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1. Español (Spanish) Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. In SCD, the red blood cells become hard and sticky and look like a C-shaped farm tool called a “sickle.” People with SCD can live full lives and enjoy most of the activities that other people do.

Spanish, Sickle, Scd, Strong, Sticky, Shaped

2. Overview Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affects hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the body. Normally, red blood cells are disc shaped and flexible to move easily through the blood vessels

Sickle, Strong, Shaped

3. If you have Sickle cell disease, your red blood cells are crescent or “sickle” shaped.

Sickle, Shaped

4. Sickle cell is an inherited disease caused by a defect in a gene. A person will be born with Sickle cell disease only if two genes are inherited—one from the mother and one from the father

Sickle, Strong

5. At, we empower people diagnosed with Sickle cell and caregivers to connect by learning, sharing, and educating with other community members

Strong, Sickle, Sharing

6. Sickle cells are more fragile than normal red blood cells and tend to die in 10-20 days

Sickle, Strong

7. The Sickle cell Disease Association of America Inc.’s Sickle cell Disease Educational Information Repository (SCD Repository) is an online library designed to provide an up-to-date directory of disease education, information and resources.

Sickle, Scd

8. Sickle cell anemia, or Sickle cell disease (SCD), is a genetic disease of the red blood cells (RBCs)

Strong, Sickle, Scd

9. Sickle cell trait is an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells


10. What is Sickle cell disease (SCD)? Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders

Sickle, Scd

11. Sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disorder that affects hemoglobin in red blood cells


12. In a child with Sickle cell disease, red blood cells are hard, sticky and shaped like a crescent, or sickle

Sickle, Sticky, Shaped

13. Sickle cell disease is a serious health condition that runs in families and can shorten life

Sickle, Serious, Shorten

14. 1 Sickle cell disease, sometimes called Sickle cell anemia, causes episodes or crises of intense pain

Sickle, Sometimes

15. Sickle cell disease is a group of disorders that affects hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to cells throughout the body


16. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells


17. People with Sickle cell disease have red blood cells that contain mostly hemoglobin S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin


18. Sickle cell syndromes are hereditary hemoglobinopathies

Sickle, Syndromes

19. Homozygous Sickle cell anemia (HbSS, autosomal recessive) is the most common variant of …


20. Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which the body produces abnormally shaped red blood cells that have a crescent or sickle shape

Sickle, Shaped, Shape

21. The Sickle cells also get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow

Sickle, Stuck

22. Signs and symptoms of Sickle cell disease usually begin in early

Signs, Symptoms, Sickle

23. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a blood disorder that a child is born with

Sickle, Scd

24. Sickle cell anemia (Sickle cell disease) is a disorder of the blood caused by an inherited abnormal hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein within the red blood cells)


25. Sickle cell anemia is a serious disease that can require frequent hospital stays

Sickle, Serious, Stays

26. Who gets Sickle cell anemia? In the United States, the disease occurs most often among African Americans (in about 1 of every 400 African American births) and among Hispanics of Caribbean ancestry (1 in every

Sickle, States

27. Sickle cell disease is one of 11 conditions that the CDC found to be associated with an increased risk for COVID-19 complications


28. As a result, I am advocating for children and adults with Sickle cell disease to be included among the high-risk groups with priority access to vaccination.


29. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of conditions that cause red blood cells to malfunction

Sickle, Scd

30. Sickle cell anemia is a type of SCD

Sickle, Scd

31. A Sickle cell test is a simple blood test used to determine if you have Sickle cell disease (SCD) or Sickle cell trait

Sickle, Simple, Scd

32. Sickle cell is a disorder of the haemoglobin in the red blood cells


33. People with Sickle cell disorder are born with the condition, it is not contagious.


34. Sickle cell anaemia is a major chapter within haemolytic anaemias; at the same time, its epidemiology is a remarkable signature of the past and present world distribution of Plasmodium falciparum malaria

Sickle, Same, Signature

35. And that can have a greater impact on people with Sickle cell disease, a group of inherited red blood cell disorders.


36. Introduction Stroke is a devastating and potentially fatal complication to Sickle cell disease

Stroke, Sickle

37. Strokes are difficult to explain on the basis of the central pathological process in Sickle cell disease, namely the occlusion of small vessels by deformed sickled cells.

