See also: Shooters Shoots Shoes Shoosh Shoot Shootist Shooshaw Shook Shooting Shoon Shootout Shoop Shooter Shooed Shoo-in In Shoo Moo
1. What does Shootlets mean? Plural form of shootlet
Strong, Shootlets, Shootlet
2. Shootlet (plural Shootlets) A small shoot
Shootlet, Strong, Shootlets, Small, Shoot
3. If Shootlets are kept on one medium for more than 25 days the Shootlets faced the stress in-vitro due to which accelerated ageing triggered
Strong, Shootlets, Stress
4. Individual Shootlets, when separated and sub-cultured, produced a new crop of multiple shoots
Strong, Shootlets, Separated, Sub, Shoots
5. Defoliation of in vitro Shootlets of Azadirachta excelsa (Jack) M
Strong, Shootlets
6. Shootlets with 3–4 nodes were utilized for in vitro rooting by using filter paper bridge method, and best response (60%) with root number (3.34 ± 0.10) and root length (2.50 ± 0.05 cm) was appraised on 1/2 strength liquid MS medium supplemented with 1.5 μM IBA after 4 weeks of incubation.
Strong, Shootlets, Strength, Supplemented
7. However, MS basal medium fortified with 4.0 mg/L mT + 1.5 mg/L CPPU was found beneficial to stimulate 100% organogenic response (74.7 Shootlets) from immature leaf calli than cotyledon and stem derived calli after 45 days of culture.
Stimulate, Strong, Shootlets, Stem
8. The seedlings produce small Shootlets with small scaly leaves, giving it a bunch like an appearance on the shoot apex.
Seedlings, Small, Strong, Shootlets, Scaly, Shoot
9. Chloroplasts of Shootlets grown in a medium without sucrose contained numerous, large plastoglobuli and were lacking in starch granules
Strong, Shootlets, Sucrose, Starch
10. Shootlets grown under yellow light gave the highest antioxidant capacity (87.37%) compared with other light qualities as well as control (white light)
11. Shootlets grown under red light gave the lowest antioxidant capacity (80.316%)
12. Shortest Shootlets (62.33mm) as compared to control treatment
Shortest, Strong, Shootlets
13. However, the highest number of Shootlets formed per explant, numbers of leaves and roots per shootlet were in the highest values (2.33, 18.67 and 6.33, respectively) were resulted due to the highest concentration of Ni (20ppm) treatment
Strong, Shootlets, Shootlet
14. REGENERATE PROGRAM • Meristematic regeneration of the cultivar and establishment in aseptic culture PRESERVE PROGRAM** • Secure off-site storage of regenerated cultivar (150+Shootlets) • Option to purchase plantlets • A quarterly report for each cultivar including photographic documentation **Preserve program only available on
Secure, Site, Storage, Strong, Shootlets
15. Survived explants and rooting of Shootlets as well as the length of Shootlets and roots .While, using PEG at 40g/L led to the lowest survival percent and shortest Shootlets as compared to control treatment
Survived, Strong, Shootlets, Survival, Shortest
16. However, the highest numbers of Shootlets formed per explant, leaves and roots per Shootlets were in the highest values due to using the
Strong, Shootlets
17. Shootlets cultures of globe artichoke (Green Globe cultivar obtained from Vegetable Research Department, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt) were in vitro established on Murashige and Skoog [ 11] (MS) medium supplemented with 1 mg/l 6-benzyladenine (BA) according to method developed by Bekheet et al
Strong, Shootlets, Skoog, Supplemented
18. The Shootlets were produced roots even applying 1 g of sodium chloride and using the higher concentration of it prevents root formation
Strong, Shootlets, Sodium
19. Of Shootlets regeneration (11.6 ± 0.38) was observed from MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l of BAP
Strong, Shootlets, Supplemented
20. Maximum percentage (73.2 ± 0.47) of Shootlets was observed in MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l of BAP
Strong, Shootlets, Supplemented
21. Anti-bacterial activity of different extracts (25 µg) (ethanol, chloroform, aqueous and ethyl acetate) of stem and leaves segments derived calli, aerial portions of mother plants and calli mediated Shootlets were investigated by well-diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.
Stem, Segments, Strong, Shootlets, Staphylococcus, Subtilis
22. Reactivation of electron flow in chloroplasts of in vitro Shootlets of apple through elimination of carbon source and evaluation of its activity by inhibitors of electron transport chain and chlorophyll fluorescence quenching Authors (first, second and last of 5) Hamid Abdollahi;
Strong, Shootlets, Source, Second
23. MS media at full strength was the best culture media that produced shootlet (1.33 shootlet/explant) and shootlet length 3.67 cm with 9.97 leaf/Shootlets
Strength, Shootlet, Strong, Shootlets
24. Finally, chloroplasts ETC activity of the Shootlets was confirmed by higher percentage of O₂ and less CO₂ quantity in the atmospheres of the jars containing sucrose-free media, as well as by higher initial fluorescence (Fo) and maximum fluorescence (Fm) quenching parameters in the Shootlets, in comparison with the sucrose-enriched condition.
