Games Super Metroid
7 hours ago 125 Hacks; Title Category Date; Super Metroid Turbo! Improvement: 08 Nov 2021: Super Metroid - Echo Buffer Relocation: Bug Fix: 09 Oct 2021: Metroid: SUPER-SPEED Zero Mission: Addendum: 16 Sep 2021: Super Metroid Redux: Improvement: 10 Jul 2021: Super Metroid - Y-Faster 2 Furious: Complete: 03 Jul 2021: Samus Combat Armor: Improvement: 02 Apr
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Relocation, Redux Hacks Super Metroid: Ascent
8 hours ago Ascent is a full hack of Super Metroid. More Super Metroid with same gameplay but whole new level design, new visuals and even some new mechanics. It has approximately the same amount of rooms as original game but bigger rooms and the difficulty is harder than original but not too much. The hack gameplay will focus on puzzles, exploration and
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Rooms Hacks Super Metroid: Redesign
7 hours ago Metroid: Redesign is a total overhaul of Super Metroid by Drewseph with major coding done by Kejardon, MathOnNapkins and Jathys. The Planet Zebes, now bigger than we’ve previously seen it, is filled with many mysteries. Sleeping within the depths of the planet is a secret heavily protected by the last standing symbols of the great Chozo race…
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Redesign, Race
Super Metroid Romhacks RetroRGB
Just Now Super Metroid – Control Freak. This is another hack that focuses on the controls in Super Metroid; The map is unchanged. I haven’t played it, but it’s next on my list… Other cool 2D Metroid Stuff: AM2r – Another Metroid 2 Remake. This is an amazing fan remake of Metroid 2: Return of Samus. It’s currently a playable beta, but
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Remake, Return Hacks Super Metroid Redux
8 hours ago Super Metroid Redux is an improvement hack for Super Metroid, and a continuation of Super Metroid: GBA Style.. This hack aims to give Super Metroid a whole lot of improvements, being it graphical or in mechanics/gameplay, and address some of the annoyances from the original.
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Super Metroid GBA Edition Metroid Construction
7 hours ago This rom hack is ok,it has new item locations,that made 100% a little harder,new map tiles,there are some tricks you can do in the OG Super Metroid that has,but in a different way,this rom hack has many problems,like the crocomire gliching some times when almost killing it,crocomire needs fixes,there is no new music,this rom hack needs
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Super Metroid: Ascent Metroid Construction
7 hours ago Ascent is a full hack of super metroid. More super metroid with same gameplay but whole new level design, new visuals and even some new mechanics. It has approximately the same amount of rooms as original game but bigger rooms and the difficulty is harder than original but not too much. The hack gameplay focus on puzzles, exploration and
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Rooms Hacks Super Metroid Hownst
9 hours ago ROM Hacking Discussion. Today at 12:47:24 am. See More Forum Topics Recent Updates. Chrono Trigger. Translations. update translate. Rockman to Mega Man Title Screen Redo. Super Metroid Hownst Hack of Super Metroid. Hack Information; Super Metroid Hownst. Hack of Super Metroid. Released By: Pedro123: Category: Complete: Platform: SNES:
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Rom, Recent, Rockman, Redo, Released
Super Metroid Rom Hacks reddit
2 hours ago Super Metroid Rom Hacks. After playing through Zero Mission and Fusion for the umpteenth time, I still had the Metroid itch. Super Metroid beckoned but Planet Zebes only holds so many secrets. That's when I discovered Super Metroid Redesign. Redesign is a rom hack, a highly polished overhaul of the SNES Metroid game 2 years in the making.
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Rom, Redesign
Super Metroid Rom Hack Download
3 hours ago Hyper Metroid is a ROM hack, created by RealRed, of the original Super Metroid and a complete overhaul of the game offering a dark twist on the original Metroid storyline. Following the events of the Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus , Super Metroid follows the story of Samus Aran as she tracks down the Space Pirate Ridley who has
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Rom, Realred, Return, Ridley
Super Metroid ROM Hacks
2 hours ago Super Metroid ROM Hacks series. SNES, WiiVC, WiiUVC, SNESClassic, MiSTer, SuperNt. ROM Hack. Leaderboards. Base Categories Full Game Leaderboard. News Guides Resources Forum Statistics (2005) Legacy (2006) Redesign (2011) Super Zero Mission (2012) Z …
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Rom, Resources, Redesign
Super Metroid Underworld (SNES) Rom Hack Download
3 hours ago Super Metroid Underworld (Q and A) Question : What is a SNES Rom Hack? Answer : A SNES ROM Hack is where someone has taken the original SNES Game and has modified it with new graphics / levels / characters. Some hacks are very good and can create completely new games, whilst others are not done very well and can even be unplayable.
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Super Metroid Phazon Hack Rom Download
6 hours ago Best Super Metroid Rom Hacks. Super Metroid Phazon Hack 0.3 Description: Super Metroid Phazon Hack 0.3 is a full rehack of SM Phazon hack. This hack has new rooms, items, enemies, and new. Filesize: 942.50 KB.
