See also: Quota Quotation Quotable Import Sales The Quote Quotient Quotidian Quoth Quoting Quoted That Things Past
1. Quota definition is - a proportional part or share; especially : the share or proportion assigned to each in a division or to each member of a body
2. How to use Quota in a sentence.
3. A Quota is a government-imposed trade restriction that limits the number or monetary value of goods that a country can import or export during a …
4. Quota, in international trade, government-imposed limit on the quantity, or in exceptional cases the value, of the goods or services that may be exported or imported over a specified period of time. Quotas are more effective in restricting trade than tariffs, particularly if domestic demand for a commodity is not sensitive to increases in price.
Quota, Quantity, Quotas
5. Quota International is a non-profit organization empowering women, children, the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and people with speech difficulties in local communities around the world.
6. Quota International members serve our local communities and the world
7. Quotas are established by legislation and Presidential proclamations issued pursuant to specific legislation and provided for in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
8. There are three types of Quotas: absolute, tariff-rate, and tariff preference level.
9. 2021 lbl Quota hunt application system Due to some unforeseen complications, we are extending the turkey Quota application period by one week
10. Applications for the youth and adult turkey Quota hunts at Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area are now open from February 1 …
11. Currently there are no commodities subject to absolute Quotas and/or associated visa requirements
12. Azure AD service Quota for organizations created by self-service sign-up remains 50,000 Azure AD resources even after you performed an internal admin takeover and the organization is converted to a managed tenant with at least one verified domain
13. Quota noun share, allowance, ration, allocation, part, cut (informal), limit, proportion, slice, quantity, portion, assignment, whack (informal), dispensation The Quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition
Quota, Quantity
14. A fixed limit on the amount of something that someone is allowed to have or is expected to do: an annual/monthly/daily Quota The annual Quota of 140,000 green cards is far lower than the demand
15. Impose/introduce/set a Quota This fiscal year, Congress set a Quota of 65,000 visas.
16. Quota, in the world of business and economics, has two meanings: 1. A restriction that the government imposes on imports. In other words, an import limit
17. Find 27 ways to say Quota, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
18. Import Quota, a trade restriction on the quantity of goods imported into a country Market Sharing Quota, an economic system used in Canadian agriculture Milk Quota, a Quota on milk production in Europe Individual fishing Quota, a Quota on allowable catch
Quota, Quantity
19. A number or percentage, especially of people, constituting or designated as an upper limit: a country with strict annual immigration Quotas
20. What is Quota sampling? Quota sampling is defined as a non-probability sampling method in which researchers create a sample involving individuals that represent a population
21. They decide and create Quotas so that the market research samples can be useful in collecting data.
22. Quota: 1 n a prescribed number “all the salesmen met their Quota for the month” Type of: number a concept of quantity involving zero and units n a proportional share assigned to each participant Type of: allocation , allotment a share set aside for a specific purpose n a limitation on imports “the Quota for Japanese imports was negotiated”
Quota, Quantity
23. 11 synonyms of Quota from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 8 related words, definitions, and antonyms
24. Quota: something belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual member of a group.
25. ‘A Quota is established as the number of votes a candidate requires to be elected.’ ‘The National Assembly system is based on Quotas so no one group will hold a majority.’ ‘By contrast, if you give your second preference to a strong candidate who reaches the Quota - but no more - on the first count, the value of your second preference
Quota, Quotas
26. What does Quota mean? The definition of a Quota is a part of a goal which is assigned to someone
27. (noun) An example of Quota is the amount of
28. Quota f (plural Quotas) Alternative form of cota , exclusively in the sense of the english word Quota , but not for the other uses of cota meaning he quotes or armour coat )
Quota, Quotas, Quotes
29. Resource Quota For Extended Resources
30. In addition to the resources mentioned above, in release 1.10, Quota support for extended resources is added
31. As overcommit is not allowed for extended resources, it makes no sense to specify both requests and limits for the same extended resource in a Quota
32. So for extended resources, only Quota items with prefix requests
33. Quotas, also referred to as service limits, are the maximum values for the resources, actions, and items in an Azure account
34. A Quota is the limited number or quantity of something which is officially allowed
Quota, Quantity
35. The Quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two
36. [ + of] Synonyms: share, allowance, ration, allocation More Synonyms of Quota 2
37. Quota International's world service projects are aligned with the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.Specifically, Quota clubs are working towards UN MDG Goals 1 and 3: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
38. Quotas, also referred to as limits in AWS, are the maximum values for the resources, actions, and items in your AWS account
