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See also: Summation Submitted Sabbatical Simatic Submediant Simulated Sublimated Submetered Si Submetering Submission Submit Submerge Submerged Submarine Submittal Simile Simp Submitting Submissively Submersible Submerse Submersion Simbiosis

1. full-Sibmated (F= 0.25), or selfed for one (F= 0.5) or two (F = 0.75) generations

Strong, Sibmated, Selfed

2. Progeny ofthe Sibmated generations23to25 ofthe substrain were given nothing and so were used as anoverall control

Strong, Sibmated, Substrain, So

3. The Sibmated progenies were studied for uniformity in fruit size and shape

Strong, Sibmated, Studied, Size, Shape

4. Assuming this rate is independent of a female's F, it is easy to calculate the frequency of classes of individuals that are outbred (P 0), once Sibmated (P 1), two times Sibmated (P 2) and so on.

Strong, Sibmated, So

5. RECOMBINANT INBREED LINES (RIL) RILs are the homozygous selfed or Sibmated progeny of the individuals of an F2 population

Strong, Selfed, Sibmated

6. The element t ij in the 55 × 55 transition matrix for full-sib mating is the probability of mating type i when the progeny are Sibmated given the mating type j in parents, and it is obtained by writing out the relative frequency of each genotype in the progeny of mating type j after selection and finding the probability of a randomly sampled

Sib, Strong, Sibmated, Selection, Sampled

7. Thus, if protosoldiers were to disperse (and outbreed), they would suffer lower average relatedness to their own offspring than if they remained at home (and Sibmated)

Suffer, Strong, Sibmated

8. An independent demonstration of linkage of For-5 with Es-10 and another chromosome 14 marker, hairless (hr), is provided by the finding that the HRS/J strain, which has been Sibmated for 60 generations with forced heterozygosity at the hr locus, is cosegregating at For-5 and Es-10.

Strain, Strong, Sibmated

9. The construction of Sibmated strains with a high selection pressure for fertility, followed by relaxation, would be a useful preliminary to the analysis of those characters in mice concerned with reproductive fitness

Strong, Sibmated, Strains, Selection

10. Therefore, Sibmated females’ optimal progeny sex ratio is more female biased than that of outbred females

Strong, Sibmated, Sex

11. The genetic load caused by CSD can be so costly to Sibmated females that they switch to the production of males only.

So, Sibmated, Switch

12. As regardssibmating, desired types of female plants are selected and Sibmated with hermaphrodite plant

Selected, Strong, Sibmated

13. Intergeneric hybrid progenies from the cross Carica papaya L × Vasconcellea cauliflora Sibmated to derive tolerant/resistant progenies to ‘PRSV’.

Strong, Sibmated

14. For dCORL mutants, Sibmated females lived on average 33.0 days (an increase of 64% over dCORL mutant virgin females)

Strong, Sibmated

15. These flies were Sibmated and for each sibmate the deviation from the expected Mendelian ratio of CyO to non-CyO progeny was calculated

Strong, Sibmated, Sibmate

16. Breeding of Sibmated I stocks.-Thefer­ tility of a Sibmated breeding line was mea­ sured as the mean total number(TN)of progeny produced by the sixth (and last)

Sibmated, Stocks, Sured, Sixth

17. (offspring of Sibmated parents) survive to breed with relative probability 1 -s relative to outbred offspring

Strong, Sibmated, Survive

18. Cauliflora (R 5 P 16, R 6 P 16, R 7 P 16, R 14 P 7, R 17 P 16, R 19 P 1 and R 35 P 10) tolerant to ‘PRSV’from a population of 1008 progenies were selected and Sibmated.These progenies recorded a fruit weight in the range of 622-1024.8 g, TSS of 9.2 to 12.36 o B, cavity index of 3.83 to 20.5%.

Selected, Strong, Sibmated

19. An independent demonstration of linkage of For-5 with Es-10 and another chromosome 14 marker, hairless (hr), is provided by the finding that the HRS/J strain, which has been Sibmated for 60 generations with forced heterozygosity at the hr locus, is cosegregating at For-5 and Es-10.

