Scientific name translator

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Translation of Scientific name in English

7 hours ago The internationally recognized Latin name of an animal or plant species. The scientific name consists of two parts, genus and species, followed by the describer (author) of the species. The scientific names (excluding the author's names) are always printed in Italics. The genus name is always capitalized, while the specific name is not capitalized.


Category: Use of in a sentence

Strong, Species, Scientific, Specific

Zoology translation of scientific names Biology Stack

1 hours ago translation of scientific names [closed] Ask Question Asked 7 years, 4 months ago. Active 4 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 5k times 3 $\begingroup$ Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.

Reviews: 3


Category: Use of in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

How to translate the scientific names of plants/animals

6 hours ago Scientific name helps you translate: Feb 10, 2009: This has already been touched on, but let me explain a bit further. Let's say you need to translate the common name of a plant or animal from English into Spanish: 1. Google the common name in English, and find a site that also gives you the scientific name for that common name. 2. Then set


Category: Use to in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Say, Spanish, Site, Set

SciName Finder™

Just Now SciName Finder™ is a search tool for scientific/common (vernacular) names of plants and animals written by Anders Møller, Danish Food Information. Currently, the following databases are connected: Australian Fish Names Standard® AS SSA 5300-2009, CEC 1993, Danish Plant Name List 2003, eBASIS/EuroFIR Nettox Plant List 2007, European


Category: Use words in a sentence

Sciname, Search, Strong, Scientific, Standard, Ssa

Science Dictionary Online Science Term Finder

7 hours ago When you search for science terms on Google, you waste a lot of time looking through unrelated search results. However, when you search for something on The Science Dictionary, we show you only scientific websites. We use the same engine that powers Google, then apply a proprietary technique on top of it to filter out any non-scientific results.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Search, Science, Something, Show, Strong, Scientific, Same

Name Translation Behind the Name

5 hours ago Name Translation. any language Albanian Ancient Greek Ancient Roman Arabic Armenian Basque Belarusian Bosnian Breton Bulgarian Catalan Cornish Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indian Irish Italian Latvian Lithuanian


Category: Use words in a sentence


How to directly translate the scientific name, Helianthus

9 hours ago Answer (1 of 5): Scientific names are not always purely Latin — often, there are Greek elements, as well as “Latinized” words or names from other languages. But


Category: Use to in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

Online Translator —

6 hours ago is a leader in the market for professional human translations, software localization, and advanced language services since 2011, with the headquarters in Newark, USA. Trusted by the leading enterprises and companies worldwide, our company helps clients succeed in international markets with quality tools and talented people.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Strong, Software, Services, Since, Succeed

Animals by Scientific Name: A Complete List AZ Animals

3 hours ago The animal scientific name format consists first of the genus, followed by a species specific epithet. This is how all living animals are scientifically classified. How To Write A Scientific Name. Scientific names, also known as ‘scientific nomenclature’ are binomial phrases that consist of combining a genus and species specific word.


Category: Use by in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Species, Specific, Scientifically

Language Scientific Translation Services Language Scientific

5 hours ago Language Scientific is a US-based translation and localization services company. Our Advanced Scientific Knowledge network (ASKnetwork™) provides medical, scientific and technical translation services in all the major European, Asian, Middle Eastern, African and American languages.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Services

Scientific name English to Spanish Translation

5 hours ago Translate Scientific name. See authoritative translations of Scientific name in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, See, Spanish, Sentences

Scientific creature names Fantasy name generators

7 hours ago Scientific creature name generator . This name generator will give you 10 random scientific names for animals and creatures. The names are based on the real scientific names we use today, but part of the names in this generator have been randomized to create new words and names.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

Translate scientific name of in Latin with examples

7 hours ago Contextual translation of "scientific name of" into Latin. Human translations with examples: cocci, keanna, conditio, deus nomine, nomina magica, in nomine dei.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

Scientific name German translation – Linguee

1 hours ago Suggest as a translation of "scientific name" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. EN. Open menu. Translator. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Linguee. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Suggest, Strong, Scientific, Search

How to find a translation for the name of a plant, animal

9 hours ago 2. On the search box enter the term you are searching for (preferably between quotation marks) and the expression "scientific name" (in the source language of the term) between quotation marks. For example: If you are translating Galapagos Fur Seal into Portuguese enter "Galapagos Fur Seal" "scientific name".


