The GMan/Quotes Combine OverWiki, the original Half
9 hours ago In pinyin, "Nà me, kàn lái wǒ men shì méi yǒu hé zuò de jī huì le.", which roughly translates to "Well, it seems we have no chance of cooperation.", the localized version of Half-Life's sentence "Well, it looks like we won't be working together." in Half-Life's outro speech, if the player refuses G-Man's offer.)
Category: Use words in a sentence
Valve Corporation – HalfLife 2 Opening Speech Genius
3 hours ago Half-Life 2 Opening Speech. Valve Corporation. on. Game Genius. The first few lines of dialogue in Valve Software’s game Half-Life 2, uttered by …
Category: Use words in a sentence
Game, Genius
The GMan HalfLife Wiki Fandom
3 hours ago The G-Man straightening his tie behind a locked door in Sector D. The G-Man is an almost complete enigma. In the Half-Life Audio Script, he is referred to as follows: "The cryptical bureaucrat, mystery man with a briefcase. He appears in the shadows, disappears when you chase him down dead-end corridors.
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife Game Script PC By wel GameFAQs
9 hours ago Half-Life script April 12, 2004 All dialogue is copyright of Valve Entertainment. This document is copyright of Matthew Sullivan 2004. This guide was written for the GameFAQs website. It may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, on any other website without permission from the author.
Rating: 96%(24)Website:
Category: Use words in a sentence
Guide, Gamefaqs
HalfLife Scripts SourceRuns Wiki
Just Now This page will store all the scripts used or useful for Half-Life speedruns. If you want to use any script, simply copy-paste it to your userconfig.cfg file using a text-editor like Notepad. While in-game use this command in console: exec userconfig.cfg and the scripts should load. NOTE: Since Half-Life Beta Update (2013-05-16), the _special command has been removed.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Half life 3 script
9 hours ago Jerry and Alex argued. Jerry overpowered Alex and brought the Borealis area, preparing to shut off the Bootstrap Device and settle the ship on the ice. Then I heard a shot, and Jerry fell. Alex had decided for all of us, or his weapon had. With Dr. Maas …
Category: Use life in a sentence
GMan: Doctor Freeemaaan. I realize this moment may …
7 hours ago A great memorable quote from the Half-Life 2: Episode Two movie on - G-Man: Doctor Freeemaaan. I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a 'heart-to-heart', but I had to wait until your 'friends' were otherwise occupied. Hm.G-Man: There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Vance When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel
Category: Use I in a sentence
GMan: Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It
5 hours ago A great memorable quote from the Half-Life 2 movie on - G-Man: Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived. You've done a great deal in a small time span. You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. G-Man: Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them but these *are* extraordinary times.
Category: Use it in a sentence
GMan speech, HalfLife 2 Episode 2. : copypasta
4 hours ago G-Man speech, Half-Life 2 Episode 2. Doctor Freeman I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a heart-to-heart, but I had to wait until your Friends, eh? Were otherwise occupied. There was a time they cared nothing for miss Vance, when their only experience of humanity was a crow-- bar, coming at them down a steel corridor.
Category: Use words in a sentence
(HL:A SPOILERS) So when/how did Gman get : HalfLife
7 hours ago level 1. [deleted] · 2y. Maybe it’s a spin on how Half-Life didn’t get a game for years. I’m only kidding. Maybe it’s that the combine were trying to capture him for years (they attacked the gman if you spawned his NPC near one in HL2) but he somehow evaded them until they actually got a hold of him. 5.
Category: Use get in a sentence
Get, Game, Gman, Got
HalfLife Text2Speech B.M.A.S.
Just Now HELP (click this window to close) This is meant as a fun tool only and NOT for any commercial use at all! The symbols ".", "," and ";" create a short pause when added to the text.Speaker selection. There is a total of six speakers to choose from.