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Rom, Rehack, Rooms
10 Best SNES ROM Hacks Of 2021
4 hours ago 2. Super Metroid: Ascent. The silver medal goes to the super-colourful Super Metroid: Ascent! This Super Metroid hack is über vibrant and textured, bringing exciting new visuals and absolutely fantastic original levels to computers (and SNES consoles using blank carts) everywhere.
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Super Metroid Nature Metroid Construction
7 hours ago Super Metroid Nature is a full-sized hack of the popular game Super Metroid. The design of the world, palettes, enemies and atmosphere is entirely different to the original story of Zebes. The difficulty will resemble that of the original, but a tad harder in sections. Nature, while resembling parts of the original, is a whole different
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Resemble, Resembling
Super Metroid Rotation (SNES) Rom Hack [Download]
1 hours ago Super Metroid Rotation is a super Nintendo ROM hack based on the Super Metroid SNES game. Game Rating : 1.25/5 (8) Developer : SMILEuser96 Game Type : January 1st 2016 Release Date : 21 February 2014 Modes : Single Player
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Rotation, Rom, Rating, Release
Super Metroid Redesign (SNES) Rom Hack [Download + Review]
1 hours ago Super Metroid Redesign. Super Metroid Redesign is a super nintendo ROM hack based on the Super Metroid Redesign SNES game. This is the most influential Metroid hack in existence. It offers new items, new physics, and lots of new areas to explore! So get ready for a whole new and improved gaming experience with Super Metroid Redesign.
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Redesign, Rom, Ready
Good QOL romhack to play Super Metroid? : Metroid
8 hours ago Discussion about rom hacks is tolerable, discussing roms and emulators is discouraged, and sharing roms or emulators is strictly prohibited. Remember to adhere to Rule 5 or your post will be removed. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
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Rom, Roms, Remember, Rule, Removed
Metroid Construction
Just Now 1. Find and download a Super Metroid ROM. Super Nintendo games are most commonly .SMC files. To avoid the risk of legal drama, we're not posting it here. Torrents and Google are your friend. 2. Download the .IPS file for whatever hack you want to play. 3. Download Lunar IPS and extract the .ZIP file's contents to any folder you want. This
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Rom, Risk, Re Hacks Super Metroid YFaster
8 hours ago Description: Entry for MetConst Summer Contest “Race to the Finish”. Plot : A flying brain from another dimension is wrecking the galaxy, Samus has decided to put an end to this. She has less than one hour to complete her task otherwise she’ll die from heavy brain damage. Goal : Defeat 4 main bosses in 4 distinct areas then head to the
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Super Metroid Justin Bailey ROM hack » NES Ninja
6 hours ago Super Metroid Justin Bailey ROM hack. Controls: On other platforms: Super Metroid Justin Bailey. 31 roms. Metroid - Zero Mission. 27 roms. Metroid Fusion. 9 roms. Metroid II - Return of Samus. Arcade & Action » Action. 70 roms. Metroid. Platformer. 93 roms. Classic NES Series. No category! 10 roms. Super Turrican. Run'n'Gun » Arcade & Action
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Rom, Roms, Return, Run
Super Metroid: Magaluf Rom Hack Snes YouTube
3 hours ago takes a break from bounty hunting for a girls holiday to Magaluf.Unfortunately before she arrives, she r
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Project Base begrimed
8 hours ago Project Base is a Super Metroid ROM hack with smoother mechanics, level edits, new content, graphic edits, custom code, and much more. It can be played on Snes9x, higan/BSNES, ZSNES, repro carts, SD2SNES, SNES Classic Mini, and probably anything else that is able to load Super Nintendo games. The difficulty level of Project Base is roughly the
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Rom, Repro, Roughly
Super Metroid ROM Hacks My Thoughts And Experiences
4 hours ago These are some other solid ROM hacks that I have enjoyed: Super Zero Mission: Aside from Hyper Metroid, maybe the most popular SM ROM hack (or maybe even more popular than Hyper) Super Metroid: Nature - I actually played this fairly recently, but only played it once and just cannot recall a great deal about it. I remember it was solid though.
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Rom, Recently, Recall, Remember
Super Metroid Vitality : Super Metroid Missile Bead
9 hours ago The only hack i've played to completion is project . This item has an extended handling time and a delivery estimate greater than 15 business days. Welcome to super metroid vitality! First impressions of vitality (super metroid rom hack). Super metroid vitality snes games samus aran has been contracted to investigate an installation on planet
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SNES Rom Hack Super Metroid Redesign The
1 hours ago Super Metroid Redesign is a fantastic rom hack, I never managed to finish it (it is absolutely insanely huge), and to be completely honest I kinda would've preferred they left the physics alone. wall jumping took a good few minutes to master in the original game, but it took me ages in the redesign, and some bomb jumping was absolute punishment.
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Redesign, Rom
Metroid: Super Zero Mission (SNES) Rom Download
5 hours ago Metroid: Super Zero Mission is a Super Nintendo ROM hack based on the Super Metroid SNES game. This hack combines the essences of Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, two of the most popular games in the Metroid franchise. Game Rating : 0.96/5 (52) Developer : SBniconico. Game Type : Action Adventure. Release Date : 22 October 2015.
