See also: Stamp Stamping Stamina Stammer Stamen Stampede Stammered Stammering
1. Stamp down - to put down by force or authority; "suppress a nascent uprising"; "Stamp down on littering"; "conquer one's desires" conquer, inhibit, suppress, subdue, curb blink away, blink, wink - force to go away by blinking; "blink away tears" dampen, stifle - smother or suppress; "Stifle your curiosity" choke back, choke down
Stamp, Suppress, Subdue, Stifle, Smother
2. Dictionary entry overview: What does Stamp down mean? • Stamp down (verb) The verb Stamp down has 1 sense:
Stamp, Sense
3. Bring under control by force or authority Familiarity information: Stamp down used as a verb is very rare.
4. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Stamp down. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: suppress, Stamp down, …
Strong, Stamp, Suppress
5. How to say Stamp down in English? Pronunciation of Stamp down with 1 audio pronunciation, 11 synonyms, 15 translations, 1 sentence and more for Stamp down.
Say, Stamp, Synonyms, Sentence
6. Stamp down - traduction anglais-français
7. Forums pour discuter de Stamp down, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions
Stamp, Ses
8. How this page explains Stamp down ? It helps you understand the word Stamp down with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Stamp down better than this …
9. Then he stepped forward to Stamp down on the tube with his left foot.
Stepped, Stamp
10. The government must not Stamp down on progress and innovation, but lead the way forward, since change was now the law of life.
Stamp, Since
11. Definitions and Meaning of Stamp down in English Stamp down verb
12. Bring under control by force or authority Synonyms: conquer, subdue, suppress Examples - conquer one's desires - Stamp down on littering - suppress a nascent uprising
Synonyms, Subdue, Suppress, Stamp
13. The Government introduced this tough penalty to Stamp down on mobile phone use at the wheel and, as these latest figures indicate, it appears to be working
Strong, Stamp
14. Stamp down [sth] vtr + adv (compress with foot) aplastar con los pies loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo")
Stamp, Sth, Sacar
15. Stamp down - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Stamp down
16. Suppress a nascent uprising Stamp down on littering
Suppress, Stamp
17. Stamp down: The word Stamp down exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Dutch
18. Synonyms for "Stamp down": suppress; inhibit; subdue; conquer; curb; control; hold in; hold; contain; check; moderate
Synonyms, Stamp, Suppress, Subdue
19. Stamp down definition: to put down by force or authority synonyms: control, moderate, muffle, strangle, shut up, contain, dampen, subdue, still, choke back
Stamp, Synonyms, Strangle, Shut, Subdue, Still
20. Many translated example sentences containing "Stamp down" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
Sentences, Stamp, Spanish, Search
21. Open the lid, push your rubber Stamp down on the pad, remove the stamp, close the lid
22. Spanish Translation of “Stamp down” The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online
Spanish, Stamp
23. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Stamp down" is defined
24. General (8 matching dictionaries) Stamp down: [home, info] Stamp down: [home, info] Stamp down: Rhymezone [home, info] Stamp down: Free Dictionary [home, info] Stamp down: Mnemonic Dictionary [home, info]
25. Push Stamp down slightly and push buttons on side to lock into position
Stamp, Slightly, Side
26. Synonyms for Stamp down Synonyms for (verb) Stamp down
Synonyms, Stamp
27. Synonyms: inhibit, curb, conquer, Stamp down, subdue, suppress
Synonyms, Stamp, Subdue, Suppress
28. Usage: suppress a nascent uprising; Stamp down on littering; conquer one's desires
Suppress, Stamp
29. We should Stamp down on this field
Should, Stamp
30. Stamp down: to put down by force or authority
31. The pad coats the stamp evenly if you press the Stamp down evenly
32. Forces search caves, mountains and villages in their fight to Stamp down efforts by ISIS to rebuild and restrengthen the terrorist group.
Search, Stamp
33. Stamp down the side of your card, add to a bookmark or a tag
Stamp, Side
34. He also says investors are concerned the Fed will not Stamp down on borrowing costs
Says, Stamp
Definition of stamp. (Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument. 2a(1) : to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot. (2) : to bring down (the foot) forcibly. b : to extinguish or destroy by or as if by stamping with the foot —usually used with out stamp out cancer.
2 : to put an end to by or as if by hitting with the bottom of the foot We stamped out the fire. The mayor promised to stamp out crime. 3 : to mark or cut out with a tool or device having a design The bill was stamped paid.
She stamped the bill “paid.” Noun There was a stamp on the letter showing the date when it was received. a stamp left in the mud by some prehistoric beast Recent Examples on the Web: Verb The virus has reappeared in the years since, flickering briefly in pig populations before being stamped out.
Examples of stamp in a Sentence. He stamped his foot in anger. He stamped out of the room. Success in Europe's biggest competition is widely seen as imperative for Guardiola's Manchester City, having failed to stamp their mark on the continent thus far.