John Nagl and Paul Yingling: An Open Letter to General
Just Now John Nagl and Paul Yingling. John Nagl, a retired Army officer and veteran of both Iraq wars, is Head of School at The Haverford School outside Philadelphia. Paul Yingling, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, served three tours in Iraq, another in Bosnia, and a fifth in Operation Desert Storm. Published in Defense One on August 11, 2020.
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The Captain's Journal » John Nagl and Paul Yingling
4 hours ago John Nagl and Paul Yingling Advocate Oath Breaking. Via David Codrea, this piece at Defense One is breathtaking in its presumptuousness and stupidity. As chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you are well aware of your duties in ordinary times: to serve as principal military advisor to the president of the United States, and to transmit the
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John, Joint
John Nagl, Paul Yingling Pen Warning Letter to Mark Milley
8 hours ago John Nagl, a retired Army officer, and Paul Yingling, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, penned a letter to chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley -- warning him that
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John, Joint
John Nagl, Haverford School Head, Apologizes For Anti
8 hours ago Here is the letter that John Nagl Co-Authored with Paul Yingling, Originally Published in It is directed to Mark A. Milley Chairman of the …
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The Military Won’t Save Us – and You Shouldn’t Want …
7 hours ago We write to repudiate the deeply irresponsible position taken by John Nagl and Paul Yingling in these pages yesterday. Their call for the chairman of …
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Two respected retired Army officers have penned a story …
8 hours ago Paul Yingling and John Nagl argue that the president could defy the Constitution and attempt to stay in office beyond Jan. 20, 2021 even if he is …
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John, Jan
All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”: An Open Letter to …
4 hours ago John Nagl is a retired Army officer and veteran of both Iraq wars. Paul Yingling, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, served three tours in Iraq, another in Bosnia, and a fifth in Operation
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Haverford School Head CoAuthors Scathing AntiTrump
Just Now Haverford School Headmaster, John Nagl is a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, and a veteran of both Iraq Wars. His co-author of a letter to General Mark A. Milley is retired U.S. Army Colonel Paul Yingling, who served three tours in Iraq. Their open letter which which appeared on Tuesday (August 11), in was addressed to General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint …
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John, Joint
Pentagon Dismisses Talk About Military Involving Itself in
9 hours ago “We write to repudiate the deeply irresponsible position taken by John Nagl and Paul Yingling in these pages yesterday.
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It’s Not the Military’s Job to Remove Trump From Office if
3 hours ago The authors, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, both served as lieutenant colonels during the Iraq war and gained a certain fame, or infamy, as outspoken critics of the Army’s more hidebound
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Nagl and Yingling: Restructuring the U.S. Military
5 hours ago LTC John Nagl and LTC Paul Yingling are among those advocating change. Both men have served with distinction in Iraq, and both currently command an army battalion. But they’ve also gone somewhere most uniformed officers seldom tread: They’ve taken their gripes with army doctrine public.
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Retired Army Officers Echo Dem Coup: Military Must
8 hours ago John Nagl, a lifetime Council on Foreign Relations member, and Col. Paul Yingling penned a letter published by Defense One Tuesday to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley asking him to order the military to remove Trump from office if he loses the election. “We write to assist you in thinking clearly about that choice.
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John, Joint
Byron York: Coup porn: Resistance sees military removing
5 hours ago Start with the two retired Army officers, Paul Yingling and John Nagl. Yingling is a retired lieutenant colonel with several combat tours, including …
Category: Use military in a sentence
Byron York's Daily Memo: Coup porn backlash Washington
4 hours ago Earlier this week, the two retired officers, Paul Yingling and John Nagl, wrote an open letter to Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Mark Milley asking him to …
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John, Joint
The Military Doesn’t Want to Get Involved The Atlantic
8 hours ago In an open letter published earlier this month in Defense One, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, two retired Army lieutenant colonels, called upon Milley to issue orders removing Trump if …
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The military doesn’t want to get involved American
8 hours ago In an open letter published earlier this month in Defense One, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, two retired Army lieutenant colonels, called upon Milley to issue orders removing Trump if …
Category: Use military in a sentence
Who Decides Who Is a ‘Domestic Enemy’? – James Joyner
8 hours ago Defense One. August 13, 2020. Retired soldiers John Nagl and Paul Yingling, who came to national prominence on opposite sides of the counterinsurgency debates, joined forces to argue that, if Donald Trump were to lose the election and yet refuse to leave office at noon next January 20, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs must give the order to have him removed by military force.
