See also: Specifics Specifically Specific Species Special Speculation Specious Spectacle Speciation Spectrum Speculate Specter Specimen Spectre Speculative Spectacular Specialization Invasive Keystone Electromagnetic House Selected
1. Entries with "Specificus" specific: specific (English) Alternative forms specifick (obsolete) Origin & history From Old French specifique, from Late Latin Specificus ("specific, particular")…
Strong, Specificus, Specific, Specifick, Specifique
2. Specifica: …(second-person singular imperative) specifica (Latin) Adjective Inflection of Specificus (nominative feminine singular) Inflection of Specificus (nominative neuter…
Specifica, Second, Singular, Strong, Specificus
3. Inflection of Specificus (accusative masculine singular) Inflection of Specificus (accusative neuter singular) Inflection of Specificus (vocative neuter singular) This is the meaning of Specificus: Specificus (Latin) Origin & history Late Latin; from speciēs ("kind") + faci
Strong, Specificus, Singular, Speci
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Securely, Sign, State, Strong, Specificus, Signnow
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Securely, Sign, Strong, State, Specificus, Signnow
6. Latin: ·dative masculine plural of Specificus· dative feminine plural of Specificus· dative neuter plural of Specificus ablative masculine plural of Specificus: 7
Strong, Specificus
7. Mid 17th century (originally in the sense ‘having a special determining quality’): from late Latin Specificus, from Latin species (see species).
Sense, Special, Strong, Specificus, Species, See
8. spec i fic, ~ă [At: POLIZU / V: (înv) ~eț i ~ / Pl: ~ici, ~ice / E: lat Specificus, it specifico, fr spécifique, ger spezifisch] 1-2 a, av (Care este) propriu unei singure ființe, unui singur lucru sau fenomen sau unei categorii de ființe, lucruri sau fenomene, cărora le dă un caracter original Si: caracteristic (1), definitoriu (4), distinctiv (1), dominant (3), particular, propriu
Strong, Spec, Specificus, Specifico, Sp, Spezifisch, Singure, Singur, Sau, Si
9. Specificus (Latin) Featured Games 2
Strong, Specificus
10. Mid 17th century (originally in the sense ‘having a special determining quality’): from late Latin Specificus, from Latin species (see species).
Sense, Special, Strong, Specificus, Species, See
11. (originally in the sense ‘having a special determining quality’): from late Latin Specificus, from Latin species ‘appearance, form, beauty’, from specere ‘to look’
Sense, Special, Strong, Specificus, Species, Specere
12. Specific (adj.) 1630s, "having a special quality," from French spécifique and directly from Late Latin Specificus "constituting a kind or sort" (in Medieval Latin "specific, particular"), from Latin species "kind, sort" (see species) + -ficus "making, doing," from combining form of facere "to make." Earlier form was specifical (early 15c.)
Specific, Special, Sp, Strong, Specificus, Sort, Species, See, Specifical
13. Specificus Member since 01/06/2020 05.02 PM
Strong, Specificus, Since
14. [LL Specificus < L species (see SPECIES) + ficus, FIC] 1
Strong, Specificus, Species, See
15. Timor Specificus translation in Latin-English dictionary
Strong, Specificus
16. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Timor Specificus".Found in 0 ms.
Sentences, Strong, Specificus
17. 1630s, "having a special quality," from French spécifique and directly from Late Latin Specificus "constituting a kind or sort" (in Medieval Latin "specific, particular"), from Latin species "kind, sort" (see species) + -ficus "making, doing," from combining form of facere "to make." Earlier form was specifical (early 15c.)
Special, Sp, Strong, Specificus, Sort, Specific, Species, See, Specifical
18. → See Verb table Origin specify (1200-1300) Old French specifier, from Late Latin specificare, from Specificus; → SPECIFIC 1
See, Specify, Specifier, Specificare, Strong, Specificus, Specific
19. It finds its origins in Mid 17th century (originally in the sense ‘having a special determining quality’): from late Latin Specificus, from Latin species (see species).
Sense, Special, Strong, Specificus, Species, See
20. Specificus (Latin) Featured Games 2
Strong, Specificus
SPECIFICUS [spəˈsifik]
specifically(Adverb) in a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly. specifically(Adverb) for a specific purpose or reason.
1. explicit, particular, or definite: please be more specific. 2. relating to a specified or particular thing: a specific treatment for arthritis. 3. (Biology) of or relating to a biological species: specific differences.
The definition of specific is someone or something unique, distinctive or definite. An example of specific is someone saying exactly which jacket they want someone to grab for them. Specific is someone or something that is specially suited for a purpose or need.
particular, specific(noun) a fact about some part (as opposed to general) "he always reasons from the particular to the general". Synonyms: particular proposition, item, particular, detail.