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See also: Quip Quipu Quippy Quipped Quipper Quipsome Quipster Quiplash Quippier Quipping Quiproquo

1. Quipucamayoc meaning A sort of accountant in ancient Incan culture, who used quipus.

Quipucamayoc, Quipus

2. The Quipucamayocs were the Inka State administrative officials specialized in the use of the quipu

Quipucamayocs, Quipu

3. Quipucamayoc is an interactive art and technology project that merges a range of contemporary art forms – including 3D gaming, electroacoustical music, dance, experimental theatre, and wearable design – to construct a prototype communication network.


4. Quipucamayoc (plural Quipucamayocs) A sort of accountant in ancient Incan culture, who used quipus.

Quipucamayoc, Quipucamayocs, Quipus

5. An interactive media art project connecting Cusco and Buenos Aires - Quipucamayoc


6. The Quipucamayoc Department at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos on


7. Quipucamayoc, a transmedia, translocal digital game that will be played simultaneously within two Andean communities


8. For more information visit


9. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Quipucamayoc on your desktop or mobile device.


10. This definition of the word Quipucamayoc is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples.


11. Quipucamayocs meaning Plural form of Quipucamayoc.

Quipucamayocs, Quipucamayoc

12. Independentemente de qual Quipucamayoc confeccionasse o quipu, todos, porem, possuiam a mesma forma de representacao numerica, utilizando um sistema de contagem de base dez, semelhante aos sistemas ocidentais de numeracao, ou seja, de 1 a 10, com nivel de erro tendendo a zero, considerando que o responsavel pelo instrumento pagava com a vida em caso de erro.

Qual, Quipucamayoc, Quipu, Que

13. Tupac Inca Yupanqui and a Quipucamayoc


14. Página del Quipucamayoc - UNMSM


15. Quipucamayoc (Record Keeper) Inkuyo


16. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Quipucamayoc on pronouncekiwi


17. Plural of Quipucamayoc Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary


18. Contribute to Quipucamayoc/unity development by creating an account on GitHub.


19. Though not necessarily the only ones who knew how to read quipus, it was the Quipucamayoc’s job to keep count of the various quipus used by the nobility, and read the quipus to them as desired

Quipus, Quipucamayoc

20. Quipucamayocs created and kept track of quipus concerning population, tribute, military operations, organized labor projects and more.

Quipucamayocs, Quipus

21. Quipucamayoc 16 03-4045 17 03-4046 18 03-4047 19 03-4048 20 03-4049 21 03-4050 22 03-4051 23 03-4052 24 03-4053 25 03-4054 26 03-4055 …


22. Quipucamayoc en un fanpage que aporta e interactúa en el conocimiento contable, tributario, laboral, gubernamental y financiero

Quipucamayoc, Que

23. Codificación y administración en el antiguo Perú (Editores: EY PERU/APUS GE) Quipus and Quipucamayoc, Encoding and administration in ancient Peru (Editors: EY PERU/APUS GE)

Quipus, Quipucamayoc

24. This is Sipan, bred by Quipucamayoc


25. Each ruler, governor, commander and village chief had a Quipucamayoc, the quipu-teller

Quipucamayoc, Quipu

26. The Head Accountant, or Quipucamayoc, is a minor character from Pachacuti's time in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time


27. Quipucamayoc is an interactive art and technology project that merges a range of contemporary art forms – including 3D gaming, electroacoustical music, dance


28. Quipucamayoc Yahoo Dating goes by the name of tyler durden (yes like the movie character)) this man started as a socially challenged man trying to pick up chicks and now he has become so efficient that many men reach out to him from all around Quipucamayoc Yahoo Dating the …


29. Listen to Quipucamayoc (Record Keeper) on Spotify


30. At Quipucamayoc 179, San Juan de Lurigancho 15401, Peru




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