1. We are, after all, the Quomodocunquizing generation.
2. While the word looks rather complicated, it’s meaning is simple. Quomodocunquizing is a way to describe something (or someone) who makes money in any way possible. Example: “He’s a Quomodocunquizing businessperson.” Diphthong
3. Quomodocunquizing — (v) making money in any way that you can Ragamuffin — (n) a person, typically a child, in ragged dirty clothes Ratoon — (n) a small shoot growing from the root of a plant Salopettes — (n) high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps
4. Perhaps the exquisite and rare adjective " Quomodocunquizing " will suit your need
Quot, Quomodocunquizing
5. Those Quomodocunquizing clusterfists and rapacious varlets. The discovery of a most exquisite jewel, Sir Thomas Urquhart (1652) …
6. This time it was the use of the phrase "Quomodocunquizing clusterfist" in a blog post by Merriam-Webster on patriotism
Quot, Quomodocunquizing
7. The Quomodocunquizing Ex-Senate of MiaryBhalzhack is a colossal, cultured nation, ruled by King BhumiBhalzhack with a fair hand, and renowned for its keen interest in outer space, public floggings, and infamous sell-swords.
8. JK 00 does it again! Not only is the narrator smart as the dickens, he is the achingly funniest of living satirists, presenting scabrous lachyrmiform nugs too considerable for any Righteous White's discreet vape pen but just right as a spanner in the Quomodocunquizing click turning.
9. 21) Quomodocunquizing — Here’s one that doesn’t just roll off the tongue
10. Today, Quomodocunquizing is mostly found in lists …
11. Example: Rather than Quomodocunquizing, invest your money wisely
12. Should you ever find yourself in need of an insult that is not hackneyed and stale we wholeheartedly recommend Quomodocunquizing clusterfist
13. Quomodocunquizing (adj.) That makes money in any possible way
14. Urquhart: “Those Quomodocunquizing clusterfists …
15. The OED has no entry for quomodocunquize, to make money any way you can, but it does have one for Quomodocunquizing with a citation from Sir Thomas Urquhart in 1652: "Those Quomodocunquizing clusterfists and rapacious varlets." — The Orthoepist
Quomodocunquize, Quomodocunquizing, Quot
16. Example: Rather than Quomodocunquizing, invest your money wisely
17. Apparently Quomodocunquizing appears in the Oxford English Dictionary, but I can’t find it there or in other major dictionaries, so either this is a fun invention by a word geek, or it has finally lapsed from use
18. (For a good laugh, check out Merriam-Webster's Words At Play blog's aside in the patriotism/nationalism entry on "Quomodocunquizing
Quot, Quomodocunquizing
19. “To make money in any possible way.” It’s been used in 1652 by Thomas Urquhart, who wrote: Those Quomodocunquizing clusterfists and rapacious varlets
20. Example: Rather than Quomodocunquizing, invest your money wisely
21. Example: Rather than Quomodocunquizing, invest your money wisely
22. Moreover, there’s no way liberals will stop calling conservatives scrooges (or, if you prefer, Quomodocunquizing clusterfists) any time the next GM comes hat in hand
23. By Thomas Urquhart, who wrote: Those Quomodocunquizing
24. When not sheltered by those fenestrated canopies under which masses preserve lifestyles by appeasing superiors with Quomodocunquizing every-actions, the soul takes to the blue and green as a revitalizing dip into an effervescently warm bath, where the reboant cries for a connection to a more meaningful purpose and…
25. Doubtless, the quest for the (magnetic) monothorpe will continue to receive funding from the Lysenkos at the Quackery Department–never any shortage of Quomodocunquizing* where this sort of thing gets involved
Quest, Quackery, Quomodocunquizing
26. Even if you have no real idea what his meaning is, the sentiment is unmistakable and beautifully indelible: “Those Quomodocunquizing clusterfists and rapacious varlets.” ― Ammon Shea, Reading the Oxford English Dictionary: One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages
27. The Quomodocunquizing Ex-Senate of MiaryBhalzhack: Corporate Bordello “No itch we can't scratch!” 4