See also: Shunammite Shun Shunned Shunt Shunning Shunted Shunting Shunter Shunk Upon To Light
1. Now the king was very old; and Abishag the Shunammite ministered unto the king.-- (See RSV)
Strong, Shunammite, See
2. Abishag (5 Occurrences) ab'-i-shag, a-bi'-shag ('abhishagh, apparently, "father of wandering," that is, "cause of wandering," or "my father wanders"): The Shunammite woman who became
Shag, Shunammite
3. The aggadah identifies Abishag as the Shunammite who gave hospitality to Elisha the prophet (P d RE 33)
Strong, Shunammite
4. Shunammite is a character in The Testaments
Strong, Shunammite
5. The Shunammite woman was a wealthy and well respected person in the society
Strong, Shunammite, Society
6. In Deborah we saw a leader, in Hannah a prayerful woman, in Abigail an intelligent woman and the Shunammite a wealthy and well respected person in the society
Saw, Shunammite, Society
7. The Shunammite woman’s heartfelt hospitality to Elisha and simple, sincere faith led to an amazing series of events
Strong, Shunammite, Simple, Sincere, Series
8. The Shunammite’s faith grew: her faith was demonstrated by her desire to know the Word, by her hospitality, by her contentment (see verse 13), by being willing to take a risk, and finally, by her calm dependence in the midst of great sorrow as she sought God’s solution and answer to the loss of her son.
Strong, Shunammite, See, Sorrow, She, Sought, Solution, Son
9. The Shunammite woman is mentioned by the midrash as one of the twenty-three truly upright and righteous women who came forth from Israel (Midrash Tadshe, Ozar ha-Midrashim [Eisenstein], p
Strong, Shunammite
10. “This Shunammite” There is a collection of men, like Moses and David, who have been given the “this” recognition in Scripture
Strong, Shunammite, Scripture
11. There is a group of women who share that recognition as well, and “this Shunammite” is one (2Ki 4:12)
Strong, Shunammite
,12. Another speculation points to Abishag, a young Shunammite who served King David in his old age (1 Kings 1:1–4, 15; 2:17–22)
Speculation, Strong, Shunammite, Served
13. Shunammite definition is - a native or inhabitant of the town of Shunem north of Mt
Shunammite, Shunem
14. Lessons from the Shunammite Woman 31 Days of Women from Scripture Volume 2 Day 11 The Heart of a Servant Day Eleven: Lessons from the Shunammite Woman 2 Kings 4:8-37 There are many warnings
Strong, Shunammite, Scripture, Servant
15. I've been studying the story of the Shunammite woman this week and her story is so rich and full of many truths
Studying, Story, Strong, Shunammite, So
16. Shunammite in Bible Dictionaries; Popular and Trending: Meaning of the name Alexander, Alexander the Great, Alexander the Coppersmith, Syria and Bible Prophecy, Bible Study about Syria, What the Bible Says about Syria and Damascus, Isaiah 17, The Bible and Palm Trees, Bible Study about the Palm Tree, The Righteous Will Flourish like a Palm Tree
Strong, Shunammite, Syria, Study, Says
17. Consider the story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:8-37
Story, Strong, Shunammite
18. One day, the Shunammite’s son died.
Strong, Shunammite, Son
19. Shunammite Home Healthcare provides professional and compassionate care to pediatric patients with special needs in the comfort and familiarity of their home
Strong, Shunammite, Special
20. Introduction “The Shunnamite” is a short story from the book written by Ines Arredondo, Underground River and Other Stories: the Shunammite
Shunnamite, Short, Story, Stories, Strong, Shunammite
21. The title “ The Shunammite ” preempts the details of this particular short story because it is derived from the Bible in the book of 1 Kings 1:1-4
Strong, Shunammite, Short, Story
22. Shunammite [ISBE] Shunammite - shoo'-na-mit (shunammith, shunammith; Codex Vaticanus Somaneitis; Codex Alexandrinus Soumanites): Applied to natives of Shunem
Strong, Shunammite, Shoo, Shunammith, Somaneitis, Soumanites, Shunem
23. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Shunammite
Strong, Shunammite
24. There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Shunammite
See, Strong, Shunammite
25. For more information about Shunammite , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well.
Strong, Shunammite
26. Shunammite is one of Agnes ’s classmates in primary school
Strong, Shunammite, School
27. Shunammite claims to be Agnes’s friend, but appears to only cozy up to her because of the ways in which it benefits her
Strong, Shunammite
28. Shunammite is rude and domineering and reveals that Agnes’s biological mother was a Handmaid, because she enjoys the attention and power that the revelation
Strong, Shunammite, She
29. 1 Kings 1:3 View whole chapter See verse in context So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king
See, So, Sought, Strong, Shunammite
30. 1 Kings 1:15 View whole chapter See verse in context And Bathsheba went in unto the king into the chamber: and the king was very old; and Abishag the Shunammite ministered unto the king.
