See also: Stenches Stances Staunchest Starches Stanchion Stanched Stanching Staunchly Stancher Stanchioned Stance Standard Stanza Stan Standpoint Standing Standoffish Standby Standardized Standstill Standardization
1. Synonyms for Stanches include stems, checks, halts, staunches, stops, contains, controls, curbs, dams and lessens
Synonyms, Strong, Stanches, Stems, Staunches, Stops
2. What does Stanches mean? Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stanch
Strong, Stanches, Singular, Simple, Stanch
3. Synonyms for Stanches in Free Thesaurus
Synonyms, Strong, Stanches
4. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 10 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Stanches: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Stanches" is defined.
Science, Slang, Sports, Strong, Stanches
5. $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stanches Airline Worker Layoffs The sweeping bill offers $14 billion in direct aid to airlines for payroll extension programs, giving workers a six-month stay and airlines a chance to gain some traction as vaccination efforts proceed.
Strong, Stanches, Sweeping, Six, Stay, Some
6. Define Stanches.Stanches synonyms, Stanches pronunciation, Stanches translation, English dictionary definition of Stanches
Strong, Stanches, Synonyms
7. Most people chose this as the best definition of Stanches: Third-person singular sim See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples.
Strong, Stanches, Singular, Sim, See, Sentence
8. River navigation was considerably improved and artificial waterways were developed with the construction of Stanches, or flash locks, in the weirs (dams) of water mills and at intervals along the waterways
9. In canals and inland waterways: Medieval revival …developed with the construction of Stanches, or flash locks, in the weirs (dams) of water mills and at intervals along the waterways
10. CSF1R signaling blockade Stanches tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells and improves the efficacy of radiotherapy in prostate cancer Cancer Res
Signaling, Strong, Stanches
11. China Stanches Flow of Money Out of the Country, Data Suggests China’s central bank in Beijing
Strong, Stanches, Suggests
12. Stancher (plural Stanchers) One who, or that which, Stanches or stops a flow
Stancher, Stanchers, Strong, Stanches, Stops
13. Mexico Stanches Flow of Stolen Fuel New government turns tide on thieves tapping pipelines and sapping state-oil company’s revenues
Strong, Stanches, Stolen, Sapping, State
14. Stanches or staunches; stanched or staunched; stanching or staunching
Strong, Stanches, Staunches, Stanched, Staunched, Stanching, Staunching
15. Hanukkah Menorah Sun-Stanches - Novelty Chanukah Sunglasses 4.7 out of 5 stars 9 ratings
Sun, Strong, Stanches, Sunglasses, Stars
16. Stanches Total Number of words made out of Stanches = 230 Stanches is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 13 points.Stanches is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 14 points
Strong, Stanches, Scrabble
17. Stanches is a 8 letter medium Word starting with S and ending with S
Strong, Stanches, Starting
STANCHES [stôn(t)SH, stän(t)SH]
Both stanch and staunch come from the Anglo-French estancher, meaning “to check or stop the flowing of.” Both have been in use for many hundreds of years. And most dictionaries will list them as having the exact same meaning. They are, in fact, variants of each other.
(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to check or stop the flowing of stanched her tears also : to stop the flow of blood from (a wound) 2a : to stop or check in its course trying to stanch the crime wave. b : to make watertight : stop up.
More Example Sentences Learn More about stanch Both stanch and staunch come from the Anglo-French estancher, meaning “to check or stop the flowing of.” Both have been in use for many hundreds of years. And most dictionaries will list them as having the exact same meaning. They are, in fact, variants of each other.
But there's a catch: staunch is more commonly used as an adjective (it has several meanings in this role, including “steadfast in loyalty or principle” and "substantial"), and stanch is more commonly used as a verb (common meanings are "to check or stop the flowing of" and "to stop or check in its course"). Here are example of each in typical use: