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See also: Smersh Smirk Smerf Smear Smerd Smerky

1. Smersh (Russian СМЕРШ, acronym of Russian Специальные Методы Разоблaчения Шпионов (Spetsyalnye MEtody Razoblacheniya SHpyonov; Special Methods of Spy Detection), but also anecdotically referred to as SMERt' SHpionam; "Death to spies") was an umbrella name for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even

Strong, Smersh, Spetsyalnye, Shpyonov, Special, Spy, Smert, Shpionam, Spies

2. Most of us have only heard of Smersh in the context of James Bond books and films, if at all

Strong, Smersh

3. Smersh is actually an acronym for the Russian phrase Smert Shpionam, or "Death to Spies."Until now, no work in the English language has ever come close to giving us a detailed study of Stalin's diabolical counterintelligence organization.

Strong, Smersh, Smert, Shpionam, Spies, Study, Stalin

4. Hello! I’m Smersh and I write stories in the fantasy genre

Strong, Smersh, Stories

5. Smersh ("Smert shpionam" - Death to Spies) The dramatically named Smersh (a contraction of the phrase, "Smert Shpionam!" - Death to Spies!) was the Chief Counterintelligence Directorate of the

Strong, Smersh, Smert, Shpionam, Spies

6. Smersh counter-intelligence service was officially founded by Josef Stalin in 1943

Strong, Smersh, Service, Stalin

7. On January 13, 1947, the Smersh included a book containing descriptions of top Smersh agents who were extraterrestrials

Strong, Smersh

8. Главное управление контрразведки) (Russian for Special Methods of Spy Detection), or better known as Smersh (Russ

Special, Spy, Strong, Smersh

9. 3 reviews of Smersh Construction Inc "I have been using Smersh Construction for years

Strong, Smersh

10. Smersh is a pentest oriented collaborative tool used to track the progress of your company's missions and generate rapport

Strong, Smersh

11. Smersh AK consists of: 1 x Base vest (soft belt, rs-31 belt, shoulder straps harness)

Strong, Smersh, Soft, Shoulder, Straps

12. Smersh PKM consists of: 1 x Base vest (soft belt, rs-31 belt, shoulder straps harness)

Strong, Smersh, Soft, Shoulder, Straps

13. Smersh, an acronym of "Death to Spies", is primarily known to readers in English as James Bond's sinister opponent in several of Ian Fleming's spy novels

Strong, Smersh, Spies, Sinister, Several, Spy

14. Yet Smersh was a real organization and just as diabolical as its fictional counterpart

Strong, Smersh

15. Get the best deals for Smersh at

Strong, Smersh

16. Smersh was born in April 1943 after Stalin decided that it was vital to have a military counterintelligence faction controlled directly by the army (and himself), not by the state security organs.

Strong, Smersh, Stalin, State, Security

17. Smersh was an underworld criminal organization

Strong, Smersh

18. Smersh was constantly battling the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service (also known as MI5) in the decade prior to the Invasion of Naboo

Strong, Smersh, Secret, Service

19. 1 History 2 Known Smersh members 3 Behind the scenes 4 Appearances 5 External links The organization first encountered MI5 when

Strong, Smersh, Scenes

20. The Smersh family name was found in the USA, and Scotland between 1871 and 1920

Strong, Smersh, Scotland

21. The most Smersh families were found in the USA in 1880

Strong, Smersh

22. In 1880 there were 8 Smersh families living in Nebraska

Strong, Smersh

23. This was 100% of all the recorded Smersh's in the USA

Strong, Smersh

24. Nebraska had the highest population of Smersh families in 1880.

Strong, Smersh

25. Smersh recorded improvised cuts every Monday night, released countless cassettes on their own label, Atlas King, and were featured on more compilations than you can track down

Strong, Smersh

26. On November 20, 1945, three more Smersh officers from the former UKR of the 1st Belorussian Front, Leonid Kozlovtsev, Krasilnikov, and Khelipsky arrived in Nuremberg

Strong, Smersh

27. Smersh (in capitalised letters) is a Soviet counterintelligence agency that was featured in Ian Fleming's early James Bond novels as 007's nemesis

Strong, Smersh, Soviet

28. Smersh is a conjunction of two Russian words: "SMERt' SHpionam", (Смерть Шпионам), which means "Death to Spies".Though Fleming's Smersh was supposed to be modelled on the real Smersh organization, the novels had Smersh as a massive

Strong, Smersh, Smert, Shpionam, Spies, Supposed

29. スメルシ(Smersh、 СМЕРШ )とは、第二次世界大戦の独ソ戦の最中の1943年4月19日に設立されたスターリン直属の防諜部隊の通称である。

Strong, Smersh

30. The latest tweets from @Smersh_who

31. What is the definition of Smersh? What is the meaning of Smersh? How do you use Smersh in a sentence? What are synonyms for Smersh?

Strong, Smersh, Sentence, Synonyms

32. Definition of Smersh in the dictionary

Strong, Smersh

33. What does Smersh mean? Information and translations of Smersh in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Strong, Smersh

34. Agents of Smersh is a cooperative storytelling game that pits players as UN Secret Service Spies set in an alternate 1970s timeline against a newly formed and independent Smersh.

Strong, Smersh, Storytelling, Secret, Service, Spies, Set

35. Looking for online definition of Smersh or what Smersh stands for? Smersh is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary

Strong, Smersh, Stands

36. Samantha Smersh was our agent and we couldn't be happier

Samantha, Strong, Smersh

37. Smersh (Smert' Shpionam, meaning "Death to Spies") was a counterintelligence agency of the Soviet Union founded in 1943

Strong, Smersh, Smert, Shpionam, Spies, Soviet

38. Smersh Construction Inc, Po, Mercer Island, WA (Employees: Smersh, James M, Smersh, James Michael, and Smersh, Mary E) holds a Construction Contractor, Construction Contractor license according to the Washington license board.

Strong, Smersh

39. Sideways by Smersh, released 06 November 2017 1

Sideways, Strong, Smersh

40. Sideways (Charles Manier Remix) Dark Entries returns to the New Jersey basement studio of Smersh to unearth an 18-minute jam session from 1989, backed with two contemporary remixes

Sideways, Studio, Strong, Smersh, Session

41. Smersh was the duo of Mike Mangino and Chris Shepard from Piscataway, NJ who began making music together in 1978.

Strong, Smersh, Shepard

42. Greg Smersh is director of the advisory board for the Real Estate Society at USF and teaches finance and real estate in the Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance

Strong, Smersh, Society, School

43. LEVEL 3: THIS IS THE COMPLETE PACKAGE SHIPPED TO CANADA, You will receive the newly revised 2nd Edition of Agents of Smersh together with the Swagman's Hope expansion, the Dr Lobo bust and the new Scenario book, as well as the boxed set …

Shipped, Strong, Smersh, Swagman, Scenario, Set

44. "Smersh" - people who are tired of perpetual experimentation,torture of a company and fight with them together with the military

Strong, Smersh

45. Smersh was in the real estate industry so he has great experience

Strong, Smersh, So

46. Deep House Anthems by Smersh, released 04 August 2017 1

Strong, Smersh

47. Hard Wired Dark Entries returns to the New Jersey basement studio of Smersh to unearth a 4-track selection from the ‘Deep House Anthems’ cassette

Studio, Strong, Smersh, Selection

48. Smersh was the duo of Mike Mangino and Chris Shepard, who began making music together in 1978.

Strong, Smersh, Shepard

49. Smersh argues that there is a presumption of permissive use which the trial court improperly ruled had terminated when Smersh's predecessor in interest sold the servient land in 1975

Strong, Smersh, Sold, Servient



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does SMERSH mean?

    SMERSH (Russian: СМЕРШ) was an umbrella organization for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially announced only on 14 April 1943. The name SMERSH was coined by Joseph Stalin.

    Who coined the name SMERSH?

    The name SMERSH was coined by Joseph Stalin. The pretext for its creation was to subvert the attempts by German forces to infiltrate the Red Army.

    What doesmersh mean in Russian?

    Counter-intelligence organisation attached to Russian army units during World War II. Origin: Russian acronym from «Смерть шпионам!» (Smert shpionam), meaning Death to Spies. SMERSH was an umbrella name for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially founded on 14 April 1943.

    Where is the SMERSH headquarters?

    Fleming's SMERSH aims its operatives abroad for the subversion of the West, with the additional goal of killing Western spies, particularly James Bond of SIS. SMERSH's headquarters are variously stated to be in Leningrad or in Moscow, Soviet Union. In the Bond film series, SMERSH is usually replaced with SPECTRE – a global terrorist organisation.

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