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See also: Sparrow Sparse Spark Spare Spartan Spar Sparingly Sparkle Sparring Sparkling Sparsely Spared Sparkly Sparked Sparsity Define To Wing

1. Sparrowhawk is a worldwide EVENT MANAGEMENT company As Vice President of Sport for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, I worked closely with Jim and members of the Sparrowhawk team over five years.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sport

2. Sparrowhawk, any of various small birds of prey usually of the genus Accipiter (family Accipitridae), classified with the goshawks as “accipiters,” or true hawks

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Small

3. Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter …

Strong, Sparrowhawk

4. 22 rows · Sparrowhawk (sometimes sparrow hawk) may refer to several species of small hawk in …

Span, Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sometimes, Sparrow, Several, Species, Small

5. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI) has provided a glimpse of its new Sparrowhawk air-launched and air-recoverable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) demonstrator in …

Systems, Strong, Sparrowhawk

6. Hawk's M14 Dummy Kits, Dummy Kits, Hawk's Kits and Sparrowhawk's Kits are all trade names exclusively for Sparrowhawk Stocks and SparrowhawkM14.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Stocks

7. A Sparrowhawk is a small species of bird and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.1 Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus)

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Small, Species

8. Sparrowhawks are small birds of prey

Sparrowhawks, Small

9. Adult male Sparrowhawks have bluish-grey back and wings and orangey-brown bars on their chest and belly


10. "Sparrowhawk" is a thrilling adventure, that reveals the soul of the American Revolution.

Sparrowhawk, Soul

11. Sparrowhawk Native Plants LLC organizes pop-up native plant sales in neighborhoods around Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington for eco-minded home gardeners that want to help birds, pollinators, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds by planting locally native plants in their yards.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sales

12. Sparrowhawk, Producer: Ohkasoh Nupponk

Strong, Sparrowhawk

13. Sparrowhawk was born as Kakunui Goyahkla Onixohtlak

Strong, Sparrowhawk

14. The Sparrowhawk aircraft is designed as an airborne launch and recovery demonstrator aircraft tailored to fit GA-ASI platforms, and is focused on Advanced Battle Management System’s attritableONE technologies.

Sparrowhawk, System

15. The Sparrowhawk is one of our smallest birds of prey, the male being somewhere between a blackbird and a collared dove in size

Sparrowhawk, Smallest, Somewhere, Size

16. The company says that Sparrowhawk is a demonstrator and was developed specifically to work with other larger unmanned aircraft that it builds, such as the MQ-9 …

Says, Sparrowhawk, Specifically, Such

17. The Sparrowhawk is a master of the hunt

Strong, Sparrowhawk

18. Sparrowhawk’s experience includes designing and operating bus systems for large multi-system, high-profile, media-intense Events

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Systems, System

19. The Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae

Sparrowhawk, Small

20. The adult male Sparrowhawk has a blue-grey back and wings


21. The Eurasian Sparrowhawk has been used in falconry for centuries and was favoured by Emperor Akbar the Great (1542-1605) of the Mughal Empire

Strong, Sparrowhawk

22. There is a tradition of using migrant Sparrowhawks to catch Common Quail in Tunisia and Georgia, where there are 500 registered bazieri (Sparrowhawkers) and a monument to bazieri in the city of Poti.

Sparrowhawks, Sparrowhawkers

23. Sparrowhawks are small birds of prey with strikingly bright-yellow eyes, broad wings and yellow legs with long talons

Sparrowhawks, Small, Strikingly

24. Sparrowhawk Annual population estimates are not available for pine martens, hen harriers, peregrine falcons and Sparrowhawks.

