See also: Quipped Quipper Quip Quippy Quipu Quiplash Quippier Quipping Quipsome Quipster Quiproquo
1. Learn online with Quipper's lessons, quizzes, and tutorial videos of Quipper School and Quipper Video.
Quipper, Quizzes
2. Quippe Clinical Lens Today’s healthcare problem isn’t a lack of data; it’s a lack of usable data
3. Quippe Clinical Lens identifies and interprets disorganized, complex arrays of medical data and transforms that data into actionable information and clinical insights – all within the physician’s workflow.
4. English words for Quippe include indeed, sure, in fact, by all means, surely, certes, with certainty, of course and why not
5. I have typically encountered Quippe with relative pronouns
6. It strengthens the relative pronoun in a way that is often best translated with something other than a relative structure. The word Quippe emphasizes that the relative clause contains an explanation.
7. Quippe™ Clinical Knowledge Engine Username Password Remember me next time Login
8. Loading Quippe Medicomp Partner Connection
9. Bringing best education to every corner of the world Quipper
10. Quipper is the platform that contains both QuipperSchool and QuipperVideo
Quipper, Quipperschool, Quippervideo
11. QuipperSchool offers a system of learning management for schools and it includes a package of learning contents, homework management, and tools of learning progress management, according to the curriculum of each country.
12. Mane Quippe intellectus nostri pueritia est
13. Quipper Indonesia memiliki misi untuk membawa pendidikan terbaik ke seluruh pelosok dunia & berkomitmen untuk menjadi bagian ekosistem pendidikan di Indonesia.
14. Quipped, quip·ping, quips v.intr
Quipped, Quip, Quips
15. [Alteration of obsolete quippy, perhaps from Latin Quippe, indeed, from quid, what; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.] quip′py adj
Quippy, Quippe, Quid, Quip
16. Quip is an abbreviation of "quippy," a noun that is no longer in use. Etymologists believe that "quippy" derived from the Latin Quippe, a word meaning "indeed" or "to be sure" that was often used ironically.
Quip, Quot, Quippy, Quippe
17. —With an explanatory appositive: sol Democrito magnus videtur, Quippe homini erudito, i
18. As of course it must to an intelligent man: quidam contra miseriti Periturae Quippe, Ph.—In irony, certainly, indeed, forsooth: Quippe vetor fatis, I, forsooth, am forbidden by the fates!
Quidam, Quippe
19. Quipped, quip·ping, quips v.intr
Quipped, Quip, Quips
20. [Alteration of obsolete quippy, perhaps from Latin Quippe, indeed, from quid, what; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.] quip′py adj
Quippy, Quippe, Quid, Quip
21. Henceforth, Quippe is a B2Bdesigned with the customers' interests in mind - a rare choice intoday's automation industry
22. Quippe Technologies, Inc., is a procurement service provider, offeringan Internet-based procurement platform (Quippex) to industrialautomation and equipment builders.
Quippe, Quippex
23. How to say Quippe in Latin? Pronunciation of Quippe with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Quippe.
24. Quippe, which is powered by Medicomp's solid Medcin Engine features a touch screen interface ideal for iPads and other handhelds like the HP Slate 500, and works on …
25. 90 Followers, 0 Following, 26 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Quippe quest (@Quippequest)
Quippe, Quest, Quippequest
26. Check out Quippe's art on DeviantArt
27. Quippe - Stampa Professionale updated their cover photo
28. July 6, 2015 · Per Quippe il termine 'sostenibilità' ha un significato sempre più ampio, passando dalla consapevolezza ambientale a un concetto che tocca ogni singolo aspetto delgi articoli tipografici e promozionali!
29. Quippe vetor fatis! 38 comments
30. Quippe is powered by the Quippe Clinical Engine, which uses millions of mappings between clinical concepts such as SNOMED-CT, RxNorm, LOINC and ICD-10-CM to enable clinically meaningful filtering
31. Vinculum Quippe vinculorum amor est or "Love is the bond of bonds"
Quippe, Quot
32. Quippe provides jam-packed content for websites, blogs, magazines, marketing material, conferences, events and panel debates
33. If you need continually fresh copy for your website, speakers for your conference, experts for your panel debate or sparkling syntax for your marketing messages, Quippe brings content to life ensuring your message catches the eye of your audience.