Category: Use words in a sentence
GitHub parklez/HalfLifescripts: Scripts for GoldSource
4 hours ago Table of scripts for GoldSrc (Half-Life's engine) games. How to use Issues and Help Table of Contents 1. Movement & Misc Bunnyhop BXT Duckroll BXT Use Spam BXT Object Boosting BXT 2000 units/s boost (fastest) 800 units/s boost (average) "On a Rails" forward obbo with shotgun Residue Processing Gauss 180° Boosting Quickgauss 180° Steam BXT
Category: Use for in a sentence
Goldsrc, Games, Gauss
GMan [HalfLife] [Mods]
7 hours ago SADX +8 ↺5 Sonic Adventure DX. HL +11 ↺1 Half-Life. Celeste +1 ↺10. HL2 +8 ↺3 Half-Life 2. S1F +10 ↺1 Sonic The Hedgehog Forever. SM +7 ↺2 Sonic Mania. SUHD +5 ↺3 Sonic Unleashed (X360/PS3) CS:S +4 ↺3 Counter-Strike: Source. MK8D +6 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife / Quotes TV Tropes
4 hours ago G-Man: You are aware, that you have proven yourself to be of extra-ordinary value (manifests Gordon's crowbar). A previous hire has been unable or unwilling , to per-form the tasks laid before him (steps aside, revealing Gordon Freeman in silhouette) .
Category: Use TV in a sentence
HalfLife 2 Game Script PC By vegetarian_onos GameFAQs
2 hours ago Half-Life 2 is the sequel to Half-Life (duh), in which Gordon Freeman (the character you play as), has to fight his way out of the black mesa research facility after a science experiment goes horribly wrong. Half-Life 2 takes place an unspecified amount of years after Half-Life. This FAQ will list in detail the game script.
Rating: 96%(81)Website:
Category: Use words in a sentence
Gordon, Goes, Game
GMan (HalfLife) Wikipedia
7 hours ago The G-Man is a mysterious recurring character in the Half-Life series of first-person shooter video games. Described as a "sinister, interdimensional bureaucrat", he is known to display peculiar behavior and capabilities beyond those of normal humans.. Throughout the story of the Half-Life series, the G-Man plays the role of an overseer and employer: he navigates player-character Gordon
Category: Use words in a sentence
Games, Gordon
Valve Corporation – HalfLife 2 Ending Speech Genius
2 hours ago Half-Life 2 Ending Speech Valve Corporation. (G-Man picks something off of the frozen body of Alyx) Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them but these are extraordinary times.
Category: Use words in a sentence
The GMan DebatesJungle Wiki Fandom
7 hours ago The G-Man is a mysterious and enigmatic character encountered several times in the Half-Life series. Referred to as a "sinister interdimensional bureaucrat", he is known to display peculiar behavior and to wield powers far beyond those of a human. His identity and motives remain completely unexplained. He plays the role of an overseer and eventual employer, watching over Gordon Freeman and
Category: Use words in a sentence
The GMan VS Battles Wiki Fandom
3 hours ago The G-Man is a mysterious and enigmatic character encountered several times in the Half-Life series. Referred to as a "sinister interdimensional bureaucrat", he is known to display peculiar behavior and to wield powers far beyond those of a human. His identity and motives remain completely unexplained. He plays the role of an overseer and
Category: Use words in a sentence
Do a half life gman impression for any given script by
3 hours ago I will do a half life gman impression for any given script. This gig is solely based around my impersonations for the Half Life character 'Gman', you can make me say whatever you want in a Gman voice at a max of 100 words for a cheap starting price of $5 (further options available), you can use this for your own memes, mods, or other
Category: Use a in a sentence
Gman, Given, Gig
Steam Workshop::HLVRAI Mod Collection
5 hours ago This is a collection of mods I decided to make relating to the Half-Life series with an emphasis on the HLVRAI (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware) series and it's associated characters! 😈👦👨🔬👴👮. ‼. Other Half-Life mods will be added over time beyond just HLVRAI focused content as …
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife VR but the AI is SelfAware HalfLife Wiki