Sparrowhawk, Sparrowhawks

25. Accipiter nisus Adult male Sparrowhawk

Strong, Sparrowhawk

26. The Sparks name was originally Sparrowhawk

Sparks, Strong, Sparrowhawk

27. Richard's favorite falcon was the Sparrowhawk being the swiftest and most true

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Swiftest

28. This man's name became Sparrowhawk

Strong, Sparrowhawk

29. I've filmed a few Sparrowhawks over the years but this is the first time I've heard the call or sound a Sparrowhawk makes

Sparrowhawks, Sound, Strong, Sparrowhawk

30. Sparrowhawk with its prey, a sparrow, sits on a tree in a forest near the village of Loshany, some 30 km north-west of Minsk

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sparrow, Sits, Some

31. The Collared Sparrowhawk is a medium-sized, finely built raptor (bird of prey) with wide staring bright yellow eyes

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sized, Staring

32. Sparrowhawk will permanently remain in my Kindle library

Strong, Sparrowhawk

33. (GA-ASI) has conducted flight tests of its Sparrowhawk small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), which is designed as a captive-carry system that can be launched from larger GA-ASI aerial platforms

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Small, System, Suas

34. Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System attritableONE technologies, the Sparrowhawk is an iteration of the …

System, Strong, Sparrowhawk

35. Apr 10, 2015 - Explore Brinda Kuhlman's board "Sparrowhawk" on Pinterest

Strong, Sparrowhawk

36. See more ideas about Sparrowhawk, birds of prey, pet birds.

See, Strong, Sparrowhawk

37. Before these accidents, not a single Sparrowhawk was lost

Single, Strong, Sparrowhawk

38. The diminutive Curtiss F9C-2 Sparrowhawks that operated from U.S


39. Is the Sparrowhawk an awe inspiring master of the skies, or an uninvited and unwelcome garden pest?

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Skies

40. Sparrowhawk Studio is the younger, edgier sister of nearby Aviary Beauty + Wellness Collective, which has been revered for its natural and eco-conscious hair and spa services since opening in 2009

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Studio, Sister, Spa, Services, Since

41. The Sparrowhawk, Formby, Southport

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Southport

42. The Sparrowhawk is a characterful country pub set within five acres of woods and parkland.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Set

43. The Sparrowhawk, Formby, Southport

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Southport

44. The Sparrowhawk is a characterful country pub set within five acres of woods and parkland.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Set

45. For 2017, ESP is proud to debut the LTD Bill Kelliher Sparrowhawk, which offers set-thru construction at 24.75” scale, with mahogany body, 3-piece mahogany neck, ebony fingerboard, a TonePros locking TOM bridge and tailpiece, and Kelliher’s Lace Sensor Divinator signature pickups.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Set, Scale, Sensor, Signature

46. Sparrowhawk - Accipiter Nisus The Sparrowhawk is a very common bird of prey

Strong, Sparrowhawk

47. Reduced illegal killing during the Second World War allowed Sparrowhawk numbers to recover, but numbers were declining again by 1950 as a result of the widespread use of organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT

Second, Strong, Sparrowhawk, Such

48. Sparrowhawk definition: any of several small hawks , esp Accipiter nisus , of Eurasia and N Africa that prey on Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Several, Small

49. Learn about Imitator Sparrowhawk: explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.

Strong, Sparrowhawk, Sounds



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Frequently Asked Questions

What does sparrowhawk mean?

2. or spar·row·hawk (spăr′ō-hôk′) Any of several small hawks that have short, broad wings and prey on sparrows and other small birds, especially the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) of Europe, Asia, and northern Africa.

What does Eurasian sparrowhawk mean?

The Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, a small, short-winged European hawk that preys on smaller birds. Any of numerous other species of Accipiter, that prey on smaller birds or otherwise resemble A. nisus.

What is the adaptation of a sparrowhawk?

The Eurasian sparrowhawk is a small bird of prey with short, broad wings and a long tail, both adaptations to manoeuvring through trees. Females can be up to 25% larger than males and weigh up to twice as much.

What is the definition of Sparrow Hawk?

Definition of sparrow hawk. : any of various small hawks: such as. a : an Old World accipiter (Accipiter nisus) that is dark gray to blackish above with the female having a grayish-brown barred underside and the male having a chestnut barred underside.

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