34. - COMPANY HOME PAGE automation, electrical, industrial, mechanical Locations: Fremont, CA 15 Employees represents a real revolution in the way the equipment automation component marketplace operates
35. is a true one-stop, turn-key resource where engineers can find exactly the components they
36. Quippe Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro
37. Together, Quippe and quod basically still mean just 'because' (though Oxford Latin dictionary gives the more refined translations 'as is natural when' and 'insasmuch as')
Quippe, Quod
38. One occasionally also finds Quippe paired with other causal conjunctions (quoniam, cum) in a similar way
Quippe, Quoniam
39. Quippe is a visit entry documentation tool that conforms naturally to the way doctors think
40. Quippe is powered by Medicomp's MEDCIN Engine, a proven knowledge software tool that adapts to the unique clinical presentation of each patient and provides …
41. By Quippe on Friday May 01, 2015 @06:24AM Attached to: Cease and Desist Notice - Neuoogle
42. Frost & Sullivan awards Medicomp Systems its 2019 Customer Value Leadership Award for Clinical Decision Support for the Quippe suite of solutions
43. Quippe Awareness through Memorable Demonstration
44. Quippe also includes wizard-based documentation functionality, which integrates into existing clinical workflows and EHRs, enabling health systems to further enhance EHR usability
45. This book focuses on the Latin particles nempe, Quippe, scilicet, videlicet and nimirum, all of which show how certain the speaker is or would like to be thought
46. The following table gives the number of pints of type A blood sedot Dumascus Hospital in the past week This Quippe Week of Pints Used August 345 September September 14 410 September 353 September 20 366 October 371 a) The forecasted demand for the week of October 12 winga we moving 3700 round you to doma b) Using a 3 week weighted moving average, with weights of, and 0.50 ang …
47. Rari Quippe boni; numero vix sunt totidem quot Thebarum portæ, vel divitis ostia Nili: rare indeed are the good; in number they are scarcely as many as the gates of Thebes or the mouths of the Nile (Juvenal) Acceptissima semper munera sunt, auctor quae pretiosa facit
Quippe, Quot, Quae
48. See how Quippe can work in your EMR to enhance patient care and reduce clinical risk.
49. Erat Quippe in ipsa civitate Parisius adolescentula quedam nomine Heloysa, neptis canonici cuiusdam qui Fulbertus vo cabatur, qui eam quanto amplius diligebat tanto diligentius in omnem qua poterat scientiam litterarum promoveri studuerat
Quippe, Quedam, Qui, Quanto, Qua
50. Uni Quippe vacat, studiis odiisque carenti, humanum lugere genus: there is only one person, who, being equally free from attachments and resentments, is at leisure to weep for the miseries of the human race (Lucan, said of Cato) videlicet, nimirum, scilicet, Quippe: of course: videlicet, Quippe, sane: to be sure
QUIPPE [kwip]
The word quippe emphasizes that the relative clause contains an explanation. Artificial examples: Amicus meus non cantat, quippe qui ne loqui quidem potest. "My friend does not sing, for he can't even speak." Ille mihi auxiliari non poterat, quippe qui ipse quoque inops erat. "He could not help me, because in fact he was broke, too."
A clever, witty remark. See Synonyms at joke. To make quips or a quip. To say (something) as a quip. [Alteration of obsolete quippy, perhaps from Latin quippe, indeed, from quid, what; see kwo- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Definition of quip. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a clever usually taunting remark : gibe. b : a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment. 2 : quibble, equivocation.
This is not the only possible use of quippe, but this is the one I feel most comfortable with (and have seen most often). Note added later: Is used the indicative above, but conjunctive may be preferable in relative clauses with quippe . Both moods are possible. See this separate question about this issue. Thank you!