Strong, Shootlets, Sucrose
25. Gave the lowest values of number of Shootlets, shoot length and leaves numbers (3.4, 27.2 mm and 37.0, respectively)
Strong, Shootlets, Shoot
26. The lowest level of BA at (0.5mg/l), which was added to B5 or WPM culture media, seemed to have a significant promotion effect on Shootlets elongation (34.4 …
Seemed, Significant, Strong, Shootlets
27. Differentiation of Shootlets (small plants with leaves but without roots) were: 0.5 mg/l of gibberelic acid (GA3) or 0.25 mg/l of thidiazouron (TDZ) and 3 mg/l of GA3 (8.5 ± 1.73 and 7.25 ±1.03 Shootlets/callus, respectively)
Strong, Shootlets, Small
28. The subsequent root formation of Shootlets was most prominent after supplementation with 1.5 mg/l of indole-3-acetic
Subsequent, Strong, Shootlets, Supplementation
29. Shootlets cultures of globe artichoke (Green Globe culti-var obtained from Vegetable Research Department, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt) were in vitro established on Murashige and Skoog [11] (MS) medium supplemented with 1 mg/l 6-benzyladenine (BA) according to method developed by Bekheet et al
Strong, Shootlets, Skoog, Supplemented
30. Thus, a study to develop a procedure to overcome defoliation of in vitro Shootlets of A
Study, Strong, Shootlets
31. The obtained results in table (3) and figure (1) revealed that leaflet calli cultivated on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l BA gave the maximum number of indirect Shootlets regeneration (4.89)
Supplemented, Strong, Shootlets
32. In addition, MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BA gave the highest number of Shootlets regeneration with seed calli (3.13).
Supplemented, Strong, Shootlets, Seed
33. Highest Shootlets number (4.83±0.17) and length (3.8±0.16) cm were observed on full strength MS medium when fortified with BAP 4.0 mg/L and KIN 0.5 mg/L
Strong, Shootlets, Strength
34. Anti-bacterial activity of different extracts (25 µg) (ethanol, chloroform, aqueous and ethyl acetate) of stem and leaves segments derived calli, aerial portions of mother plants and calli mediated Shootlets were investigated by well-diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Stem, Segments, Strong, Shootlets, Staphylococcus
35. Highest Shootlets number (4.83±0.17) and length (3.8±0.16) cm were observed on full strength MS medium when fortified with BAP 4.0 mg/L and KIN 0.5 mg/L
Strong, Shootlets, Strength
36. Culturing the Shootlets on liquid MS+NAA at 0.4 mg L –1 resulted in strong and thick roots
Strong, Shootlets
37. Culturing the Shootlets on liquid MS+NAA at 0.4 mg L –1 resulted in strong and thick roots
Strong, Shootlets
38. Shootlets on TK were cut and multiplied on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 percent pectin and 1 mg/l BAP for further experiments on a novel medium (GNH, Table1)
Strong, Shootlets, Supplemented
39. The effect of BAP, ZR and IBA on shoot multiplicationFollowing proliferation of sufficient number of Shootlets, they were placed in the GNH medium containing BAP and ZR at the
Shoot, Sufficient, Strong, Shootlets
40. The seedlings produce small Shootlets bearing small scaly leaves with a bunch like appearance on the shoot apex
Seedlings, Small, Strong, Shootlets, Scaly, Shoot
41. Aspera, maximum mean length (5.50±0.34) of Shootlets was obtained in MS medium augmented with 3.0 mg/L of Kin and for A
Strong, Shootlets
42. That ALL things that are declared to be “for the Children” (or for the maggots or the clonelings, tadpoles, slime-wads, or the offshoots or the grokling-pre-beings, slime-mold-hybrid-Shootlets
Slime, Strong, Shootlets
43. This experiment is designed to determine rooting and acclimatization media of invitro Shootlets of Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 cherry rootstocks
Strong, Shootlets
44. Rooting ratio of invitro Shootlets of Gisela 6 is higher than Gisela 5
Strong, Shootlets
45. Shootlets (5-7 cm in length) of date palm cv
Strong, Shootlets
46. Among the axillary and apical nodes evaluated for their efficiency in producing microshoots, apical nodes produced more Shootlets.
Strong, Shootlets
47. • Asymbiotic Germination, Multiple Shootlets, Plantlet formation of Arachnis, Papillionanthe and Dendrobium Sp
Strong, Shootlets, Sp
48. Greenish Shootlets in Southern Europe (Implicitly Wonkish) April 10, 2014 12:42 pm April 10, 2014 12:42 pm
Strong, Shootlets, Southern
49. Broasted free-range fennel Shootlets with modules of prawns -- $19 Pecan-encrusted apricot-glazed garlic-enhanced shank of frog -- $27 Liver "en Fester" dans une bunche de creme de corne -- $21.
Strong, Shootlets, Shank
50. IAA for in vitro Shootlets and rootlets regeneration
Strong, Shootlets
51. An important medicinal plant inoculated on MS supplemented with 6.66 µM BAP and 2.69 µM NAA produced numerous (105 ± 0.3) Shootlets with an average length of 3.1 ± 0.0 cm
Supplemented, Strong, Shootlets
52. Small Shootlets were transferred to shoot elongation medium supplemented with 1.11 µM BAP plus 1.44 …
Small, Strong, Shootlets, Shoot, Supplemented
53. Shootlets induction and multiplication was MS supplemented with 0.1 mg/l NAA combination with 1mg/l BA compared with other supplementations
Strong, Shootlets, Supplemented, Supplementations
54. The maximum number of direct Shootlets regeneration (24 Shootlets per explant) was recorded with nodal explant cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1 NAA mg/l plus 1mg/l BA under light condition.
Strong, Shootlets, Supplemented
55. The highest survival (60%), regeneration (56%), and proliferated Shootlets (4.30) were obtained after cryoprotection with PVS2 for 60 min
Survival, Strong, Shootlets
56. As the highest no of Shootlets, number of leaves and shoot length was recorded at 1.0 mgL-1 of BAP therefore, the optimal concentration of BAP that effected shootlet formation in G
Strong, Shootlets, Shoot, Shootlet