See also: Quid Quid-pro-quo Quiddity Quidnunc Quidi Quidam Quidos Quidding Quidditch Quidditative
1. Quid pro quo is Latin for "something for something", describing an agreement between two or more parties in which there is a reciprocal exchange of goods or services
Quid, Quo, Quot
2. / ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ / plural Quid pro quos something that is given to a person in return for something they have done: The government has promised food aid as a Quid pro quo for the stopping of …
Quid, Quos, Quo
3. Quid pro quo [Latin, What for what or Something for something.] The mutual consideration that passes between two parties to a contractual agreement, thereby rendering the agreement valid and binding. In common usage, Quid pro quo refers to the giving of one valuable thing for another.
Quid, Quo
4. Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that literally means “something for something,” or “this for that.” We use the phrase to signify an exchange of goods, services, favors, or any other kind of value
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5. When we’re talking about multiple exchanges, we can say Quid pro quos.
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6. Charitable Contributions - Quid pro quo Contributions This is a payment a donor makes to a charity partly as a contribution and partly for goods or services. For example, if a donor gives a charity $100 and receives a concert ticket valued at $40, the donor has made a Quid pro quo contribution.
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7. Quid Pro Quo Understanding the difference between friendship and consumerism
Quid, Quo
8. The Latin term Quid pro quo translates to "something for something." Therefore, Quid pro quo harassment occurs in the workplace when a manager or other authority figure offers or merely hints that he or she will give the employee something (a raise or a promotion) in return for that employee's satisfaction of a sexual demand.
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9. Determining quid pro quo is fairly simple in such cases: The amount your organization paid for the meal
Quid, Quo
10. Every bribery or extortion charge necessarily has a “quid pro quo.” However, not every “quid pro quo” is a crime
Quid, Quo
11. Although there is a quid pro quo (“I’ll give you $5,000.00 if you give me your car”) that is not illegal.
Quid, Quo
12. The term Quid pro quo is a Latin expression that refers to an exchange of things similar in value. In a Quid pro quo exchange, one transfer of goods or services is contingent upon the other transfer
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13. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Quid pro quo crossword clue
Quid, Quo
14. “A quid pro quo can be established if under the circumstances, it’s clear that’s what happening,” he said, adding that unusual timing or behavior could provide the basis for evidence that
Quid, Quo
15. Quid pro quo A favor done for someone in exchange for a favor in return
Quid, Quo
16. This Latin phrase means "something for something." You wash my car, and I'll drop off your dry cleaning—Quid pro quo.
Quot, Quid, Quo
17. Quid pro quo: A Latin term meaning something for something
Quid, Quo
18. What is Quid Pro Quo? In financial Corporate Finance Certificate We offer several corporate finance certifications through our online course offering for careers in investment banking, equity research, FP&A, accounting
Quid, Quo
19. Terms, a quid pro quo is a mutual agreement between parties that gives consideration to each member of the party in exchange for the goods or services which they …
Quid, Quo
20. What is a Quid pro quo Contribution A Quid pro quo contribution is a charitable donation for which the donor receives something from the recipient in …
Quid, Quo
21. For example, it is Quid pro quo sexual harassment for a …
Quid, Quo
22. We define Quid pro quo as “something given or received for something else,” and "a deal arranging a Quid pro quo.” The phrase comes from the New Latin, in which it means “something for something.” Where does Quid pro quo come from? This sense dates to the late 16th century.
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23. Quid pro quo sexual harassment typically involves an employee being pressured by a superior to provide sexual favors in order to avoid being fired or demoted, or in order to get a promotion, raise or perk
Quid, Quo
24. Quid pro quo is a Latin term used to describe an exchange of something of value
Quid, Quo
25. The literal translation means “something for something.” There are several phrases in the English language used in place of Quid pro quo such as “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours,” or “tit for tat.”
Quid, Quo
26. Political quid pro quo becomes a negative when things extend beyond that and there are questions of corruption and abuse being raised
Quid, Quo, Questions
27. 8 Things like lobbying and pay-to-play tactics that some of the bigger donors use can act as a means to exert influence in a more abusive format of quid pro quo
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28. Quid pro quo (plural quae pro quibus or quid pro quibus or Quid pro quos) Something which is understood as something else; an equivocation
Quid, Quo, Quae, Quibus, Quos
29. Quid pro quos also quids pro quo Something that is given in return for something else or accepted as a reciprocal part of an exchange.