Category: Use to in a sentence

Search, Searching, Strong, Scientific, Source, Seal

Welcome to Botanary, the Botanical Dictionary

Just Now noun. 1. A blended word, derived from the phrase "botanical dictionary". 2. A reference containing an alphabetical list of 21,269 botanical words, with information given for each word, usually including the etymology (i.e., history and/or origin) and pronunciation. Almost 250 years ago, the Swedish botanist Carl von Linn� published Species


Category: Use to in a sentence

Swedish, Strong, Species

NamepediA: First Name Translator

8 hours ago Translate Given Name. Blog. No Records. Name Glossary. The glossary explains the name-related terms. Example:


Category: Use words in a sentence


List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic

3 hours ago This list of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names is intended to help those unfamiliar with classical languages to understand and remember the scientific names of organisms. The binomial nomenclature used for animals and plants is largely derived from Latin and Greek words, as are some of the names used for higher taxa, such as orders and above.


Category: Use of in a sentence

Systematic, Strong, Scientific, Some, Such

Scientific name Spanish translation – Linguee

2 hours ago Suggest as a translation of "scientific name" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. EN. Open menu. Translator. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Linguee. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Suggest, Strong, Scientific, Search

Scientific name of in English with contextual examples

7 hours ago Contextual translation of "scientific name of" into English. Human translations with examples: slime man, name of paint, chloe bearden, name of pencil.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Slime

Fish Name Translator Offline Apps on Google Play

1 hours ago Fish Name Translator will help you translate over 600 fish, mollusk and crustacean names in 6 different languages: - English. - German. - French. - Dutch. - Spanish. - Italian. Features: * Multi-lingual dictionary with over 600 entries for fish, and shellfish (mollusks and crustaceans) in 6 languages plus the scientific name


Category: Use on in a sentence

Strong, Spanish, Shellfish, Scientific

Scientific name English to Chinese (s) Translation

4 hours ago Scientific name (English to Chinese (s) translation). Translate Scientific name to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Software

Scientific Translation Techniques Translator Thoughts

2 hours ago Top scientific translation techniques. Scientific translation is the translation of scientific texts, thus a special knowledge will be required. These texts require a deep knowledge of both the source and target languages, as well as a proper understanding of the subject.

Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins


Category: Use words in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Special, Source, Subject

Scientific name Definition & Meaning

9 hours ago Scientific name definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Synonyms

EcoNameTranslator · PyPI

3 hours ago Scientific Name To Common. Given a list of scientific names (at any taxonomic rank) this function will standardise and spell check your input names, before returning the common English names that can describe the taxonmic input name


Category: Use words in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Standardise, Spell

Scientific name in Spanish EnglishSpanish Dictionary

2 hours ago Check 'scientific name' translations into Spanish. Look through examples of scientific name translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Spanish, Sentences

Scientific Name Translation from German into English PONS

Just Now Scientific Communication Research ( SciCoRe ) The Scientific Communication Research (SciCoRe) is aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research on the topic of communication in the sciences for scientists at the TU Darmstadt and other universities.. The university and its individual disciplines find themselves perpetually obligated to justify the content of their research, as well as to either


Category: Use from in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Scicore, Sciences, Scientists

Scientific Latin Translations: What Scientific Names of

7 hours ago Names from other sources. This grab bag includes names of unknown origin like Liatris (blazing star) and cute names like Trilisa (deer’s tongue--an anagram of Liatris), various medieval and modern Latin names like Aquilegia (columbine), and mixtures of Latin and Greek names like Taxodium (bald cypress).


Category: Use of in a sentence

Strong, Sources, Star

Google Translate

1 hours ago Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Service, Strong

The scientific name for narwhal translates to what? YouTube

3 hours ago THE SCIENTIFIC NAME FOR NARWHAL TRANSLATES TO WHAT?. This video will give you a 'Straight To the point' information / answer / solution of : The scientific n


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Straight, Solution

PHONETICA LATINÆ How to pronounce Latin

1 hours ago As scientific names, I suggest to pronounce these description texts in the eclesiastical method. Usually there's not much problem, the most difficult part is to translate numbers into Latin, since most authors prefer to write measurements in arabic numerals instead of verbose Latin.


