Itt urban dictionary

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Urban Dictionary: ITT Tech

8 hours ago ITT Tech is an "accelerated" college which seems to accept anyone that can pass its admission test. You can get all the answers wrong and still be allowed to join. It's only called accelerated because you attend school twice a week and give you a crap load of endless reading to do. Consider it daylight robbery since it costs 20k a year to attend and you spend 80% of the "school work" at home.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Itt, Is, Its, It

Urban Dictionary: iit

1 hours ago INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 7 in number and having the toughest entrance exam possible. The students preparing for its entrance think that life would become easy once they get in, but that is not to be. The real tough battle starts there in. The regular studying freaks still manage to get good CGPA's while the others hover around pretty low and abyssmal CGPA's.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Indian, Institute, In, Its, Is

What Does “ITT” Mean, and How Do You Use It?

2 hours ago The Origins of ITT. ITT has likely been around as long as web message boards have. The earliest definition of ITT on Urban Dictionary dates back to 2003, well before Reddit’s emergence. It defines ITT as “in this forum thread.”

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins


Category: Use and in a sentence

Itt, It, In

Urban Dictionary: ittis

3 hours ago the feeling of being dowsey after eating certain foods; ribs, tuckey, bar-q chicken give the feeling of being sleepy


Category: Use words in a sentence

Urban Dictionary: It

Just Now a very funny movie about a few boys and a clown who celebrate together and develop friendship. For children under age of 8.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Urban Dictionary: It is what it is

2 hours ago Used often in the business world, this incredibly versatile phrase can be literally translated as "fuck it."


Category: Use what in a sentence

In, Incredibly, It

What does ITT mean on Reddit? : AskReddit

Just Now 34.0m members in the AskReddit community. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.


Category: Use mean in a sentence

In, Is

ITT What does ITT stand for? The Free Dictionary

2 hours ago Looking for online definition of ITT or what ITT stands for? ITT is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary


Category: Use stand in a sentence

Itt, Is, In

What is ITT Reddit?

Just Now What does simp mean urban dictionary? As per the top definition on Urban Dictionary, a simp is: “Basically someone who gives redundant and over-the-top attention to women that are of far less value than the attention or praise given. An invitation to tender (ITT) is the initial step in competitive tendering, in which suppliers and


Category: Use words in a sentence

Is, Invitation, Itt, Initial, In

What does ITT mean? ITT Definition. Meaning of ITT

8 hours ago ITT: [interjection] acronym for "in this thread". Used in online forums to request that a specific topic be discussed. ITT : Tired forum memes . Go. See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of) . See more words with the same meaning: computer slang .


Category: Use of in a sentence

Itt, Interjection, In

📙 Emojipedia — 😃 Home of Emoji Meanings 💁👌🎍😍

3 hours ago The emoji search engine. A fast emoji search experience with options to browse every emoji by name, category, or platform.


Category: Use of in a sentence

ᐅ ITT – Meaning & origin of the Abbreviation Slanglang

4 hours ago The history of “ITT” is woven together with message boards and online forums, so its origin can be traced back into the 1990’s, when these types of sites had emerged. It was first defined on Urban Dictionary in 2003.


Category: Use of in a sentence

Itt, Is, Its, Into, It, In

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English LDOCE

8 hours ago Longman English Dictionary - the leading dictionary for learners of English of all levels: definitions, idioms, examples and more.


Category: Use of in a sentence


Explore Ubisoft Connect

7 hours ago Passionate players make games better. Ubisoft Connect is the ecosystem of players services for Ubisoft games across all platforms. It aims at giving the best environment for all players to enjoy their games and connect with each other whatever the device.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Is, It

Itt we urban dictionary ourselves Page 3

7 hours ago 1)A person with a dick that weighs more than a full grown elephant. 2)A person who wakes up to 5-8 naked women in his bed every morning. 3)Someone who doesn't like black people.


Category: Use we in a sentence


"Cockstuffing" Go Ask Alice!

5 hours ago Dear Alice, I have started "cock-stuffing" in the past year or so. I use a glass thermometer and insert it into my urethra. I know that this is wildly dangerous — as the glass could break — but I thought it safer as it is manufactured very smoothly. I know other men who use a variety of implements — pens, markers, tubes, etc., but I have only done it a few times — and it seems that the


Category: Use words in a sentence

In, Insert, It, Into, Is, Implements

ITT Definition by AcronymFinder

8 hours ago Incapacité Totale de Travail (French: Total Incapacity to Work) ITT. Insulin Tolerance Test. ITT. Innovation & Technology Transfer. ITT. Institute of Textile Technology. ITT. …


Category: Use by in a sentence

Incapacit, Incapacity, Itt, Insulin, Innovation, Institute

Definitions of Itt OneLook Dictionary Search

8 hours ago Medicine (1 matching dictionary) ITT: Glossary of HIV/AIDS Related Terms [home, info] Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries) ITT: Acronym Finder [home, info] ITT: AbbreviationZ [home, info] Slang (1 matching dictionary) itt: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Words similar to Itt Usage examples for Itt Words that often appear near Itt


Category: Use of in a sentence

Itt, Info

What does ITT stand for in construction?

1 hours ago To become a qualified teacher in state-maintained schools across the UK, you need to undertake Initial Teacher Training (ITT) or Initial Teacher Education (ITE). Entry is generally competitive, but less so for shortage subjects such as maths, physics and languages. As per the top definition on Urban Dictionary, a simp is: “Basically


Category: Use stand in a sentence

In, Initial, Itt, Ite, Is

ITT Meaning Meaning of ITT Slang Acronym Dictionary

7 hours ago ITT means In This Thread. In slang, ITT means In This Thread. The meaning of ITT is In This Thread. Many of these slang terms and hashtags are used online, on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, etc., and on websites like Reddit or Craigslist. For more terms like ITT, view our slang section.