See, Strong, Shunammite
31. Once the Shunammite woman perceives that her son has died, she lays him on Elisha's bed in his room at her house and hastens toward Mount Carmel where the prophet lives (II Kings 4:21-25)
Strong, Shunammite, Son, She
32. Shulamite, The, one of the personages in the poem of Solomons ( Solomon 6:13) The name denotes a woman belonging to a place called Shulem, which is probably the same as Shunem.[] If, then, Shulamite and Shunammite are equivalent, we may conjecture that the Shunammite who was the object of Solomons passion was Abishag, the most lovely girl of her day, and at the time of Davids death the …
Shulamite, Solomons, Solomon, Shulem, Same, Shunem, Strong, Shunammite
33. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Shunammite with 2 audio pronunciations.
34. The Shunammite woman, however, was childless for so long that she didn’t even ask for kids anymore
Strong, Shunammite, So, She
35. Because the Shunammite woman knew Elisha was a man of God, she created a
Strong, Shunammite, She
36. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Shunammite was not present
Social, Security, Shunammite
37. Weird things about the name Shunammite: The name spelled backwards is Etimmanuhs.
Shunammite, Spelled
38. Many interesting stories are told in the Bible, few of which are more touching than that of Elisha the prophet, and the Shunammite woman
Stories, Strong, Shunammite
39. Shunammite Trading is all about giving you quality products at the best value for your money
Strong, Shunammite
40. The Shunammite woman was an extra ordinary person with great faith, so I know why Elisha performed two special miracles for her
Strong, Shunammite, So, Special
41. Shunammite (8 Occurrences) 1 Kings 1:3 So they sought for a beautiful young lady throughout all the borders of Israel, and found Abishag the Shunammite, and brought her to the king
Strong, Shunammite, So, Sought
42. The king was very old; and Abishag the Shunammite was ministering to the king.
Strong, Shunammite
43. The Shunammite woman experienced this internal warfare between her fear and strength, she was tested between her doubt and faith, yet she ultimately overcame her fear and chose to turn to God
Strong, Shunammite, Strength, She
44. 2 Kings 4:8-37 English Standard Version (ESV) Elisha and the Shunammite Woman
Strong, Standard, Shunammite
45. Category: Shunammite Woman By Heather Farrell April 8, 2009 4 Comments
Strong, Shunammite
46. The Shunammite Woman and Elisha Help Each Other lfwas0351 options
Strong, Shunammite
47. The Shunammite Woman and Elisha lfwas2776 options
Strong, Shunammite
48. The Shunammite’s Guest Room for Elisha ksjas0206 options
Strong, Shunammite
49. Ultima-c Shunammite Express Shop, Davao City
Strong, Shunammite, Shop
50. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Shunammite
Strong, Shunammite
51. There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Shunammite
See, Strong, Shunammite
52. For more information about Shunammite , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well.
Strong, Shunammite
Definition of Shunammite : a native or inhabitant of the town of Shunem north of Mt. Gilboa in ancient Palestine
Abishag the Shunammite. ABISHAG THE SHUNAMMITE (Heb. אֲבִישַג; "the [Divine] Father (?)"; meaning unknown; of *Shunem), an unmarried girl who was chosen to serve as sōkhenet to King David. The term comes from a root skn, "attend to," "take care," and its noun forms can be applied to high officials in Hebrew (Is.
I’ve been studying the story of the Shunammite woman this week and her story is so rich and full of many truths. You can read it here in 2 Kings 4: 8-37 and then in 2 Kings 8:1-6 Now it happened one day that Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a notable woman, and she persuaded him to eat some food.
shoo'-na-mit (shunammith, shunammith; Codex Vaticanus Somaneitis; Codex Alexandrinus Soumanites): Applied to natives of Shunem. (1) Abishag, who was brought to minister to the aged king David, love for whom led Adonijah to his doom (1 Kings 1:3,15; 2:17, etc.). (2) The woman, name unknown, whose son Elisha raised from the dead (2 Kings 4:12, etc.).