SHOCKING LIST of Military Underground Bases in USA D.U.M
1 hours ago 33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA – very deep military base 34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. ’95. This is the “Unholy 6” base of the Orions. 35° 20′ 118° …
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List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military
5 hours ago In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases …
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Deep, Dhs
Military Underground Bases In The USA – Complete List
Just Now 33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA – very deep military base 34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. ’95. This is the “Unholy 6” base of the Orions. 35° 20′ 118° 40′ 35. Trona, CA, 35° 45.5′ N 1 77º22.6′ W –several miles northwest of Trona, directly under
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Deep, Directly
3 hours ago THIS WILL SHOCK YOU - A LIST OF UNDERGROUND BASES IN THE USA Phil Schneider and List of ALL Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) In the USASources: MAJ
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Deep, Dumbs
Just Now Here is a link to introduce you to the Underground wars now going on to take over the Deep Underground Military Bases on Earth. It is estimated that there are 15000 of these bases worldwide.They have become the centers of evil in this world where demonics and Pedosatanists live and harvest children and human captives for their cannibalism and adrenochrome harvesting.
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Deep, Demonics
UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES: Locations and Map on Google …
1 hours ago 3. Fallon Air Force Base area (the flats, near Reno) “American City” restricted military sites southwest of Fallon Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base Levels: At least seven underground levels. 4. Henderson, Nevada – Naval Base This one’s interesting.
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The Rabbit Hole FROM HELL – Missing Children – DUMBS
5 hours ago DUMBS, deep underground military bases, where this battle for the STOLEN CHILDREN HAS BEEN TAKING PLACE. HAVE YOU RESEARCHED HOW MANY HUMANS GO MISSING IN OUR NATIONAL PARKS? This past week there are reports, TWO HUNDRED OF OUR MILITARY FORCES, lost their lives in a DUMB, fighting this EVIL WAR. Tragically and sadly.
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Dumbs, Deep, Dumb
The Underground War, Happening Now Deep Underground
7 hours ago Editor’s Note: Phil Schneider used to work for the government and was involved in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB bases). In talks given in 1995, he said that there were 129 active deep military bases in America and two more under construction, He confirmed (at that ime) that there existed a minimum of two
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Deep, Dumb
50,000 Chinese Soldiers Were Bombed And Killed In Maine
8 hours ago The number 50,000 is just an estimate. It is well known that DUMBs (Deep underground military bases) have been used by the deep state and CIA as traffficking locations for decades. They are pretty much hidden. The alliance has taken out most of them in the last 4 years and the bombings register as earthquake activity.
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Dumbs, Deep, Decades
Project Camelot Underground bases and tunnels
9 hours ago The 'Black Budget' currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's.
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Deep, Day
Fema Camps, Underground Military Bases, Bunkers and
4 hours ago The NOD Deep Underground Installation has numerous levels to it. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. Phil Schneider used to work for the government and was involved in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB bases).
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Deep, Deeper, Dumb
COMPLETE LIST of Military Underground Bases in USA – The
7 hours ago 33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA – very deep military base 34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. ’95. This is the “Unholy 6” base of the Orions. 35° 20′ 118° 40′ 35. Trona, CA, 35° 45.5′ N 1 77º22.6′ W –several miles northwest of Trona, directly under
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Deep, Directly
List of FEMA Camps, Underground Bases, HAARP Locations and
6 hours ago Detention Facilities, FEMA camps and Underground Bases. FEMA CAMP LOCATIONS BY GPS COORDINATES pdf. Immigration Detention Facilities. Combined Info on Underground facilities. GPS coordinates for 20 of the Top HAARP facilities. List of US Military Bases in the US. Map bases. Miscellaneous maps . So please, DON’T let it all go to waste. Get the
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Detention, Don
Military Continues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels
3 hours ago Source: Before Its News By Judy Byington Tuesday, September 8, 2020 0:25 Military Continues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels Across the Globe Tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe.
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Deep, Dumbs
List of DUMBs by State – Complete List of Military
8 hours ago Picatinny Arsenal, 4o° 38’N 74° 32′ W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. NEW MEXICO The state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of a series of underground bases. (All the rest of the states have too.) The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of: 3 enormous underground
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CLAIM: Ongoing Underground Military Operations, D.U.M.B.S
5 hours ago Book Oceandeep: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 2 Book Rescueplan: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 3 In the United States, operations have been in the major cities with the first to last listed as hot spots: New York, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Washington D.C., Salt Lake City, and Seattle.