Quid, Quos, Quids, Quo
30. In that case, “general” is a modifier of the main noun, “attorney,” but there aren’t any modifiers in “quid pro quo.” Can ‘Quid,’ ‘Quo,’ or ‘Quid pro Quo’ Be a Verb? On the more obscure side, I received a question from a listener named Marcelo in Brazil who was confused by …
Quid, Quo, Question
31. Quid pro quo occurs when a supervisor pressures an employee into a sexual favor in exchange for a promotion, higher pay, or a promise not to blackmail
Quid, Quo
32. Sexual harassment, the link between hostile work environment and quid pro quo, refers to the harassment of a man or woman in the workplace by another man or woman.
Quid, Quo
33. Now Trump’s defenders have adopted a new talking point: It was a quid pro quo, but not a corrupt quid pro quo
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34. All the Evidence of Trump’s Ukraine Quid Pro Quo, Together in One Place The impeachment inquiry has left little doubt that the president attempted to …
Quid, Quo
35. Quid Pro Quo throws around a few flashy visual tricks, but to no real effect; the aesthetics don't support any sort of tone or theme at all, and the camera work is just artsy for the hell of it
Quid, Quo
36. Quid pro quo translates to something for something
Quid, Quo
37. A quid pro quo can form the basis of legal cases in politics and sexual harassment claims
Quid, Quo
38. Quid pro quo is a legal requirement for contracts to be enforceable
Quid, Quo
39. Bribery is a specific type of quid pro quo.
Quid, Quo
40. Quid pro quo is a Latin / Legal term which means that you must do something to get something in return
Quid, Quo
41. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when an employee’s hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, continued employment or treatment at the job become contingent on his or …
Quid, Quo
42. “No Quid pro quo,” is the new “No Collusion!” To complicate matters, Trump — and almost everyone else — uses the phrase “quid pro quo” incorrectly
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43. 9 synonyms of quid pro quo from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 16 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Quid, Quo
44. Find another word for quid pro quo
Quid, Quo
45. Quid pro quo: a giving or taking of one thing of value in return for another
Quid, Quo
46. What is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment? Quid pro quo sexual harassment is a type of harassment that involves one person offering some type of benefit in exchange for some form of sexual favor
Quid, Quo
47. In Latin, the term quid pro quo means “this for that.” Usually, quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs between a supervisor and a subordinate.
Quid, Quo
48. Quid Pro Quo Paul Mariani - 1940- Just after my wife's miscarriage (her second in four months), I was sitting in an empty classroom exchanging notes with my friend, a budding Joyce scholar with steelrimmed glasses, when, lapsed Irish Catholic that he was, he surprised me by asking what I thought now of God's ways toward man.
Quid, Quo
49. What does quid-pro-quo mean? Quid pro quo is defined as giving something in exchange for getting something
Quid, Quo
50. (noun) An example of quid pro quo is when
Quid, Quo
51. Quid pro quo definition: A quid pro quo is a gift or advantage that is given to someone in return for something Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Quid, Quo
52. Quid Pro Quo is a 2008 American drama film, written and directed by Carlos Brooks, and starring Nick Stahl and Vera Farmiga.The film is about a semi-paralyzed radio reporter who investigates a story that uncovers an odd subculture leading to a disturbing self-realization.
Quid, Quo
53. In the United States, quid pro quo harassment is the most commonly recognized form of sexual harassment
Quid, Quo
54. Quid pro quo literally translates from Latin as “something for something,” and has a long history both in legal and various other fields
Quid, Quo
QUID PRO QUO [ˌkwid ˌprō ˈkwō]
quid pro quo (noun) · quid pro quos (plural noun)
Since the late 20th century in labor law, quid pro quo is widely used as a name for a type of workplace sexual harassment in which an employer holds an employee’s job hostage in return for sexual favors.
Quid pro quo, Latin for something for something, describes an agreement between two or more parties in which there is an exchange of goods or services. Courts may render a contract void if it appears unfair or one-sided.
In politics, quid pro quo agreements are acceptable as long as they do not imply bribery or any other misappropriation. Quid pro quo arrangements may also exist in the political realm. In exchange for donations, a politician may be obliged to provide a future consideration regarding policymaking or decision-making.