CLAIM: Naughty Schiff pics found in Ed Buck’s drug den
5 hours ago Not to say Schiff may have some strange shade in his life, but he gets a pass on this one. House Republicans have some “very salacious pictures” of U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, said conservative lobbyist Jack Burkman, obtained through law enforcement raids on Ed Buck…
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PHOTOS: Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck With His …
Just Now Top Democrat donor Ed Buck with: Governor Jerry Brown, Rep. Ted Lieu, In a T-shirt, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Hillary Clinton. The body of another young black gay escort was found at the West Hollywood home of Ed Buck, a top Democrat donor and political activist. Sheriff’s deputies are investigating…
Category: Use Democrat in a sentence
Angeles, Adam, And, Another, At, Activist, Are
POL Red State in possession of Adam Schiff compromising
8 hours ago Breaking – Red State in possession of Adam Schiff compromising photo with Ed Buck… Posted by Kane on January 20, 2020 2:03 pm Update posted by Jack Burkman a few hours ago… Description of photo includes mention of narcotics and drug paraphernalia… Breaking – …
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Adam, Ago, And
Adam Schiff And Ed Buck (The Sickest of Sickest of F**CKS
1 hours ago Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, the list goes on and on. It’s no secret that Ed Buck and Adam Schiff are very close friends.
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And, Amounts, Adam, Are
Another Sexual Predator Linked to Adam Schiff Arrested
8 hours ago Top Democrat donor and Adam Schiff friend Ed Buck was finally arrested in September after a third man overdosed in his apartment. He was finally arrested after two black gay escorts died in his apartment from overdoses. This week another sexual predator, friend of Adam Schiff was arrested for asking a 9-year-old girl for nude photos. The New
Category: Use to in a sentence
And, Adam, Arrested, After, Apartment, Another, Asking
Adam Schiffs Himself After Officials Discover His Dirty
Just Now And the FBI is probing Schiff, who is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed Buck’s meth mansion. Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala
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And, Amounts
Adam Schiff And Ed Buck (The Sickest of Sickest of F**CKS
Just Now Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, the list goes on and on. It’s no secret that Ed Buck and Adam Schiff are very close friends.
Category: Use of in a sentence
And, Amounts, Adam, Are
Is This Photo of Adam Schiff and Jeffrey Epstein Real
5 hours ago In November 2019, as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was conducting an impeachment inquiry …
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As, Adam, An
The darker side of Rep. Adam Schiff TheHill
5 hours ago PASADENA, Calif. — Rep. Adam Schiff Adam Bennett Schiff All eyes on Garland after Bannon contempt vote House votes to hold Bannon in contempt of Congress The Hill's 12:30 Report - …
Category: Use side in a sentence
Adam, All, After
[VIDEO] Adam Schiff’s Eyes Bulge When He’s grilled About
1 hours ago We all know that Adam Schiff has those crazy shifty eyes, darting all over the place, looking confused, guilty, and scared all at once. We also know that he’s usually got some bags under his eyes – likely from staying up all night due to his Stage Five Trump Derangement Syndrome…But we’ve never seen him look this bad.
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All, Adam, And, At, Also
Adam Schiff’s multiple visits to Ed Buck’s sex, meth den
9 hours ago Adam Schiff’s multiple visits to Ed Buck’s sex, meth den. Questions abound regarding close association with now jailed deviant. SRAZ recently posted Deviant Dem megadonor Ed Buck finally arrested after 3rd man overdoses. That exposé was preceded by Dem donor Ed Buck, 2 dead men and counting. It’s been a busy year for the former Arizona
Category: Use to in a sentence
Adam, Abound, Association, Arrested, After, And, Arizona
'My friend': Adam Schiff praised TV doctor arrested on sex
4 hours ago In September, Ed Buck, 65, a Schiff donor, was arrested and charged with operating a drug house and three counts of battery. The most recent man who overdosed at Buck's residence survived, but the
Category: Use TV in a sentence
Arrested, And, At
Holy Shite — Adam Schiff gets shanked on the View
6 hours ago Ed Buck would be proud of the way Adam squirmed his way out of this. Liars lie. Vote Up 3 Vote Down Reply. November 9, 2021 7:46 pm. On Hunter Biden’s laptop is a picture of Adam Schiff in a giant Baby costume. Complete with a Pacifier and an Enormous Diaper. I’m completely serious. That picture was on his laptop.
