Use Spudding in a sentence

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See also: Spudding Spuddling Pudding Pudding-head Spud Spuddle Spudger Spudded

1. In oil drilling "Spudding" means the very start of drilling on a new well

Strong, Spudding, Start

2. Spudding is the process of beginning to drill a well in the oil and gas industry

Strong, Spudding

3. This process is also known as Spudding in

Strong, Spudding

4. Spudding: The operation of raising and dropping a heavy pile to break through a thin layer of hard material or an obstruction

Strong, Spudding

5. StatoilHydro (NYSE:STO) describes "spud fever" as the moments of anticipation preceding the Spudding of a new well

Statoilhydro, Sto, Spud, Strong, Spudding

6. Paragraph 7B is a specific provision and the obligations of that paragraph required Sundown to engage in a continuous drilling program by Spudding in a new well

Specific, Sundown, Strong, Spudding

7. Spudding (plural Spuddings) (drilling) The initial drilling of a well; a test drilling.1941, James George Needham, Paul Bigelow Sears, Aldo Leopold, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, A Symposium on Hydrobiology, page 36, From these Spuddings the approximate percentage loss of capacity can be estimated, but no reliable volume figures are obtained because the exact

Strong, Spudding, Spuddings, Sears, Symposium

8. Definition of Spudding in the dictionary

Strong, Spudding

9. What does Spudding mean? Information and translations of Spudding in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Strong, Spudding

10. What does Spudding mean? (drilling) The initial drilling of a well; a test drilling

Strong, Spudding

11. Spudding is clear; it is the moment when the drill breaks the ground

Strong, Spudding

12. The Commercial Court was recently tasked, in Vitol E & P Ltd v Africa Oil and Gas Corporation [2016] EWHC 1677 (Comm), with deciding whether the words “commencement of drilling” in a sale and purchase agreement for an oil company meant “Spudding” of a well or an earlier stage in drilling operations

Sale, Strong, Spudding, Stage

13. "Spudding, cost, progress, accidents, etc.; tools, rods, torpedoes, tubbing, and their recovery; where used in preference to the diamond-drill; " 8

Strong, Spudding

14. 21: Section A of Price List by Oil well supply co., Pittsburg (1907) "1545 Weight, 25 pounds $5 00 5 00 By using the wrist pin Spudding arm in

Section, Supply, Strong, Spudding

15. Spudding is a fan-made plant created by Cryptic72, for the Feastivus Event

Strong, Spudding

16. Spudding Certain roof applications require the removal of all embedded rock, which creates a smooth working surface

Strong, Spudding, Smooth, Surface

17. Synonyms for Spudding in Free Thesaurus

Synonyms, Strong, Spudding

18. Spudding: In oil-well drilling , a method of handling the rope and tools by which the first fifty or sixty feet of an oil-well are bored by the aid of the bull-wheel, the depth not being sufficient to allow of the use of the working-beam for that purpose.

Strong, Spudding, Sixty, Sufficient

19. Spudding bit definition is - a broad dull drilling tool used for the preliminary boring of wells through earth down to rock or other solid substrata.

Strong, Spudding, Solid, Substrata

20. Spudding in "Spudding in," or to "spud" a well, means to begin drilling operations

Strong, Spudding, Spud

21. Because of that process, those drilling machines came to be called “spudders” and from it developed the term “Spudding,” or “Spudding in,” to identify the beginning process of drilling an oil well.

Spudders, Strong, Spudding

22. Spudding in English translation and definition "Spudding", Dictionary English-English online

Strong, Spudding

23. En.wiktionary.2016 [verb] present participle of [i]spud[/i] Show declension of Spudding

Spud, Show, Strong, Spudding

24. Because of that process, those drilling machines came to be called “spudders” and from it developed the term “Spudding,” or “Spudding in,” to identify the beginning process of drilling an oil well.

Spudders, Strong, Spudding

25. Roof Spudding Machines; Roof Spudder, Gas Push Roof Spudding Machine

Strong, Spudding, Spudder

26. We carry Roof Spudding Machines for all your roof Spudding applications

Strong, Spudding

27. This item: Spudding In: Recollections of Pioneer Days in the California Oil Fields by William Rintoul Hardcover $205.68 Ships from and sold by Gray&Nash

Strong, Spudding, Ships, Sold

28. Spudding is the process of lifting and dropping the pile constantly until the obstruction is broken into pieces

Strong, Spudding

29. Obviously, Spudding cannot be done with lighter piles (timber or pipe piles)

Strong, Spudding

30. Concrete piles and steel H-piles are good candidates for Spudding

Steel, Strong, Spudding

31. Spudding : English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary translates words, phrases, idioms and sentences.

Strong, Spudding, Sentences

32. KUALA LUMPUR (March 24): NuEnergy Gas Ltd, a subsidiary of Globaltec Formation Bhd, has announced the Spudding of the MU-005 (twin) well, under its …

Subsidiary, Strong, Spudding



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does spudding mean?

    Define spudding. spudding synonyms, spudding pronunciation, spudding translation, English dictionary definition of spudding. n. 1. Informal A potato. 2. A sharp spadelike tool used for rooting or digging out weeds. 3. A short section of pipe or a threaded fitting that completes a...

    What does spudding mean in oil drilling?

    In oil drilling "spudding" means the very start of drilling on a new well. Check out Infoplease's oil spill glossary, written after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.

    What does spudde mean?

    A short section of pipe or a threaded fitting that completes a connection, as between a longer pipe and a nozzle, valve, or meter. To remove with a sharp spadelike tool. To begin drilling operations on: spud an oil well. [Middle English spudde, short knife .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

    What is the process of spudding?

    Reviewed by James Chen. Updated Jun 26, 2019. Spudding is the process of beginning to drill a well in the oil and gas industry. Initially, a larger drill bit is used to drill a surface hole, which is lined with casing and cement to protect groundwater.

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