Category: Use of in a sentence

Itt, In, Is, Instagram


1 hours ago Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Information, Including, Images

Urban Thesaurus Online Slang Dictionary

Just Now That a 133t bike. That kid got 133t skillz grinding on Halo. See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of). See more words with the same meaning: good, okay, cool, awesome, fun. See more words with the same meaning: impressive.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Internet, Impressive

ITT » What does ITT mean? »

5 hours ago Other definitions of ITT: All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of ITT that should be included here, please let us know.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Itt, If, Included

Fájl:UD logo01.svg – Wikipédia

4 hours ago Fájl:UD logo-01.svg. Ennek a (z) SVG fájlnak ezen PNG formátumú előnézete: 512 × 161 képpont. További felbontások: 320 × 101 képpont 640 × 201 képpont 1 024 × 322 képpont 1 280 × 403 képpont 2 560 × 805 képpont. Ez a fájl a Wikimedia Commonsból származik. Az alább látható leírás az ottani dokumentációjának


Category: Use words in a sentence

Boldogul in Russian HungarianRussian Dictionary Glosbe

3 hours ago OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Boldog hálaadást! Поздравляю с Днем благодарения! OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Ráadásul nagyon boldog vagyok. И кроме всего прочего, я счастлива. Literature. És mind nagyon-nagyon boldogok leszünk. И мы все будем очень и очень счастливы.


Category: Use in in a sentence


4 hours ago Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Category: Use words in a sentence


ITT document definition English Glosbe Dictionary

9 hours ago Giga-fren. Invitation to tender (ITT) An invitation to tender is a bid solicitation document used by PWGSC when the estimated value of the requirement exceeds $25,000; two or more sources are considered capable of supplying the requirement; the requirement is adequately defined in all respects to permit the evaluation of tenders against clearly


Category: Use words in a sentence

Invitation, Itt, Is, In

What Does “OP” Mean Online, and How Do You Use It?

Just Now OP can be traced back to the early days of online message boards in the 1990s and early ’00s. The first definition of OP in the Urban Dictionary was made in 2003. It states that it stands for “original poster.” Nowadays, it’s a common term on various websites that use a …


Category: Use and in a sentence

In, It

Ritmusváltások in English HungarianEnglish Dictionary

9 hours ago Hungarian-English dictionary. No translations A step-change in the approach to urban mobility is needed to ensure that Europe's urban areas develop along a more sustainable path and that EU goals for a competitive and resource-efficient European transport system are met. EurLex-2. Aminek itt tanúi lehetünk, az egy határozott


Category: Use in in a sentence

In, Is, Itt

ITT definition of ITT by Medical dictionary

2 hours ago A test to determine a patient's hormonal responses to induced hypoglycemia. After 0.1 IU of insulin/kg is given intravenously, blood is drawn at regular intervals to measure serum cortisol in patients with suspected adrenal insufficiency or growth hormone in suspected growth hormone deficiency.


Category: Use of in a sentence

Induced, Iu, Insulin, Is, Intravenously, Intervals, In, Insufficiency

English ⇔ German Dictionary Start page

6 hours ago Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Also available as App!


Category: Use words in a sentence

ITT you Urban dictionary your city Forums

7 hours ago ITT you Urban dictionary your city. "an upper-middle class suburban town thats close enough to the city to get drugs easily, but far enough where you dont have to worry about being shot for driving that mercedes daddy bought you for your sweet 16. cops in abundance, they're always watching you no matter where you are. if there's an accident


Category: Use you in a sentence

Itt, In, If

The Online Slang Dictionary Real definitions. Real slang.

3 hours ago Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words and phrases. You'll find more than 5,700 citations from TV shows, movies, news publications, and other sources. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this


Category: Use words in a sentence

In, Is

Returning citizens Definition Law Insider

6 hours ago Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) means any Regional Corporation, Village Corporation, Urban Corporation, or Group Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alaska in accordance with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq.) and which is considered a minority and economically disadvantaged concern under the criteria at 43 U.S.C. 1626(e)(1).


Category: Use words in a sentence

In, Is

What Is ITT Reddit?

Just Now What does simp mean urban dictionary? As per the top definition on Urban Dictionary, a simp is: “Basically someone who gives redundant and over-the-top attention to women that are of far less value than the attention or praise given. Is ITT an accredited school? Accreditation.


Category: Use words in a sentence

Is, Itt


  • › What is itt
  • › Itt reddit meaning
  • › Itt tech meaning
  • › Itt acronym meaning
  • › What does itt mean
  • › Itt acronym reddit
  • › What does itt stand for
  • › Itt abbreviation reddit

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ITT stand for in Internet slang?

An abbreviation that is widely used on Reddit and elsewhere on the internet, but what does ITT mean in slang? ITT stands for In This Thread. ITT is used in online forums to describe or predict the main trends of a thread, or a generalization of its users.

What is the meaning of ITT in text?

ITT means "In This Thread" on the internet and in real life, though like many abbreviations and some slang terms, it's typed more often than it's spoken.

What does the acronym ITT mean?

Definition of ITT. ITT. interjection. acronym for "in this thread". Used in online forums to request that a specific topic be discussed. ITT: Tired forum memes.

What does ITT stand for in Telecom?

How is Information and Telecommunications abbreviated? ITT stands for Information and Telecommunications. ITT is defined as Information and Telecommunications somewhat frequently.

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