Category: Use to in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Suggest, Since

Scientific Notation Converter CalculatorSoup

1 hours ago Convert Scientific Notation to a Real Number. Multiply the decimal number by 10 raised to the power indicated. 3.456 x 10^4 = 3.456 x 10,000 = 34560. 3.456 x 10^-4 = 3.456 x .0001 = 0.0003456.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

Scientific Names of The Most Common Animals And Plants

5 hours ago Scientific names or Binomial Nomenclature is a scientific process wherein entities such as plants, animals, living entities are named and they are derived from Latin. It has many advantages such as: Classification and organisation – Entities are comprehensively organised which makes understanding and studying characteristics of particular


Category: Use of in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Such, Studying

Scientific in Latin EnglishLatin Dictionary Glosbe

5 hours ago translations scientific Add . scientificus adjective. A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system. Peramplus exstat consensus scientificus qui indicat quandam inesse calefactionem systematis climatici quae sollicitudinem concitat.


Category: Use in in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Scientificus, Solid, System, Systematis, Sollicitudinem

How to Write Scientific Names of Plant and Animal Species

5 hours agoScientific nomenclature” refers to various names according to a specific field of study. This article is the first in a series on scientific nomenclature within specific kingdoms. Usually, animals & plants are identified by common and scientific names. Common name: These are used locally and may vary by region or country.


Category: Use to in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Specific, Study, Series

Scientific name EnglishSpanish Dictionary

5 hours ago Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: scientific name n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (Latin term for [sth]): nombre científico loc nom m locución nominal masculina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo masculino ("ojo de buey", "agua mala").: The scientific name for the blackbird is Turdus merula.


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Sth, Sustantivo

Common, Tagalog, and Scientific Names of Fruits and …

6 hours ago Common, Tagalog, and Scientific Names of Fruits and Vegetables 3 T 2 Foreword T his publication was developed to provide information on local and scientific names of fruits and vegetables grown on Guam. Be aware, however, notice is given that botanical (scientific) names of plants change periodically as taxonomic work refines plant groupings.


Category: Use and in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

SCIENTIFIC NAME Translation in Finnish

Just Now Translation for 'scientific name' in the free English-Finnish dictionary and many other Finnish translations.


Category: Use in in a sentence

Strong, Scientific

Scientific name definition of scientific name by The

9 hours ago Define scientific name. scientific name synonyms, scientific name pronunciation, scientific name translation, English dictionary definition of scientific name. n. A name used by scientists, especially the taxonomic name of an organism that consists of a genus name and …


Category: Use name in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Synonyms, Scientists

“What’s in a Name?” Activity (Grade 36, Age 811)

4 hours agotranslate” the scientific names of the sharks using the chart of Latin and Greek terms. For example: Carcharhinus melanopterus Carch means sharp and rhinus means nose. Melan means dark or black and pter means wing or fin. So a Carcharhinus melanopterus has a sharp nose and black fins.


Category: Use in in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Sharks, Sharp, So

Scientific translate English to French: Cambridge Dictionary

9 hours ago scientific translate: scientifique, scientifique, scientifique. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary.


Category: Use to in a sentence

Strong, Scientific, Scientifique

Five Great Animals with Even Better Scientific Names

4 hours ago Most scientific names are descriptive and this one fits the black-footed ferret, translating almost exactly to the common name black-footed ferret. Mustela is Latin for weasel (hence also the family name of weasel-like mammals is Mustelidae).


Category: Use with in a sentence

Strong, Scientific


  • › English to scientific name
  • › Latin scientific name translator
  • › Scientific word translator
  • › Scientific translation services
  • › Name translations meanings
  • › Scientific language translator
  • › Scientific name database
  • › Scientific name search

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are language scientific translators and translation editors?

Language Scientific employs only patent translators and translation editors who hold technical degrees such as MSEE, PhD, or MD in engineering, science, medicine or computer science.

What do you need to know about scientific translation?

Scientific translation is the translation of scientific texts, thus a special knowledge will be required. These texts require a deep knowledge of both the source and target languages, as well as a proper understanding of the subject. Scientific translators are often trained linguists that specialize in fields such as medicine, biology or chemistry.

How are scientific names derived from other languages?

The nomenclature consists of two names, both of which are derived from Latin. However, it can be derived from other languages too. Such a name is called a binomial name or a scientific name. The generic name or the initial part of the name highlights the genus to which an organism belongs to. The second part, or the specific name, identifies ...

Which is a sub group of technical translation?

Scientific Translation. As a sub-group of technical translation, as its name indicates, scientific translation deals with documents in the domain of science: articles, theses, papers, congress booklets, presentations, study reports etc.

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