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John, Joined, January, Joint
New Rules for New Enemies [Archive] Small Wars Council
5 hours ago October Armed Forces Journal - New Rules for New Enemies by LTC John Nagl and LTC Paul Yingling. Much more at the link Small Wars Council > Small Wars Participants & Stakeholders > That's going back to the Nagl and Yingling article. Marc. Tom Odom. 10-25-2006, 07:05 PM. Steve,
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Journal, John
John Nagl and Paul Yingling The Captain's Journal
6 hours ago John Nagl and Paul Yingling Advocate Oath Breaking BY Herschel Smith 1 year, 2 months ago. Via David Codrea, this piece at Defense One is breathtaking in its presumptuousness and stupidity. Dear General Milley:
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"All enemies, foreign and domestic": Military thinkers
4 hours ago John Nagl whose PhD dissertation/book Learning to Eat Soup with a Paul Yingling authored a searing critique of U.S. military leadership published in Armed Forces
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9 hours ago Originally published by Army Magazine here. The authors, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, are well-known and friends of the SEI family. A great read for those who wish to create change in the Defense Department and applies to many other organizations. Kenny Rogers’ country classic Coward of the County portrays advice from an old man who spent his life fighting.
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Nagl and Yingling: Restructuring the U.S. Military Small
1 hours ago Nagl and Yingling: Restructuring the U.S. Military - Council on Foreign Relations podcast interview with Greg Burno, 13 February 2008.. Lieutenant Colonel John Nagl, Commander, 1st Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment at Fort Riley, Kansas and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling, Commander, 1st Battalion, 21st Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Hood, Texas.. With the U.S. military engaged in what …
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Beware of Reckless Calls on the Military to Remove Trump
7 hours ago John Nagl and Paul Yingling, the two Iraq war veterans who wrote the letter, are smart guys who have served their country honorably in uniform and out for decades.
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Two Retired U.S. Military Officers Urge Military to Remove
6 hours ago In what might be the most insane public letter written by two military officers in U.S. history, retired Lt. Colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling, Tuesday urged the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, to order troops to forcibly remove President Trump from the White House if he refused to leave after losing the election.. In the letter published by Defense One, they
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John, Joint
Paul Yingling Wikipedia
3 hours ago Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling is a retired United States Army officer. In 2007 Yingling published an article in the Armed Forces Journal criticizing senior leadership for perceived failures in the conduct of the post-invasion Iraq War occupation. Yingling served three tours in the Iraq War, first as executive officer of 2nd Battalion, 18th Field Artillery in OIF I, as the effects
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Experts: Trump Is Target of “Color Revolution” The New
1 hours ago Retired Lieutenant Colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling even wrote an open letter to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley urging him to …
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John, Joint
Combat veterans call on Gen. Milley to forcibly remove
6 hours ago When the time comes for President Donald Trump to leave the Oval Office, combat veterans John Nagl and Paul Yingling said they are confident he will not leave willingly, and urged the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley to act to remove him, if necessary.
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John, Joint
How the Army might rename Confederate installations
4 hours ago Another piece featured in Defense One — a draft of a memo written by Col. Michael Jason, Lt. Col. John Nagl and Lt. Col. Paul Yingling, all retired Army — was intended for Army Secretary Ryan
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Jason, John
Domestic Enemies Outside the Beltway
1 hours ago Retired soldiers John Nagl and Paul Yingling, who came to national prominence on opposite sides of the counterinsurgency debates, joined forces to …
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John, Joined
Top US general tells Congress the military won't play a
7 hours ago Concern that Trump may not vacate the presidency after losing an election drove two well-known retired military officers, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, to …
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Two retired military officers: Mark Milley must remove
7 hours ago That’s what former colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling imagine today in a weird open letter to Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley published at Defense One: America’s political and legal institutions have so atrophied that they are ill-prepared for this moment. Senate Republicans, already reduced to supplicant status, will remain silent and
Category: Use military in a sentence
John, Joint
John Nagl Wikipedia
9 hours ago John A. Nagl (born 1966) is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.He is a former president of the Center for a New American Security and former headmaster of The Haverford School.Nagl is an expert in counterinsurgency and has published two books on military strategy.
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Biden's private army and the militarization of American
Just Now The former Army officers, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, aren’t warning about someone else’s plan. They’re pushing their own. They told General Milley, “If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by …
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Thread by @JMichaelWaller on Thread Thread Reader App
9 hours ago In 2006 I wrote "Fighting the War of Ideas like a Real War" to fill a huge gap in John Nagl's Muslim Brotherhood-infused Counterinsurgency Manual for Petraeus and Mattis. It focuses on the psychological warfare aspect of COIN, which the US did poorly.
