of a statute have a plain and straightforward meaning.

What are some examples of statutory law?

Some specific examples of statutes would be:

  • The entire U.S. Tax Code
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act
  • The Sherman Antitrust Act

What does statuary mean?

Statuary is a group of statues or sculptures. Statues are loosely defined as being life-size or nearly life-size likenesses of people or animals. Hand-held and small sculptures aren't statues, but rather are statuettes or figurines.

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