1 hours ago Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware, also known as Half-Life VR: Self Aware AI (abbreviated 'HLVR: AI'), is a 2020 improv role-playing comedy machinima series created by Twitch streamer WayneRadioTV.It was originally streamed and archived on his Twitch channel, and uploaded to his YouTube channel in the form of highlights.. The YouTube edition of the series is split into 4 acts, with …
Category: Use but in a sentence
Steam Workshop::Half Life: Alyx Garry's Mod Collection (+16)
5 hours ago A sound and script replacement for the amazingly made ArcCW Alyx Gun! The original sounds for the weapon were good, but I wanted something closer to the original game. G-Man G-Man HD Gman Gman gman HD half-life: alyx HD GMAN (Half-life Alyx) Half-Life: Alyx Styled Zombine Replacement. Created by whynotll83.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Gun, Good, Game, Gman
HalfLife: Alyx GMan for HalfLife 2 [HalfLife 2] [Mods]
4 hours ago Half-Life: Alyx G-Man for Half-Life 2 [Half-Life 2] [Mods] Ads keep us online. Without them, we wouldn't exist. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. But every month we have large bills and running ads is our only way to cover them. Please consider unblocking us. …
Category: Use for in a sentence
Gman Half life 2 1080P HD YouTube
3 hours ago Gman's monologue in Half life 2.The game is from 2004, so the textures aren't so great.If you want to see gman with HD textures, google for cinematic mod.I w
Category: Use life in a sentence
Gman, Game, Great, Google
Gman video HalfLife 2 : Enhanced 2021 mod for HalfLife
4 hours ago Half-Life 2 mod Released Jun 22, 2021. Half-Life 2 : Enhanced is a unique way of revisiting the game.With a more of a moderny look added to the game Half-Life 2 : Enhanced brings a unique featurea that makes gordon talk. :) This mod is available for …
Category: Use for in a sentence
Game, Gordon
HalfLife: Alyx ending full ending and postcredits
3 hours ago Can't afford a VR headset but want to see how Half-Life Alyx ties into the rest of the series? Check out this video. Visit us on the web: http://www.VG247.c
Category: Use full in a sentence
Epistle 3 Marc Laidlaw
8 hours ago Epistle 3. 08-25-2017 2:05 AM. Dearest Playa, I hope this letter finds you well. I can hear your complaint already, “Gertie Fremont, we have not heard from you in ages!”. Well, if you care to hear excuses, I have plenty, the greatest of them being I’ve been in other dimensions and whatnot, unable to reach you by the usual means.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Gertie, Greatest
ProjectAC is another fan version of HalfLife 3 based on
4 hours ago gman - September 21, 2018. 930 views. 0. After the published script of Half-Life 2: Episode 3 by Mark Layllow, the Project-AC moderators team inspired by the idea to create your own Half-Life 3. As the basis, but a lot of material the fans came up with themselves.
Category: Use another in a sentence
HalfLife: Unforeseen Consequences RTSL
4 hours ago The title alludes to the G-Man’s words to Eli Vance prior to the Resonance Cascade, where he told him to “prepare for unforeseen consequences”. As revealed by Eli to Gordon in Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the G-Man is where he got the alien sample from.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Gordon, Got
HalfLife Source.fgd Valve Developer Community
1 hours ago If no post-action idle animation is specified, ACT_IDLE is used.\n"+ "6) Fire the OnEndSequence output.\n"+ "7) If a next script to play is specified, hand the NPC to the next script and repeat this process for that script.\n\n"+ "The MoveToPosition input runs steps 1 and 2, then waits while playing the pre-action idle animation until the
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife: Alyx’s Ending Explained (and What It Means for
2 hours ago The fact that certain plot elements from the script like Alyx becoming the G-Man's new employee certainly indicates that Half-Life 3 might be headed in that direction. All we know for sure is that the cliffhanger ending of Episode 2 was resolved in a way that no one was expecting, leaving Half-Life fans clamoring for more.
Category: Use for in a sentence
Half Life gman vs XFiles character NVIDIA GeForce Forums
5 hours ago Half Life gman vs X-Files character Striking resemblances10Aug 2011Sep 2011. Monkey_Business. 9y. 13 Aug 1:49PM. Forum Actions. Report Post. I noticed some resemblances between the "gman" from half life 2 and the "cigarrete smoking man" from the x-files TV show.