Category: Use on in a sentence
Adam, And, An
On the Lookout for Salacious Adam Schiff Photos
2 hours ago On the Lookout for Salacious Adam Schiff Photos Posted. by BoarEd. on 1/19/20 at 6:22 pm. 19 1. The rumor has been for awhile now that Adam Schiff enjoyed doing very naughty things with Ed Buck. Ed Buck is the California elector/ "major donor" who had been drugging, raping, and even killing black, male prostitutes in his Southern California home.
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Adam, At, Awhile, And
Another pervert turns up in Adam Schiff's orbit American
6 hours ago Another pervert turns up in Adam Schiff's orbit. We all know about Rep. Adam Schiff's gamy ties to pervert and Democratic donor Ed Buck, who's …
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Another, Adam, All, About, And
Extremely graphic pics of Adam Schiff and Ed Buck released
5 hours ago re: Extremely graphic pics of Adam Schiff and Ed Buck released tomorrow says unreliable source Posted by FlexDawg on 1/29/20 at 6:48 am to Northwestern tiger quote: Just stop posting fake news.
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Adam, And, At, Am
Rumors Swirl – House Republicans have salacious photos of
1 hours ago To: Lonesome in Massachussets. “The NRCC commissioned several opposition research firms to dig up dirt on Adam Schiff in the run up to impeachment, per 2 senior GOP congressional staffers. One firm was able to secure damaging photos of Schiff and Ed Buck leaked from some of the feds currently prosecuting Buck.”.
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Adam, Able, And
Adam Schiff may be part of Homosexual Murderer Ed Buck’s
4 hours ago Rep. Adam Schiff and Ed Buck (center) outside a house in California. The charges came after the bodies of, not one, but two dead black men were mysteriously found in Buck’s home on two occasions. Buck is currently in jail following a September 17 arrest and his federal trial has been moved from November 26, 2019, to August 4, 2020. The
Category: Use may in a sentence
Adam, And, After, Arrest, August
Man tells how Dem donor Ed Buck injected him with meth at
2 hours ago WARNING: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT. Jermaine Gagnon, 28, spent several nights with Ed Buck at his apartment in L.A. in 2018, where they had oral sex and took drugs together.
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At, Apartment, And
3 hours ago STREETS SHUT DOWN DUE TO NOXIOUS GASSES: reets shut down due to noxious gasses
Category: Use words in a sentence
What Politicians Have Taken Ed Buck's Dirty Money?
8 hours ago Below is a partial list of recipients of campaign donations from Democratic donor Ed Buck and in the wake of Gemmel Moore's death who following scandal, have refused to return that money in it's entirety to a fund set up to support Moore's family and the victims of Ed Buck in the quest for justice.Not only have the recipients refused to return Buck's dirty money--but they won't even publicly
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All the California politicians who took money from Ed Buck
1 hours ago All the California politicians who took money from Ed Buck. Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey and U.S. Reps. Ted Lieu and Adam B. Schiff. Some have returned the money
Category: Use who in a sentence
All, Angeles, Attorney, And, Adam
About the Democrat loser Adam Schiff and queer donor Ed
Just Now Adam Schiff was a regular at Ed Buck’s Los Angeles meth dens While we all wait for Red State, who enjoys better 1A legal protections than us, to publish the uncensored photos (as they
Category: Use Democrat in a sentence
Adam, At, Angeles, All, As
Republicans have salacious photos of Adam Schiff with
8 hours ago "Rumors Swirl – House Republicans have salacious photos of Adam Schiff with druggie donor Ed Buck… Posted by Kane on January 19, 2020 1:55 am [IMG]
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Adam, Am
SCHIFF PHOTO UPDATE From Jack Arrows in the Dark
3 hours ago Arrows in the Dark. January 22, 2020 ·. SCHIFF PHOTO UPDATE. From Jack Burkman, who early in the day said that he has a copy of the photo now: "We’re sad to see that our friends at @RedState. have been intimidated out of running the Adam Schiff + Ed Buck photos. Don’t fret.
