See also: Quizzing Quizzingly Quiz Quiza Quizzy Quiznak Quiznos Quizzer Quizzes Quizzle Quizzly Quizible Quizlet Quizzed Quizative Quizitive Quizzedly Quizmaster Quizzical Quizzacious Quizzically Quizzicality
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4. Bible Quizzing is a competition with a purpose! Teenagers in grades 6-12 from all over the area form teams and memorize Scripture to compete against other.This is a fun, effective way to get teenagers to memorize God’s Word.
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12. Welcome to the Detroit Bible Quizzing Website The Detroit Bible Quizzing league (or DBQ) is a non-denominational Christian organization that encourages students to …
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14. Bible Quizzing Coordinators serve to promote and grow the ministry within their respective districts
15. Here in the West, we're Quizzin' the best, Bonanza! April 3, 2018, 4:36PM By: MeTV Staff
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19. 'Tis the season for Quizzin'! Are you all about the Christmas season! Show your knowledge of Christmas Eve by answering the questions on this quiz! Michelle Nati
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20. Quizzin’ With Ramanan (Quizmaster V.V
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21. Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment (Retail Access Card), Updated 7th Edition [Jarvis] on
22. Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment (Retail Access Card)
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24. Corona Quizzin - Matt Penny Fundraiser
25. Find a great joke in the Quizzing material? We’d love to hear it! Your Name
26. is your "Official Source" for UPCI Bible Quizzing study materials
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27. From the makers of FlαshGrεεk — ΠαrsεGrεεk is designed to help students of New Testament Greek by Quizzing them on the parsing of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and pronouns
28. [Quizzin 2] Got a Big 5 question for us? Challenge accepted! Leave us a comment below with your question
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QUIZZIN [kwiz]
verb (used with object), quizzed, quiz·zing. to examine or test (a student or class) informally by questions. to question closely: The police quizzed several suspects.
tr.v. quizzed, quiz·zing, quiz·zes. 1. To question (someone), especially closely or repeatedly: "His searching questions as he quizzed me on my work made me tongue-tied at first" (Susan Sellers). 2. To test the knowledge of by posing questions: quizzed the class on state capitals. See Synonyms at ask.
1. 1. 1. competition, test, quiz show, panel game, quiz game, test of knowledge We'll have a quiz at the end of the show. 2. examination, questioning, interrogation, interview, investigation, grilling (informal), cross-examination, cross-questioning, the third degree (informal) Man faces quiz over knife death.
verb (used with object), quizzed, quiz·zing. to examine or test (a student or class) informally by questions. to question closely: The police quizzed several suspects. Chiefly British. to make fun of; ridicule; mock; chaff.