39. Each AWS service defines its Quotas and establishes default values for those Quotas
40. Depending on your business needs, you might need to increase your service Quota values.
41. Definition: Quota sampling is a sampling methodology wherein data is collected from a homogeneous group
42. Synonyms for Quota in Free Thesaurus
43. 28 synonyms for Quota: share, allowance, ration, allocation, part, cut, limit, proportion, slice, quantity
Quota, Quantity
44. To help reduce the chance of exceeding this limit, the storage Quota for the Recoverable Items folder is automatically increased from 30 GB to 100 GB when a hold is placed on a mailbox in Exchange Online.
45. Quota (n.) 1660s, from Medieval Latin Quota, from Latin Quota pars "how large a part," from Quota, fem
Quota, Quot
46. A Quota sample is a type of non-probability sample in which the researcher selects people according to some fixed standard
47. This article describes how to increase mailbox Quota for the Legacy dedicated environment
48. Active (primary) mailboxes: The size and Quota of this mailbox will reflect the size of the assigned plan
49. A Quota, which is a type of trade barrier, is a restriction on the quantity that can be imported into a country.Quotas and Tariffs are effectively the same except that governments collect revenue from tariffs while exporting firms can collect extra revenue from Quotas (as seen below in box 3)
Quota, Quantity, Quotas
50. A Quota increases the firm’s export revenues.
51. Many WMAs offering spring turkey hunting require a Quota permit
52. The FWC also offers WMAs that do not require a Quota permit, and you can find those areas by reviewing the list and map below
53. ‘A Quota is established as the number of votes a candidate requires to be elected.’ ‘The National Assembly system is based on Quotas so no one group will hold a majority.’ ‘By contrast, if you give your second preference to a strong candidate who reaches the Quota - but no more - on the first count, the value of your second preference
Quota, Quotas
54. The show is good fun and yields its full Quota of laughs
55. He never takes his full Quota of holidays
56. We had to increase our output to fill the Quota by the end of the year
57. This creates an incentive for firms to have larger boards so they can comply with the 1/3 Quota instead of the 1/2 Quota
58. Tautog: 64,753 pounds (MA Quota) Massachusetts’ 2021 tautog Quota will be set at its baseline amount of 64,753 pounds
59. This is marginally larger than 2020 (62,797 pounds), given no prior-year Quota overage to account for (as was the case in 2020)
60. The 2020 Quota sustained the fishery until early November, similar to recent years.
61. France enforces an import Quota of 3% of total car sales
62. A meeting of OPEC to discuss production Quotas Salesmen selling over their Quota receive a $1000 bonus
Quotas, Quota
63. → disabled Quota → IMF Quota → job Quota Origin Quota (1600-1700) Medieval Latin Latin Quota pars “ how large a part ”
64. Quota an administrative limitation on the production of, or trade in, a particular product imposed by suppliers or by the government
65. Producers' CARTELS typically place a limitation on the total output of a product so as deliberately to restrict its supply to a predetermined level and then use a Quota system to allocate output between member firms;
66. Definition and synonyms of Quota from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
67. This is the British English definition of Quota.View American English definition of Quota.
68. Quota systems aim at ensuring that women constitute at least a "critical minority" of 30 or 40%
Quota, Quot
69. Quotas for women entail that women must constitute a certain number or percentage of the members of a body, whether it is a candidate list, a parliamentary assembly, a committee, or a government
70. The Quota system places the burden of recruitment not
71. Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your Quotas, formerly referred to as limits, for over 100 AWS services, from one location
72. In addition to viewing Quota values, you can also request a Quota increase from the Service Quotas console.
Quota, Quotas
73. This tutorial shows you how to view and manage the Service Quotas for your AWS Account.
74. Quota Share Treaty: A Quota share treaty is a pro rata reinsurance contract in which the insurer and reinsurer share premiums and losses according to a fixed percentage
75. Resource Quotas appear in multiple APIs, OpenStackClient presents them as a single object with multiple properties
QUOTA [ˈkwōdə]