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3 Deep Underground Military Bases in the US (& their
Just Now Today, Raven Rock is 650 acres, and the facility is a deep underground military base. This base works as a nuclear shelter and a place to command the country in the event of a crisis. The facility is in Pennsylvania, and it is near the Blue Ridge Summit. Publically, there are agencies involved with this deep underground military base.
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Deep Underground Military Bases Our Great Awakening
Just Now There are at least 1,400 DUMBS worldwide, 188 known DUMBS in the U.S., with 2 underground bases being built per year in the U.S. The average depth of bases are 4.25 miles underground. Each DUMB base-costs between 17 & 26 billion $ to build, which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money & human trafficking money. Read More. Cabal's Underground Bases.
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Dumbs, Depth, Dumb, Drug
Military Bunkers Being Taken Down, Children Being Liberated
8 hours ago Military Bunkers Being Taken Down, Children Being Liberated. April 4, 2020 by Steve Beckow. Apparently the takedown of the New World Order has begun and one Deep Underground Military Bunker (DUMB) after another is being taken over by the Alliance. It seems that the two hospital ships anchored off NYC and LA are there to treat child-trafficking
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Down, Deep, Dumb
Walmart And The Elite’s Massive Underground Facilities
7 hours ago Walmart And The Elite’s Massive Underground Facilities. FACT: there are hundreds of miles of subterranean tunnels and bases beneath north America. We don’t know their purpose, so all we have is conspiracy theories, and some of these hypotheses are highly speculative, further clouding the issue. Whatever it’s for, it must be important.
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(Reader) Deep Under Ground Military Bases? Operation
1 hours ago I read all the time about deep underground military bases, tunnels stretching from city to city, and catacombs to rival Paris or underground cities near Gobekly Tepi. There is just one thing that I can’t account for; Where are all the piles of debris from the holes? Now I am a simple Midwesterner.
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Deep, Debris
Deep Underground Military Bases Disclosure Wikia Fandom
6 hours ago A lot of underground bases are built under Indian reservations. The Rock of Gibraltar is tunneled out like Swiss cheese because of its strategic location. The finished walls in those tubes resemble polished black glass. In addition to military bases, there are underground cities …
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Pedophile Prisoners of War – Era of Light
1 hours ago ‘The US Military is actually showing us a Deep State Paedophile ‘Prisoner of War’ as the first ‘Patient’ inside the tents at Central Park (NYC)…Captured in operations to liberate the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases)…Message Received.’ His tweet features a montage of photos.
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Deep, Dumbs
List of deep underground military bases
3 hours ago 1 day ago · Some Underground Bases Listed by State. These bases are deep underground military bases (or DUMBS). Aug 10, 2020 · Some of these Deep Underground Military Bases are said to be completely self sufficient, with food supplies, lakes, ammunition and weapons, medications, etc. Each underground base employs 10,000 to 18,000 workers.
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Day, Deep, Dumbs
Scott McKay & Gene DeCode Discuss Deep Underground
4 hours ago From Patriot Streetfighter 3 Youtube Channel January 29, 2021. Gene Decode talks with Scott McKay and Cirsen W about the progress being made with the liberation of children from Deep Underground Military Bases, as well as technologies and procedures used in the DUMBS like adrenochrome harvesting, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, genetic modification.
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Decode, Deep, Dumbs
List of DUMBs by State – Complete List of Military
6 hours ago In America alone, there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada.Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging …
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Deep, Dhs, Diameters
Do Underground Military Bases & Tunnels Cross the USA
5 hours ago Two years ago, I came across a DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASE ("DUMB.") There are over at least 145 of these in the United States alone. But one that was recently built within the last decade has stuck out. It is West of Atlanta, GA in a small community known as Yorkville, GA. This is the South's Terminus for many Hubs.
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Deep, Dumb, Decade
Deep Underground Military Base D.U.M.B. – The Truth Denied
5 hours ago “There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across! They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s.
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Deep, Diameters, Day
Deep Under Ground Military Base Found in Melbourne, is One
2 hours ago Deep Under Ground Military Base Found in Melbourne, is One of the Worst Para Kas-Vetter Tuesday, July 21, 2020 Edit this post Operation Disclosure By Para Kas-Vetter, Contributor July 21, 2020 D.U.M.B.s in Melbourne, Australia found, is one of the worst.
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Deep, Disclosure
Deep Underground Military Bases of Arizona.
