Use Statement of account in a sentence

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See also: Statement Income Account Of Net Financial State Static Status Statistics Statute Stature Statutory Stationary Stationery Stat Statue Stated Compact Thesis Mission Socioeconomic Nation Descriptive Does

1. A Statement of account is a detailed report of the contents of an account. An example is a statement sent to a customer, showing billings to and payments from the customer during a specific time period, resulting in an ending balance

Statement, Strong, Sent, Showing, Specific

2. A Statement of account is a summary of sales made to a customer during the month, and will include any credits issued. The statement can show in date order a summary of all sales invoices (paid or unpaid) and all payments received, or it can show a summary of …

Statement, Strong, Summary, Sales, Show

3. A Statement of account, or account statement, is issued by a vendor to a client. It lists out all the financial transactions between the two businesses within a specific time period (typically, monthly). The statement may reflect a zero balance, if not, it acts as a reminder to the client that money is due

Statement, Strong, Specific

4. Statement of account Provide a record of client purchases and payments with this billing statement template; the running balance is calculated automatically

Statement, Strong

5. The following statement of account is a just and true accounting from _____20___ to and including , _____, 20___

Statement, Strong

6. View your Statement of Account to see tuition, fees, housing and miscellaneous charges, and due dates and payments each term

Statement, Strong, See

7. How to view your Statement of Account.

Statement, Strong

8. Estimated Payments Statement of account Individuals (residents or nonresidents) and estates or trusts can verify the amounts of their New Jersey estimated payments and credits online

Strong, Statement

9. Statement of account – What is a Statement of account? A Statement of account, also known as an account statement or customer statement, is a document that outlines the transactions between a buyer and a seller. It’s easy to create a Statement of account with invoicing software.

Statement, Strong, Seller, Software

10. Fillable and printable Statement of Account 2021

Statement, Strong

11. Fill, sign and download Statement of Account online on

Sign, Statement, Strong

12. A Statement of account is the documentation of transactions between your small business and each client within a specific time frame

Statement, Small, Specific

13. A Statement of account is issued by a business to its customers


14. Use the sample given below to draft a customized letter sending a statement of account and also asking for payment in a formal manner

Sample, Sending, Statement, Strong

15. Statement of Account - singular statement; singular account Statement of accounts - singular statement of many accounts Statements of Account - multiple statements on same account However, I believe that "Statement of accounts" has more or less fallen into common Accountant-ese and defines any of the above.

Statement, Strong, Singular, Statements, Same

16. A statement of account can be used to determine a bank balance for a certain date

Statement, Strong

17. Most vendors will also issue a statement of account to each customer on a regular basis, usually monthly

Statement, Strong

18. Statement of account is a comprehensive list of transactions made with the customer over a particular period of time

Statement, Strong

19. Statement of accounts usually prepared by the company to summarize all transactions incurred in a month

Statement, Summarize

20. Simply a statement of account is complete document containing all contents of a customer account such as cash paid for

Simply, Statement, Strong, Such

21. Statement of account Template Banks maintain various financial records for the purpose of organizing and managing assets and capital


22. Statement of account a periodic statement sent to a customer by a supplier that sets out both the money value of products supplied to the customer over a monthly or other period, and any amounts still owed by the customer for these products

Statement, Sent, Supplier, Sets, Supplied, Still

23. A Statement of account is sent by a supplier some time after an INVOICE has been sent.

Statement, Sent, Supplier, Some

24. A Statement of account is a document that shows a customer an accounting of every transaction within a specific billing cycle

Statement, Shows, Specific

25. What Is a Statement of account? Formatting a Statement of account What Is a Bank Statement and Its Purpose?


26. What is a Statement of account? It is a document that is used to outline the transactions an account holder has conducted from his account


27. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT (Pursuant to Chapter 254, § 8 of the General Laws) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a written contract dated July 14, 2003 between Pick-up Truck with Two Magnetic Signs, Inc

Statement, Strong, Signs

28. Statement of account The Statement of account feature of the Student Information System (SIS) allows students and authorized users a real-time, easily understandable printable statement organized by term

Statement, Student, System, Sis, Students

29. To create a Statement of account:


30. A statement of account template is an accounting tool which is used for providing description about different transactions

Statement, Strong

31. To help you accomplish both tasks, we have designed the Customer Statement of Account Template, which combines the accounts receivable ledger and customer statement of account

Statement, Strong

32. Active, inactive, and vested members receive an annual Statement of Account

Statement, Strong

33. The statement of account is a very useful document since it enables the business to prepare the account statement of every customer individually

Statement, Strong, Since

34. What is the main purpose of using the statement of account? The basic objective of preparing the statement of account is to keep the customers informed about the balance due on their side.

Statement, Strong, Side

35. Description: Pointers: Statement of accounts


36. Statement of accounts comprises the Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet

Statement, Sheet

37. If your business earns a revenue of $500,000 or more, you have to submit the Statement of accounts as an attachment when you e-file your tax return, via myTax Mail (Email Us) or by post

Submit, Statement

38. A single statement of account and royalty fee payment covering the entire accounting period

Single, Statement, Strong

39. Massachusetts Statement of Account

Statement, Strong

40. According to the Massachusetts mechanic's lien procedure, a Statement of Account is the second document that must be filed

Statement, Strong, Second

41. (3) A request for sworn statement of account must be in substantially the following form: REQUEST FOR SWORN STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT

Sworn, Statement, Strong, Substantially

42. A 'Statement of Account' is your bill or invoice

Statement, Strong

43. You can see the: subjects you are enrolled in; total fees due; payments you have made; View your statement of account any time in StudentOnLine under 'My Finances' and 'My Documents'.

See, Subjects, Statement, Strong, Studentonline

44. We will email you your first statement of account around two weeks after you enrol in your course

Statement, Strong

45. The second step is due 30 days later (filing Statement of Account)

Second, Step, Statement, Strong

46. 4.The price of the device is not included in the monthly service fee but billed separately in the SOA (Statement of Account)The payments received for the device is non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other product, even if the service is disconnected or the device is lost, damaged, or stolen.

Service, Separately, Soa, Statement, Strong, Stolen

47. A single statement of account and royalty fee payment covering the entire accounting period

Single, Statement, Strong

48. Accounts are due by the dates indicated (30 April: 50% of the account and 31 July: 100%) even if a statement of account is not received by mail

Statement, Strong

49. The file closure is to be noted on the monthly Statement of Account by including the name of the file, the case and billing numbers and the date on which the file was closed

Statement, Strong


Strong, Sss, Statement, Soa

51. Statement of Account - Purchase Price $75.00 + $150 Transfer Fee; Your Receive: - Statement of Property Account (payment history only) - The Statement of Account is only valid 30 days from the date of issue

Statement, Strong

52. I am expecting a deposit to be put on my card so I needed to provide a bank statement containing my name, address, the bank's logo and the date the statement of account is given.

So, Statement, Strong

53. Statement Of Account: A document, issued by a supplier to its customer, listing transactions over a given period, normally monthly

Statement, Strong, Supplier



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