Category: Use character in a sentence
HalfLife 3: release date, news and rumors for Valve's
7 hours ago Half-Life 3: release date, news and rumors for Valve's elusive beast. By Tom Pritchard , Vic Hood March 28, 2020. Nothing's confirmed, everything's to play for. On 10th October 2007, Valve
Category: Use news in a sentence
Game Theory: Gaming's Biggest Mystery SOLVED! Half Life
1 hours ago Half-Life g-man Game Theorists game theory game theory half life gman half life 1 half life 2 gameplay half life 2 soundtrack half life 2 speedrun half life matpat half life secret half-life half-life 2 half-life 3 Half-Life Speedrun MatPat mystery the game theorists who is the g man
Category: Use words in a sentence
Game, Gman, Gameplay
3 hours ago Infact, when you search for reviews for such games as Blood, Quake, Shadow Warrior and Half-life, my reviews are always showing up as the top response, if not 2nd or 3rd. I also do videos I call "Mod Corner" which showcase popular and obscure mods for games like Doom and Half-life.
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife writer posts possible Episode 3 plot Polygon
8 hours ago Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw, who left Valve in 2016, may have just revealed the proposed plot of Half-Life 2: Episode 3 on his personal website. In a post titled “Epistle 3,” Laidlaw
Category: Use writer in a sentence
Half Life: Side Story: Gaiden: HUNT DOWN FREE MAN (Web
Just Now Half Life: Side Story: Gaiden: HUNT DOWN FREE MAN is a Half-Life parody machinima made by DAMN SON on YouTube, loosely based on the infamous Hunt Down the Freeman.It's made in style of Half-Life: Full Life Consequences and similar bad fanfics, and their animated adaptations by djy1991, complete with similar grammar, punctuation, spelling, and adhering to the base material of the former …
Category: Use words in a sentence
Gaiden, Grammar
What even happened in HalfLife 1? – FILO
9 hours ago Half-Life analysis baby cascade combine ending essay explained freeman gman gordon half life lore meaning narrative nihilanth resonance Review story teleporting vortigaunt xen. Related videos. 2393 05:12. Half-Life: Alyx Combine Analysis. 2032 13:12. Half-Life: Diferencias con el port de Play Station 2. 6643 Powered by
Category: Use even in a sentence
Gman, Gordon
Who is the Gman From HalfLife? Valve Time
1 hours ago This would explain the hallucinations at the start of Half-Life 2 and episode 1. The Combine have drugged the populace through their water supply, so it’s very possible that G-Man could have drugged Gordon. The G-Man is in control of time, we know G-man is the one who delivered the crystal to Black Mesa, and he knew what will happen.
Category: Use words in a sentence
HalfLife 2 Deathmatch Community for OldSchool Gamers
1 hours ago i use only my crosshair, scripts are like cheats they must not be legal, every single player who uses scripts are unfair and must be banned, some scripts and rates are worse than wallhack because u cant detect them so easily, i am seeing so many script topics in "oldschool" community like scripts are so pro and oldschool, i didnt even know there were so many of them for every single thing
Category: Use for in a sentence
Half-Life 2 The G-Man in Half-Life 2, as he addresses Freeman at the beginning of the game. Half-Life 2 begins with Gordon being greeted by the G-Man around 20 years after the Black Mesa Incident, while seeing a dream-like montage of images such as the Black Mesa test chamber, and interior areas of the Citadel.
Table of scripts for GoldSrc (Half-Life's engine) games. For greater compatibility, Bunnymod XT's 'bxt_append' and 'w' functions are used. Scripts with "BXT" mean that they require this program to function.
This is Gordon Freeman from the Half-life 1.... This is the old Gman from the first Half Life. He is a citizen, so if you have "Join Players Squad" enabled, he will follow you. Tags : Half Life, HL1, gman, old gman, npc...
The G-Man is the overarching antagonist and anti-villain of the FPS thriller series Half-Life. He is the overarching antagonist of Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Decay, Half-Life 2 and its subsequent episodes, and the main antagonist of Half-Life: Alyx.