See also: Semiautomatic Semi Seminal Seminar Seminary Semiotics Semicolon Semiconductor Semipermeable Semi-monthly Semicircle Seminole Semi-annual Semicircular Seminiferous Semiconservative Semi-permeable
1. B of a firearm : able to fire repeatedly through an automatic reloading process but requiring release and another pressure of the trigger for each successive shot a Semiautomatic rifle
Successive, Shot, Strong, Semiautomatic
2. Other Words from Semiautomatic Example Sentences Learn More about Semiautomatic. …
Strong, Semiautomatic, Sentences
3. Whether you prefer to spend time in search of waterfowl out on the hunt or practicing your shooting skills at the range, Semiautomatic shotguns are available in several different gauges to suit your application.
Spend, Search, Shooting, Skills, Strong, Semiautomatic, Shotguns, Several, Suit
4. Semiautomatic definition, partly automatic
5. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a Semiautomatic firearm.
6. Semiautomatic is a 21st century survival guide, fierce and full of compassion."--Diana Whitney, San Francisco Chronicle "[N]otable not only for the way it navigates questions of identity & politics, but for the variety & virtuosity of its use of form."--Robert Archambeau, The Hudson Review "In Semiautomatic, a 2018 Pulitzer finalist and the recent winner of the Hurston/Wright Award for Poetry, Evie Shockley …
Semiautomatic, Survival, San, Shockley
7. Looking for online definition of Semiautomatic or what Semiautomatic stands for? Semiautomatic is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms
Semiautomatic, Stands
8. Semiautomatic - What does Semiautomatic stand for? The Free Dictionary.
Semiautomatic, Stand
9. Boulder shooting spurs Neguse to call on Biden for ban on imported Semiautomatic rifles, high-capacity magazines The letter sent Thursday was …
Shooting, Spurs, Semiautomatic, Sent
Span, Serp, Src, Semiautomatic
11. Semiautomatic pistols were developed in Germany in the late 19th century by Peter Paul Mauser, whose Mauser rifle became a standard infantry weapon
Semiautomatic, Standard
12. In 1911 the .45-calibre single-action Semiautomatic pistol developed by the American weapons designer John …
Single, Semiautomatic
13. Semiautomatic rifles, which include assault weapons like the AR-15 and its variants, are relatively easy to operate and capable of firing very quickly
14. Synonyms for Semiautomatic in Free Thesaurus
Synonyms, Semiautomatic
15. 3 synonyms for Semiautomatic: Semiautomatic pistol, autoloading, self-loading
Synonyms, Semiautomatic, Self
16. What are synonyms for Semiautomatic?
Synonyms, Semiautomatic
17. Add to Wish List TNW Firearms Aero Survival Semiautomatic Tactical Rifle - 10mm SKU: 4900539
Survival, Semiautomatic, Sku
18. Semiautomatic is a 21st century survival guide, fierce and full of compassion."—Diana Whitney, San Francisco Chronicle "Evie Shockley burns up the page with her new collection
Semiautomatic, Survival, San, Shockley
19. Semiautomatic is a 21st century survival guide, fierce and full of compassion."—Diana Whitney, San Francisco Chronicle
Semiautomatic, Survival, San
SEMIAUTOMATIC [ˌsemēˌôdəˈmadik, ˌsemˌīˌôdəˈmadik]
A semi-automatic firearm, also called a self-loading or autoloading firearm (though fully automatic and selective fire firearms are also self-loading), is a repeating firearm whose action mechanism automatically loads a following round of cartridge into the chamber (self-loading) and prepares it for subsequent firing, but requires the shooter to manually actuate the trigger in order to discharge each shot.
semi-automatic(Adjective) Partially automatic. semi-automatic(Adjective) Of a firearm that automatically ejects a shell and loads the next one, but requires the trigger to be squeezed for each shot; autoloading.
Semi-automatic refers to a firearm which uses the force of recoil or gas to eject the empty case and load a fresh cartridge into the firing chamber for the next shot and which allows repeat shots solely through the action of pulling the trigger.
Semi-automatic weapons are typically pistols, rifles and shotguns, including the AK-47 and AR-15 rifles, the UZI submachine guns, and MAC-10 machine pistols. These firearms are often referred to as "assault weapons," based on their rapid-fire capability.