Strain, Strong, Sibmated

20. Heterozygous offspring were Sibmated in order to produce homozygous mutant (En/En), heterozygous mutant (En/+) and wild-type (+ / +) age-matched littei male mice.


21. Seven corn (Zea mays L.) synthetics adapted to southern Iowa were grown in southern Minnesota at high plant density, and the earliest 5% to flower were Sibmated for five generations

Seven, Synthetics, Southern, Sibmated

22. Plants were either Sibmated among plants of an accession or intercrossed with plants from other accessions to initiate the development of stress‐tolerant populations

Sibmated, Stress

23. The strain remains male sterile and is maintained by crossing back each generation to the isogenic donor strain, which is also being Sibmated in parallel

Strain, Sterile, Sibmated

24. Variation in response to whether Sibmated or not (Greeff 1996; Reece et al

Strong, Sibmated

25. And Sibmated with hermaphrodite plant

Strong, Sibmated

26. Males, were inbred in our colony of Sibmated rats derived from NIH f/49 generation SHR

Strong, Sibmated, Shr

27. Variability in a Sibmated progeny of CxR (Coffea congensis x Coffea canephora) coffee

Strong, Sibmated

28. RI strains are sets of inbred strains created from Sibmated F2 progeny produced by crossing mice from different inbred progenitor strains, such as C57BL/6J and DBA/2J

Strains, Sets, Strong, Sibmated, Such

29. The offspring from this cross, F1 generation, were Sibmated and resulted in the F2 generation


30. The finding that the total number of daughters increases as the foundress number increases means that the proportion of Sibmated females, s, is less than 1/n h and should be closer to 1/n a, where n a is the arithmetic mean number of foundresses (electronic supplementary material).

Strong, Sibmated, Should, Supplementary

31. A total of 210 queens were successfully mated (82 non-Sibmated and 128 Sibmated); an average of 21 ± 3.2 (mean ± SE) queens per maternal colony

Successfully, Strong, Sibmated, Se

32. Heterozygous CTα flox mice were identified and Sibmated, and homozygous CTα flox mice resulting from this mating (∼25% of the offspring) were identified by PCR using the CT382 primer (above) and a primer called CT3UL (5′-GAAGTAGGCACTGAACTTAGG-3′) just upstream of the 3′ loxP site (see Fig

Strong, Sibmated, Site, See

33. Standard Sibmated strains kept at the Department of Genetics, Cambridge (Staats, 1964)

Standard, Strong, Sibmated, Strains, Staats

34. All progeny of this cross have now been Sibmated for more than 20 generations.

Strong, Sibmated

35. Just one Sibmated female) resulted in a continual re-duction of the size of heterozygous regions

Strong, Sibmated, Size

36. Numbers in the parentheses indicate numbers of generations Sibmated in the laboratory

Strong, Sibmated

37. An independent demonstration of linkage of For-5 with Es-10 and another chromosome 14 marker, hairless (hr), is provided by the finding that the HRS/J strain, which has been Sibmated for 60 generations with forced heterozygosity at the hr locus, is cosegregating at For-5 and Es-10.

Strain, Strong, Sibmated



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does submit mean?

    Definition of submit. transitive verb. 1a : to yield to governance or authority. b : to subject to a condition, treatment, or operation the metal was submitted to analysis. 2 : to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision also : to deliver formally submitted my resignation.

    What does the Bible say about submission?

    Submission in the Bible. What does the Bible say about submission? We are all called to be in submission to God as addressed in James 4:7. James conveys the idea that only when we submit to God will the devil "flee from you" as we are then committed to God and will be able to withstand the temptations of the devil.

    What does have submitted mean?

    To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another. 2. To subject to a condition or process: submit a tissue sample to testing. 3. To present (something) to the consideration or judgment of another: We submitted our ideas to our supervisor.

    How do you spell submittals?

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