See also: Scriptural Scripturally Script Scribe Scripture Scrim Scribble Scrimmage Scrivener Scrimp Scripted Scripting Scrimshaw Scriber Scribbling Scribes And Define
1. What does Scripturalists mean? Plural form of scripturalist
Strong, Scripturalists, Scripturalist
2. Scripturalist (plural Scripturalists) One who adheres literally to the Scriptures. A student of the Scriptures.
Scripturalist, Scripturalists, Strong, Scriptures, Student
3. The name Karaim, meaning "Scripturalists", distinguished these Jews from the camp of the Rabbis who called themselves Rabaniyin ("Followers of the Rabbis") or Talmudiyin ("Followers of the Talmud").
Scripturalists, Strong
4. Scripturalists mean to be able to draw such conclusions as ‘Jesus is Messiah’ from the one axiom alone. However, it is my contention that when pressed they are unable to draw any conclusions from the one axiom that can be rightly called justified knowledge.
Strong, Scripturalists, Such
5. The Karaites (or "Scripturalists") accept only the Hebrew Bible, and what they view as the Peshat: "Plain or Simple Meaning," and do not accept non-biblical writings as authoritative
Strong, Scripturalists, Simple
6. Sproul Theology, Philosophy and Science Edward Feser Scripturalists Acts 17 Apologetics Novus Ordo Watch Reformed Libertarian Faith and Heritage
Sproul, Science, Strong, Scripturalists
7. Therefore, we are Scripturalists
8. The name is derived from sepher, or "book" and means Scripturalists - those who explained and copied the law. Their functions were to copy, read amend, explain, and protect the law.
Sepher, Scripturalists, Strong
9. Jewish Scripturalists will say: Torah is the word of God
Strong, Scripturalists, Say
10. Christian Scripturalists will say: Torah is the word of God, but incomplete
Strong, Scripturalists, Say
11. 8) Scripturalists cannot show how a Christian worldview solves various philosophical and ethical problems raised for non-Christian worldviews
Strong, Scripturalists, Show, Solves
12. The treaty of Najran is an illuminating proof of how Islam unreservedly conferred upon the Scripturalists not only social and religious freedom but also granted them the power to decide their own civil matters through establishing judicial autonomy which was not only pertinent to personal status but also covers civil, penal and all life affairs.
Strong, Scripturalists, Social, Status
13. To repeat, Scripturalists believe in God (or other deities), in the existence of the human soul, and in the expectation that at least some of human souls will live on for eternity in “Heaven” or other states of being after their physical death. To begin our exploration, we first need a brief history lesson.
Strong, Scripturalists, Soul, Some, Souls, States
14. A number of fairly recent anti-Scripturalists, starting (as far as I can tell) with Washington Irving, promoted the idea that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat
Strong, Scripturalists, Starting
15. One of my presuppositions while writing this paper is that Christians must be Scripturalists
Strong, Scripturalists
16. My article in Problems of Post-Communism, entitled "From Nomadic Traditionalists to Sedentary Scripturalists? Reexamining Ethno-Religious Discourse in Central Asia," further explores the discursive links between religion and ethnicity in the region as a whole
Sedentary, Strong, Scripturalists
17. Scripturalists are present in greater numbers, but still represent a relatively small group
Strong, Scripturalists, Still, Small
18. What the Scripturalists lack in numbers, they make up for by leverage
Strong, Scripturalists
19. Scripturalists typically seek to recruit aid from Non-Scripturalist Creationist Anti-Evolutionists or to turn Uniquely Creationist members into either Scripturalists or Non
Strong, Scripturalists, Seek, Scripturalist
20. They were called faithful, but you could still say they were Scripturalists, as we will see later in the case of Abraham, because Jesus Christ was the walking, living Word of God
Still, Say, Scripturalists, See
21. God always, in every circumstance, in every part of the history of what we call the Old Testament, had the Scripturalists: those who followed the Scriptures! Ezra was the main one that we’re going to focus in on coming down toward Judaism.
Strong, Scripturalists, Scriptures
22. Because of their rejection of the oral law or tradition they were termed by some as “Scripturalists” and “Bible followers”
Some, Strong, Scripturalists
23. According to Lubna, a 27 year-old student who calls herself a Salafi jihadist, the Scripturalists are "too weak to ever change the system." "They …
Student, Salafi, Strong, Scripturalists, System
24. Scripturalists (English) Noun Scripturalists Plural of scripturalist
Strong, Scripturalists, Scripturalist
25. I contend that American Evangelicals and Salafis can more usefully be thought of as “commonsense Scripturalists.” Though they have divergent premodern origins (the Protestant Reformation and the Hanbali-Wahhabi revival tradition), in modern America, Evangelicals and Salafis have adapted and convergently evolved a similar trait—namely, a diffuse, commonsense style and idiom of approaching
Salafis, Strong, Scripturalists, Similar, Style
26. Scripturalists are present in greater numbers, but still represent a relatively small group
Strong, Scripturalists, Still, Small
27. What the Scripturalists lack in numbers, they make up for by leverage
Strong, Scripturalists
28. Scripturalists typically seek to recruit aid from Non-Scripturalist Creationist Anti-Evolutionists or to turn Uniquely Creationist members into either Scripturalists or Non
Strong, Scripturalists, Seek, Scripturalist
29. The name Kara’im means “Scripturalists” and distinguished these Jews from the Rabbis who call themselves Rabanyin (Followers of the Rabbis) or Talmudiyin (Followers of the Talmud)
Strong, Scripturalists
30. He opposed the ‘Scripturalists’ or the ‘literalists,’ because they advocated rigid adherence to the fundamentals of Islam, as literally interpreted from the Koran and the Sunna
Strong, Scripturalists, Sunna
31. All Scripturalists, and approved theologians who were considered exemplary for piety and education, have undertaken to expound on this subject, in every age of the Christian era; and after they have done all, they are obliged to conclude by exclaiming “great is the mystery of godliness,” and tell nothing.
Strong, Scripturalists, Subject
32. Steve is greatly honored to be part of the ThornCrown Ministries family and looks forward to a long and fruitful relationship with his brothers in Christ and fellow Scripturalists
Steve, Strong, Scripturalists
33. The wise virgins are Scripturalists, meaning they accept the whole written scripture of Genesis through Revelation as the authoritative Word of YHVH
Strong, Scripturalists, Scripture
34. In Mediating Islam, "Janet Steele examines day-to-day reporting practices of Muslim professionals, from conservative Scripturalists to pluralist cosmopolitans, at five exemplary news organizations in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Steele, Strong, Scripturalists
35. Scripturalists, on the other hand, received "the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as the inspired word of God, and as an infallible rule of faith and practice." Essentially, then, rationalism was seen as an attack on the authority of the Bible
Strong, Scripturalists, Scriptures, Seen
36. Broadening an overly narrow definition of Islamic journalism, Janet Steele examines day-to-day reporting practices of Muslim professionals, from conservative Scripturalists to pluralist cosmopolitans, at five exemplary news organizations in Malaysia and Indonesia
Steele, Strong, Scripturalists