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Arrows, At, Adam
Adam Schiff is a pedo. What did he do? AR15.COM
4 hours ago News of another high society sexual predator friend of Adam Schiff/ABC/NBC employee just getting busted. This one was trying to get a 9 year old girl to send him sexual explicit pictures and vid. Add that to the list of Ed Buck and JE, who Schiff had had meetings with after his first conviction.
Category: Use a in a sentence
Another, Adam, Abc, And, Add, After
A Trickle of Bodies at Ed Buck’s West Hollywood Home
5 hours ago Ed Buck’s apartment complex in West Hollywood, Calif., on Wednesday. Adam B. Schiff, Pete Aguilar, Jerry McNerney and Jimmy Gomez. One recipient of …
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Apartment, Adam, Aguilar, And
Adam Schiff Is Getting Smeared By QAnon Supporters
8 hours ago In fact, the only evidence that Schiff has done anything untoward other than vague allegations of salacious “photos” of Schiff in the drug den of Democratic donor and recent arrestee Ed Buck
Category: Use words in a sentence
Anything, Allegations, And, Arrestee
Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Probe Adam Schiff Dressed like
5 hours ago Embattled Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff was dressed in ancient-Egyptian-themed garb at two wild costume parties at Ed Buck’s meth and sex mansion, according to a Clinton Whistleblower and insider. And the FBI is probing Schiff, who is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed
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Adam, Ancient, At, And, According
The Power Brokers Behind Adam Schiff, Friend Of Caucasian
8 hours ago potential problems that may emerge in the near future for Adam Schiff regarding an alleged on-going investigation into Ed Buck. Nichols stated, “Barr is looking into, once again with purpose, why Adam Schiff was at Buck’s place 16 times.” Nichols went on to say, “The reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff,
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Adam, An, Alleged, Again, At
Allegations in Death of Sex Worker Plague Influential West
3 hours ago Congressman Adam Schiff, Ed Buck, Dem Party Chair Eric C. Baum/ Screen grab Fb. A growing mountain of evidence obtained by WEHO TIMES —including multiple eyewitness accounts, smartphone images, background interviews, on-the-record interviews, court documents, hospital bills and text messages—reveal a pattern that depicts a well heeled politico named Ed Buck as a man with a …
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Adam, Accounts, And, As
Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Probe Adam Schiff Dressed like
4 hours ago Embattled Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff was dressed in ancient-Egyptian-themed garb at two wild costume parties at Ed Buck’s meth and sex mansion, according to a Clinton Whistleblower and insider. And the FBI is probing Schiff, who is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed Buck’s meth mansion.…
Category: Use like in a sentence
Adam, Ancient, At, And, According
Roger Stone Trial. Adam Schiff Egyptian Ed Buck meth party
8 hours ago Adam Schiff Egyptian Ed Buck meth party political cartoon for president Donald Trump There is Roger stone as archangel Michael holding the sword of free speech with wings. Today Alex Jones called him trump’s wing man so this is the vision I got.
Category: Use party in a sentence
Adam, As, Archangel, Alex
Dec 16 Jenna Jamison cryptic message to Adam Schiff. HMM
3 hours ago Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Investigating Adam Schiff’s Disturbing Behavior at Ed Buck’s Meth & s*x House Embattled Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed Buck’s ‘drug house,’ according to a Clinton Whistleblower and insider.
Category: Use message in a sentence
Adam, At, Amp, According, And
Adam Schiff 'dear friend' Bruce Hensel arrested for asking
9 hours ago Bruce Hensel, a doctor who used to be featured regularly on NBC in Los Angeles was arrested for asking a nine year old for sexual photos. Hensel was described as a “good friend” by Shifty Adam Schiff back in 2009.