Strokes, Sickle, Small, Sickled

38. A person with Sickle cell trait inherits one gene to make normal hemoglobin and another gene to make some Sickle cell hemoglobin

Sickle, Some

39. Sickle cell trait is not a disease and will never turn into a disease.


40. Sickle cell disease is the name for a group of inherited health conditions that affect the red blood cells


41. The most serious type is called Sickle cell anaemia

Serious, Sickle

42. Sickle cell disease is particularly common in people with an African or Caribbean family background.


43. Sickle cell disease is a common, inherited red blood disorder


44. Throughout their lives, individuals with Sickle cell disease can suffer a range of conditions, including acute anemia, tissue and organ damage, terrible pain and even strokes

Sickle, Suffer, Strokes

45. Those who have Sickle cell and experience these problematic painful episodes call this a Sickle cell crisis


46. A person with Sickle cell trait has a 1-in-2 (50%) chance of passing the Sickle cell trait gene to each of his or her children


47. If both parents have Sickle cell trait, each of their children will have a 1-in-4 (25%) chance of having Sickle cell disease.


48. Sickle cell disease is a condition in which red blood cells are not shaped as they should be

Sickle, Shaped, Should

49. But in Sickle cell disease, they're shaped like crescent moons, or an old farm tool known as a sickle

Sickle, Shaped

50. Sickle cell disease (SCD) disproportionately affects Black/African Americans in the United States as well as forebearers from sub-Saharan Africa, the Western Hemisphere (South America, the Caribbean, and Central America), and some Mediterranean countries

Sickle, Scd, States, Sub, Saharan, South, Some

51. Sickle cell Therapy With CRISPR Gene Editing Shows Promise : Shots - Health News NPR tells the exclusive, behind-the-scenes story of the first person with a …

Sickle, Shows, Shots, Scenes, Story

52. Sickle cell disease is caused by a specific point mutation in a gene that codes for the beta chain of hemoglobin

Sickle, Specific

53. People with just one copy of this mutation have Sickle cell trait and are generally healthy


54. Sickle cell anemia is caused by a variant type of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the tissues of the body, called hemoglobin S (HbS)


55. Sickle cell anemia, also commonly known as Sickle cell disease (SCD), is a genetic health condition that is characterized by the production of hemoglobin S (Hgb S or HB S), an irregular type of hemoglobin.Hemoglobin is the iron-rich protein found in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body and releasing it to various body cells and

Sickle, Scd

56. Sickle cell conditions can be accurately diagnosed at any age


57. Sickle cell disease usually requires lifelong treatment


58. Children and adults with Sickle cell disease are supported by a team of different healthcare professionals working together at a specialist Sickle cell centre

Sickle, Supported, Specialist

59. Your healthcare team will help you learn more about Sickle cell disease,


60. Sickle cell definition is - an abnormal red blood cell of crescent shape.

Sickle, Shape

61. Sickle cell: a crescentic or sickle-shaped erythrocyte , the abnormal shape caused by the presence of varying proportions of hemoglobin S

Sickle, Shaped, Shape

62. Sickle cell anemia an autosomal dominant, chronic form of hemolytic anemia in which large numbers of Sickle cells circulate in the blood; it is most common among persons of


63. Sickle cell anemia or SS hemoglobinopathy is an inherited form of anemia; it is a blood disorder that is characterized by fewer amounts of healthy red blood cells, this makes it difficult for adequate oxygen to be transported throughout the body.

Sickle, Ss

64. Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder wherein there is a single amino acid substitution in the hemoglobin protein of the red blood cells, which causes these cells to assume a sickle shape, especially when under low oxygen tension.

Sickle, Single, Substitution, Shape

65. Sickle cell trait is a benign carrier condition, usually with none of the symptoms of Sickle cell anemia or other Sickle cell diseases

Sickle, Symptoms

66. However, knowledge of Sickle cell trait is important in many settings such as preconception counseling and evaluation of rare complications.

Sickle, Settings, Such



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  • › What is sickle cell definition
  • › Define sickle cell crisis
  • › Define sickle cell anemia
  • › 10 facts sickle cell disease
  • › What is a sickle cell
  • › Symptoms of sickle cell disease
  • › Sickle cell disease definition biology

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between sickle cells and normal cells?

Normal RBCs are circular in shape or disc-shaped while sickle cells are shaped like a half moon or crescent shape. When these cells move and flow into the bloodstream, normal red blood cells which contain normal hemoglobin move in a very smooth way.

How can sickle cell kill a person?

Sickle cell can also cause stroke. It damages many organs (impairing the kidney's ability to concentrate urine; infarcting (death from low oxygen/blood flow) areas of bone marrow, etc--it's how the spleen is lost too). When this happens in the brain you get permanent neurologic damage (mild to severe).

What is the difference between sickle cell and blood cancer?

Blood cancers are hematologic neoplasms, also known as Leukemias or cancer of the bone marrow. Usually it presents with a markedly elevated white blood cell count. Sickle cell anaemia is an abnormal shaped haemoglobin . Biochemistry - The defect starts at molecular level .

What does sickle cell mean?

Medical Definition of sickle cell 1 : an abnormal rigid, sticky red blood cell of crescent shape 2 : a condition characterized by sickle cells : sickle cell anemia, sickle-cell trait

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