9 hours ago Aside from known underground bases, such as NORAD, Mt. Vernon, Raven Rock Mountain Complex, etc, there is a category of underground bases known as D.U.M.B.s. Or Deep Underground Military Bases. A quick internet search will generate hundreds of websites, most of which are simply copied lists of D.U.M.B locations from other sites by those
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Undergroundbasesmap PATCHED
7 hours ago deep underground military bases 2020 map 20.29 Palms Marine Base– Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N.: Southeast of Ludlow.. Lighter In America alone there are over 120Deep Underground Military Bases The map shows an underground base and a …
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Gene Decode! Deep Underground Base Details: Part 10 – Aus
6 hours ago To the east of the A.C.T. there is another pocket of territory that houses Canberras’ Military bases, it’s on the coast at Jervis Bay . To the South west is the Snowy Mountains. Canberra was Founded in 1913, 125 years after Britain assumed . ownership of Australia.
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3 hours ago There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across! They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s.
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Deep, Diameters, Day
Do Underground Military Bases & Tunnels Cross the USA
3 hours ago Two years ago, I came across a DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASE (“DUMB.”) There are over at least 145 of these in the United States alone. But one that was recently built within the last decade has stuck out. It is West of Atlanta, GA in a small community known as Yorkville, GA. This is the South’s Terminus for many Hubs.
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Deep, Dumb, Decade
D.U.M.B.S Deep Underground Military Base Mysite
7 hours ago The Comfort docked at Pier 90 around 10:45 a.m. EST, after entering New York Harbor and continuing north along the Hudson River. Equipped with 1,000 beds, 80 additional ICU beds, 12 operating rooms, a blood bank, a pharmacy, a medical laboratory, a CT scanner and radiology suites, the ship will offer 24-hour services to patients seeking medical attention unrelated to the new coronavirus.
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DUMBS & 2021 Trump Positive Breakthroughs: Gene Decoder
9 hours ago DUMBS & 2021 Trump Positive Breakthroughs: Gene Decoder & Karen MacDonald. Join Alfred Webre in one of his interviews with Gene Decoder and Karen MacDonald. Gene has come forward as a whistleblower with information regarding the liberation of deep underground military bases and the emancipation of human trafficked children from these bases.
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Dumbs, Decoder, Deep
A Deep Dive on Underground Facilities
7 hours ago A Deep Dive on Underground Facilities January 15, 2020 by Suzanne Maresca The article linked below is the text version of a show that was live streamed on December 18, 2019 ~ Blessed 2 Teach and Decode with Gene on DUMBS – Deep Underground Military Bases.
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Deep, Dive, December, Decode, Dumbs
News 31.08.2021
5 hours ago There are countless cloning labs in the underground tunnels (DUMBs = Deep Underground Military Bases) located under the entire surface of Hotel Earth, the elite can only accept a new body after three days of the body dying. Most of these elites, (not meaning any of the financially rich people you know like ROCKEFELLER, ROTHSCHILD, MORGAN, etc.
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Dumbs, Deep, Days, Dying
Deep Underground Military Bases Auricmedia Blogman's
9 hours ago The reality of Deep Underground Military Bases is extremely fascinating. There is an enormous amount of evidence that proves their existence. Secret military bases used to be labelled in the conspiracy theory category. Not long ago, the Department of Defense officially declassified the existence of Area 51.
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Deep, Department, Defense, Declassified
Moonbase: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases
2 hours ago Then a Man in Black forced him into the shadow world of black budgets, military underground bases and the secret war with the Grey aliens. Leon was "asked" to come work for a secret military unit and introduced to black budgets and deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.s) - the world of the "shadow government" and the ultra-rich, who live in
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The Roundup and Purge of the Awoken Winter Watch
2 hours ago The Roundup and Purge of the Awoken. January 8, 2020 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, Politics, US News, Winter Watch Articles 13. PHOTO: The Intercept/Getty. R ichard Souder, a Ph.D and architect, risked his life by talking about Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB). He worked with a number of government agencies on DUMBs and
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Deep, Dumb, Dumbs
News Archives The Event Chronicle
4 hours ago 9 Best High-CBD Strains For Anxiety in 2021. List of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) November 29, 2016. 2-Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Mega-Reactor Discovered in Africa. May 29, 2015. The Rothschild Bloodline: One of the 13 …
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Deep, Dumbs, Discovered
I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States. I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider.
In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada.
The average depth of bases are 4.25 miles underground. Each DUMB base-costs between 17 & 26 billion $ to build, which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money & human trafficking money.
UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES: Locations and Map on Google Earth 1 Calvert, Texas Function unknown 2 Fort Hood, Texas (also reported detainment camp) Levels: Multiple 3 Fort Stockton, Texas