See also: Quipster Quipsome Quip Quippy Quipu Quipped Quipper Quiplash Quippier Quipping Quiproquo
1. Quipped, quip·ping, Quipsto make : 2
Quipped, Quip, Quipsto
2. ALFA: Com o t Quipsto tlieoro, Ay, 1100 Loll, Laitetrra do Loedron, Olgante chiquito ASTO: L.a rubla Incendlaria, Vonganaa do momuert y 0unto cortos
3. Here is one or more definitions for the word Quipsto enlighten you to solve your arrow words and crosswords
4. And as she Quipsto Babble, at least we wont have to hire movers when we move into it! But jokes aside, the experience has been life-changing for the Esposito-Bernard family, in more ways than one
5. Quipped, quip·ping, Quipsto make quips or a quip
Quipped, Quip, Quipsto, Quips
6. Quipped, quip·ping, Quipsto make quips or a quip
Quipped, Quip, Quipsto, Quips
7. ALFA: Com o t Quipsto tlieoro, Ay, 1100 Loll, Laitetrra do Loedron, Olgante chiquito ASTO: L.a rubla Incendlaria, Vonganaa do momuert y 0unto cortos
Definition of quip. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a clever usually taunting remark : gibe. b : a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment. 2 : quibble, equivocation.
Example Sentences Learn More about quip Did You Know? Quip is an abbreviation of "quippy," a noun that is no longer in use. Etymologists believe that "quippy" derived from the Latin quippe, a word meaning "indeed" or "to be sure" that was often used ironically.
Did You Know? Quip is an abbreviation of "quippy," a noun that is no longer in use. Etymologists believe that "quippy" derived from the Latin quippe, a word meaning "indeed" or "to be sure" that was often used ironically.
quip about (someone or something) To make witty, pithy, or snide jokes about someone or something. The two brothers sat in the corner quipping about the various guests their parents had invited. to joke about someone or something. The kids were quipping about the principal's hairpiece.