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Rom, Rating, Release
Metroid Construction
6 hours ago Hacks. Games: M1 M2 SM MF MZM MP1 MP2 MP3 Uncheck All. Genres [?]: Unknown Boss Rush Exploration Challenge Spoof Speedrun/Race Incomplete Quick Play Improvement Vanilla+ Uncheck All. Search: Page Size: Submit a New Hack Top Hacks How To Play Hacks. 434 Results Found. Super Metroid: Federation Force: Metaquarius: Spoof: Jun 20, 2015: Expert
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Rush, Race, Results
Super Metroid ROM Hacks series
8 hours ago Latest runs. Super Metroid ROM Hacks. (2015) Containment Chamber - Any%. 37 m 25 s. 7th. kevnastics. kevnastics. 37 m 25 s. 1 week ago.
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Runs, Rom
Resources Super Metroid
7 hours ago A ROM hack designed to improve practice. The practice hack adds many features to Super Metroid, such as, but not limited to: no item fanfares, input display, info hud (time, item%, enemy hp, lag frames); menu (teleport, equipment, refill); save/load states (sd2snes/fxpak only). (external link) This is a save state pack made with the usb2snes
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Rom, Refill
Is there a ROM Hack with vanilla Super Metroid controls
1 hours ago Is there a ROM Hack with vanilla Super Metroid controls and fancy QoL changes? So, I like the idea of the quick/minimal fanfare on item pickup, the map updating to circles when items are picked up and the item percentage and time displayed on the pause menu. It seems like a combination of Project Base and Super Metroid Turbo! .
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Super Metroid Aspiration (New screens added) Misc. ROM
1 hours ago Last seen: 12 hours and 25 minutes ago. Link. Posted on 2007-10-31 01:36:46 AM Last edited 2007-12-03 07:46:51 PM by FPzero. Some of you may have heard me mention this in my rant about the current state of SMW hacking, but I'm making a Super Metroid hack now. It's called Super Metroid Aspiration.
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Sunday Longplay Super Metroid Ascent (SNES ROM Hack
3 hours ago Hack by Benox50: week on Sunday Longplay, the Road to Metroid Dread continues with another ROM hack of my
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Road, Rom
Super Metroid Cheats and Codes for Super Nintendo
Just Now If you are playing Super Metroid on Snes9x (Or another SNES emulator which supports cheat codes) there are a ton of cheat codes you can use. You can basically use any of the codes listed under the Action replay codes + Game Genie Codes sections, you …
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Super Metroid
2 hours ago Super Metroid Practice hacks. The following hacks are practice hacks, there are different ROMs that have different features enabled, these features are the following: Saving - This adds savestate support using Select+Y+R for saving and Select+Y+L for loading, there is also a 2P variant that loads/saves on controller 2. (SD2Snes Only)
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Sunday Longplay Super Metroid Unhundred% (SNES ROM Hack
3 hours ago Hack by ClockwiseUK:,5387.msg69226.htmlThis week on Sunday Longplay, the Road to Metroid Dread continue
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Road Games Super Metroid
7 hours ago 125 Hacks; Title Category Date; Super Metroid Turbo! Improvement: 05 Nov 2021: Super Metroid - Echo Buffer Relocation: Bug Fix: 09 Oct 2021: Metroid: SUPER-SPEED Zero Mission: Addendum: 16 Sep 2021: Super Metroid Redux: Improvement: 10 Jul 2021: Super Metroid - Y-Faster 2 Furious: Complete: 03 Jul 2021: Samus Combat Armor: Improvement: 02 Apr
Category: Use words in a sentence
Relocation, Redux
Modern Metroid
5 hours ago Modern Metroid A SNES Super Metroid ROM hack that attempts to capture everything from the original NES Metroid. I'll start by saying that this may have already been done by someone else. If it has, I couldn't find it and I wanted to see if I could do it on my own anyway. I've never made a ROM hack before for any game, so this entire process is
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Super Zero Mission Super Metroid SNES ROM Hack Live
3 hours ago A complete hack that artfully combines the essences of both Super Metroid and Metroid Zero Mission. A lot of ASM modifications were utilized in order to fres
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Super Metroid Redesign is a super nintendo ROM hack based on the Super Metroid Redesign SNES game. This is the most influential Metroid hack in existence. It offers new items, new physics, and lots of new areas to explore! So get ready for a whole new and improved gaming experience with Super Metroid Redesign.
This hack combines the essences of Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, two of the most popular games in the Metroid franchise. With Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission being two of the most beloved games in the Metroid series, it would only make sense for someone out there to want to mix them together.
Jump To : Super Metroid Game Genie Codes To active the cheat code you want launch the Snes9x application and load your game, Then click on the cheat menu > “Game Genie, Pro-Action Replay Codes” On the next screen enter the cheat code in “Enter Cheat Code” field, Then add a description and click on add then click ok to close this screen.
Following the events of the Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus , Super Metroid follows the story of Samus Aran as she tracks down the Space Pirate Ridley who has stolen a Metroid larva.