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Trump may not be ready to take Confederate names off Army
4 hours ago Since then, three retired Army colonels, who had notable careers in their time on active duty, Mike Jason, John Nagl, and Paul Yingling, made a similar argument in DefenseOne.
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Jason, John
The Treasonous Plans of The Transition Integrity Project
Just Now The two military members, John Nagl and Paul Yingling should be demoted and then dishonorably discharged from the military. That will come, if they seek to overthrow the will of the American people. America-hater, George Soros, who has funded anti-American movements and individuals for years has now empowered one group that has crossed the line.
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Serving the greater good Hub
5 hours ago Take, for example, the most recent debate started by John Nagl and Paul Yingling that the military needs to be ready to remove President Trump if he loses the election and refuses to leave the White House. That's not going to happen. Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the senior military leaders are very attuned
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John, Joint
Military HasBeens Ask General to 'Remove' Trump If He
6 hours ago There was a time that John Nagl was considered a minor celebrity of sorts, In an “open letter” to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, he and Lt. Col. Paul Yingling, another
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John, Joint
Is This Bat Sh&* Crazy or What? — Monomakhos
6 hours ago John Nagl and Paul Yingling. John Nagl, a retired Army officer and veteran of both Iraq wars, is Head of School at The Haverford School outside Philadelphia. Paul Yingling, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, served three tours in Iraq, another in Bosnia, and a …
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John Nagl, Author at USNI News
4 hours ago About John Nagl. John Nagl is a retired Army officer who served in both wars in Iraq and now teaches the modern history of counterinsurgency as …
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The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Will a
3 hours ago On September 5, Colonel Richard Black (Former State Senator and Judge Advocate) delivered a presentation at a Schiller Institute seminar where the colonel warned of the interconnected pattern of statements by former high ranking military officials either openly calling for a military coup (Lt. Colonels Paul Yingling and John Nagl on August 11
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Judge, John
8 hours ago Executive Director Nancy Wittenberg, John Bunnell, Donna Graham, Susan Grogan, Paul Leakan, Larry Liggett, Jessica Lynch, Jessica Noble, Stacey Roth, and Michelle Russell. Tyler Yingling from the Governor’s Authorities Unit was also present. Committee Chairperson Avery called the …
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John, Jessica
John Nagl WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader
3 hours ago John A. Nagl (born 1966) is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. He is former president of the Center for a New American Security and current headmaster of The Haverford School. Nagl is an expert in counterinsurgency and has published two books on military strategy.
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WOW!! Two senior soldierscholars demand Joint Chiefs
Just Now John Nagl and Paul Yingling John Nagl, a retired Army officer and veteran of both Iraq wars, is Head of School at The Haverford School outside Philadelphia. Paul Yingling, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, served three tours in Iraq, another in Bosnia, and a fifth in Operation Desert Storm. Read the full letter here at DefenseOne:
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Kamala Harris being moderate is a liberal dose of
7 hours ago Their aim is to sow chaos and doubt in the election process and refuse to accept a defeat, even to the extent of having former Army officers John Nagl and Paul Yingling muse in print this week
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John Nagl Unionpedia, the concept map
7 hours ago John Nagl and Briggs' Plan · See more » Center for a New American Security. The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank established in 2007 by co-founders Michèle Flournoy and Kurt M. Campbell. New!!: John Nagl and Center for a New American Security · See more » Civilian Irregular Defense Group program
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Colonel Paul Yingling is a retired United States Army officer. In 2007 Yingling published an article in the Armed Forces Journal criticizing senior leadership for perceived failures in the conduct of the post-invasion Iraq War occupation. Yingling served three tours in the Iraq War, first as executive officer...
John A. Nagl (born 1966) is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. He is a former president of the Center for a New American Security and former headmaster of The Haverford School. Nagl is an expert in counterinsurgency and has published two books on military strategy.
Nagl and Yingling encourage Americans to see our military as the arbiters of political outcomes, something that would indelibly change the soul of our military and the character of our nation. The Constitution provides remedies for a president refusing to leave office.
Yingling served three tours in the Iraq War, first as executive officer of 2nd Battalion, 18th Field Artillery in OIF I, as the effects coordinator for the 3rd ACR from March 2005 to March 2006 during OIF III, and finally as J5 for TF 134 (Detainee Operations) from April 2008 to July 2009.