Category: Use for in a sentence
Angeles, Arrested, Asking, As, Adam
UPDATE: *NO BAIL* For Adam Schiff's Degenerate Democrat
Just Now Tomorrow a trove of photos depicting Adam Schiff and Ed Buck will be released by us That is unless House Republicans find some guts and release the pictures today 1:52 PM · Jan 28, 2020
Category: Use Democrat in a sentence
Adam, And
Wall Street Journal editorial exposes Adam Schiff Seeing
5 hours ago SRAZ has previously covered Trump-hating, radical leftist, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) with this Nov. 3, 2019 post: “ Adam Schiff’s multiple visits to Ed Buck’s sex, meth den.” It’s worth reviewing. The WSJ is subscription only. For those who don’t subscribe, the editorial can be read here:
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Schiff Wanted Nude Pictures Of Trump, Gets Ethics
1 hours ago Via Fox News, “GOP challenger files ethics complaint against Schiff for purporting to obtain compromising Trump pictures”: A prank call by Russian deejays fished in Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., but a Republican challenging him for his House seat doesn’t think the call, in which Schiff expressed eagerness to get “compromising material” on President Trump, is a laughing matter.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Against, Adam
Busted Democratic donor Ed Buck gave to Hillary Clinton, Obama
2 hours ago Buck skirted any charges — as he did again in January 2019 when a second man, Timothy Dean, 55, died in the home of a meth overdose. A West Hollywood, California, home owned by Ed Buck …
Category: Use to in a sentence
Any, As, Again
Hillary Clinton, Jerry Brown, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu: Here
9 hours ago Chanting “arrest him now,” a group protest erupted outside the home of wealthy Democratic donor Ed Buck on Monday night after a second man died inside his apartment within 18 months. Dozens of people gathered at the white stucco apartment block in West Hollywood, demanding the arrest of Buck, 64, a former model and businessman.
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Arrest, After, Apartment, At, And
A Real American President: Donald Trump Message Board
7 hours ago Adam Schiff was a regular at Ed Buck’s Los Angeles meth dens While we all wait for Red State, who enjoys better 1A legal protections than us, to publish the uncensored photos (as they did in the Katie Hill matter) here are are some previews
Category: Use American in a sentence
Adam, At, Angeles, All, As, Are
Democrats Busted Page 3 US Message Board 🦅 Political
9 hours ago ADAM SCHIFF Derailed Murder Investigation Of Gemmel Moore’s Death In ED BUCK’s Meth Drug Den Posted by: Michael L. Grace October 11, 2019 Ed Buck Democrat gay rights leader and money man, whose West Hollywood meth drug den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men is finally locked up.
Category: Use words in a sentence
Adam, And
WTF!!! "ADAM SCHIFF’s donorED BUCK is done. 3rd BLACK
Just Now Discussion about WTF!!! "ADAM SCHIFF’s donorED BUCK is done. 3rd BLACK gay prostitute didn’t die and took photos to document the disgusting meeting [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret …
Category: Use words in a sentence
About, Adam, And, At
Dem Donor Ed Buck's Murder Trial Started and Court Docs
1 hours ago Dem Donor Ed Buck’s Murder Trial Started and Court Docs Reveal a Racist Comment So Vulgar, It’s Not Fit For Print Adam Schiff, Obama, and the rest of the movers and shakers in the Dem Party. He fell from grace after men started getting very sick and dying at his apartment…and finally, after way too long and way too many victims, he
Category: Use and in a sentence
And, Adam, After, At, Apartment
Democratic donor Ed Buck now faces charges of human
4 hours ago Ed Buck is a billionaire who has donated large sums to Democrat candidates, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu and Pelosi and others. Google: Adam Schiff Standard Hotel — HV61 (@HVeritch) July 9, …
Category: Use now in a sentence
Adam, And
Buck, a Democratic donor and LGBTQ activist, is in custody awaiting trial in Los Angeles. A longtime supporter of Schiff, Rep. Ted Lieu and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, he faces a possible life sentence on charges related to the meth-induced deaths of two men in his L.A. residence.
The first victim, Gemmel Moore, 26, died in July 2017 and Timothy Dean, 55, died in January. The identity of the third has not been released; he was referred to as “Joe Doe” in court documents. Mr. Buck faces up to five years and eight months in prison if he is convicted of the current charges.
That exposé was preceded by Dem donor Ed Buck, 2 dead men and counting. It’s been a busy year for the former Arizona resident who cut his political teeth in 1987, launching a recall against Gov. Evan Mecham shortly after the conservative businessman’s and decorated WWII veteran’s inauguration.
“We know that, with the arrest of Ed Buck, that the life expectancy of black gay men in L.A. County has substantially increased,” Jasmyne Cannick, an activist and spokeswoman for the families of the victims, said on Wednesday.