See also: Saccadic Saccharine Saccade Saccharide Sacco Saccarine Saccharomyces Saccule Sacculus Saccular Saccharum Saccharinity
1. Saccades Definition: Saccadic movement, or more commonly known as saccades, is the ability of the eyes to move in synchrony from point A to point B rapidly WITHOUT deviating from the path
Saccades, Strong, Saccadic, Synchrony
2. Saccadic suppression is evident from the fact that performance in the saccade conditions was reduced at all levels of stimulus contrast
Strong, Saccadic, Suppression, Saccade, Stimulus
3. The presence of characteristic Saccadic abnormalities can be enormously helpful in guiding diagnosis in the outpatient clinic.
Strong, Saccadic
4. A common type of Saccadic undershoot is the single-step, hypometric Saccadic refixation
Strong, Saccadic, Single, Step
5. If the step portion of the motoneuron Saccadic controller signal i correct, but the pulse portion of the con-troller signal is too small due to an error, then the dynamic saccade (the initial fast portion of the Saccadic eye movement) falls short of the desired
Step, Strong, Saccadic, Signal, Small, Saccade, Short
6. 1. Saccadic - of or related to the rapid movement of the eyes between points of fixation Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection
Strong, Saccadic
7. Saccadic movement definition is - the quick movement of the eyes by which the gaze is transferred from one fixation point to another.
Strong, Saccadic
8. This is known as Saccadic masking
Strong, Saccadic
9. Saccadic intrusions without an interSaccadic interval Ocular flutter and opsoclonus Ocular flutter is a burst of back-to-back horizontal saccades without an interSaccadic interval (Fig
Strong, Saccadic, Saccades
10. In contrast, Saccadic intrusions are involuntary conjugate saccades that interrupt fixation.
Saccadic, Saccades
11. Scientists can test the area that controls Saccadic movements, the frontal lobe, through anti-saccade tests
Scientists, Strong, Saccadic, Saccade
12. Definition of Saccadic in the dictionary
Strong, Saccadic
13. Information and translations of Saccadic in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Strong, Saccadic
14. Saccadic eye movements are an important component of the animal’s behavior for exploring and spatially organizing its sensory environment
Strong, Saccadic, Spatially, Sensory
15. Saccadic dysmetria is a subset of ocular dysmetria
Strong, Saccadic, Subset
16. Saccadic movements, also called saccades, are rapid and simultaneous movements that both eyes make when they are looking towards a point in the same direction
Strong, Saccadic, Saccades, Simultaneous, Same
17. The dynamics of Saccadic eye motion give insight into the complexity of the mechanism that controls the motion of the eye
Strong, Saccadic
18. See: nystagmus; vergence Saccadic, adjective Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners Want to …
See, Saccadic
19. Saccadic definition: relating to or resembling saccades Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Strong, Saccadic, Saccades
20. Saccadic eye movements made under normal viewing conditions are accompanied by a loss of visual sensitivity commonly labelled Saccadic suppression or Saccadic omission
Saccadic, Sensitivity, Suppression
21. Saccadic disorders caused by cooling the superior colliculus or the frontal eye field, or from combined lesions of both structures
Saccadic, Superior, Structures
22. From the Cambridge English Corpus The relationship between Saccadic …
23. Saccadic pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to say the number neunzig in German? no-yn-sik
Strong, Saccadic, Synonyms, Sentences, Say, Sik
24. Saccadic eye. movement is one of the mechanisms by which
Strong, Saccadic
25. Excitatory burst neurons (EBN) generates the ___ for Saccadic eye movements
Strong, Saccadic
26. The high latency associated with normal Saccadic generation has been said by some researchers to be due to Saccadic procrastination , i.e
Strong, Saccadic, Said, Some
27. Saccadic suppression is largely a consequence of visual masking: the clear, bright, long-duration fixations that precede and follow each saccade mask the perception of the low-contrast blur that is on the retina in much the same way that a bright flash of light would mask the perception of any low-contrast, brief- ….
Strong, Saccadic, Suppression, Saccade, Same
28. A Parametric Model for Saccadic Eye Movement Weiwei Dai ⇤, Ivan Selesnick , John-Ross Rizzo†, Janet Rucker †, Todd Hudson ⇤Dept
Strong, Saccadic, Selesnick
29. Saccadic intrusions are involuntary conjugate saccades (fast eye movements) that interrupt fixation (Fig
Saccadic, Saccades
30. Wayne Saccadic Fixator Purpose: To increase Saccadic performance while improving peripheral awareness, short reaction time, accurate saccades and eye-hand coordination
Strong, Saccadic, Short, Saccades
31. Materials: One Wayne Saccadic Fixator (WSF) Basic Technique: Stand arms length in front of the WSF
Strong, Saccadic, Stand
32. For Saccadic oscillations that cause visual symptoms, medical treatments are most effective.[2] MacroSaccadic Oscillations
Strong, Saccadic, Symptoms
33. MacroSaccadic oscillations often result in difficulty with reading, but there are few clinical trials investigating proposed treatments
34. Saccadic INTRUSIONS Saccadic intrusions are sporadic biphasic disruptions of fixation
Saccadic, Sporadic
35. Saccadic intrusions include square wave jerks, Saccadic pulses, double Saccadic
Saccadic, Square
36. Saccadic - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Strong, Saccadic
37. Saccadic eye movement abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder indicate dysfunctions in cerebellum and brainstem Mol Autism
Strong, Saccadic, Spectrum
38. Altered control of visual fixation and Saccadic eye movements in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder J Neurophysiol
Strong, Saccadic
39. The project was proposed to test the effects of caffeine on Saccadic eye movements
Strong, Saccadic
40. Saccadic eye movements are a prominent feature of visual behavior; they allow successive sampling of information from the environment
Strong, Saccadic, Successive, Sampling
41. Yet we are unaware of such motion, a phenomenon known as Saccadic suppression
Such, Strong, Saccadic, Suppression
42. Decades of research have shown that, when measured in laboratory conditions, Saccadic eye movements are not only variable, due to noise in sensory-motor pathways, but also inaccurate, displaying systematic biases toward smaller movement amplitudes (hypometria) or toward the mean location of the targets (central tendency)
Shown, Strong, Saccadic, Sensory, Systematic, Smaller
43. Synonyms for Saccadic in Free Thesaurus
Synonyms, Strong, Saccadic
44. What are synonyms for Saccadic?
Synonyms, Strong, Saccadic
SACCADIC [səˈkadik, sa-]
Medical Definition of saccade. : a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading) Other Words from saccade.
Definition of saccade : a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading) : a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading)
Psychology Definition of SACCADIC SPEED: Rate of motion inherent in a saccade . Humans have been known to achieve rates of motion at up to 700