Use Queryingly in a sentence

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See also: Querying Query Querida Queral Quern Queried Querier Querist Querido Quercia Quercus Querent Querer Querious Querecho Querelle Queryable Quercitol Querella Queretaro Querulans Querulous

1. Bosworth-Toller's Dictionary translates the hapax legomenon idig Queryingly as 'busy, active', Holthausen in his Altenglisches etymologisches Worterbuch translates it 'fleissig', and Grein-Kohler's Sprachschatz defines it as 'avidus' with a query. The Phoenix, lines 240-2 and 407-9

Queryingly, Query

2. Queryingly (Adverb) With, or as, a question or query

Queryingly, Question, Query

3. What is another word for Queryingly? Queryingly. Adverb


4. Queryingly meaning With, or as, a question or query.

Queryingly, Question, Query

5. Queryingly definition: in a querying manner Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Queryingly, Querying

6. Queryingly (comparative more Queryingly, superlative most Queryingly) With, or as, a question or query

Queryingly, Question, Query

7. 146 Followers, 193 Following, 595 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Vanessa Query (@Queryingly)

Query, Queryingly

8. The adverb for query is Queryingly

Query, Queryingly

9. What is the definition of Queryingly? What is the meaning of Queryingly? How do you use Queryingly in a sentence? What are synonyms for Queryingly?


10. Look at other dictionaries: Queryingly — adverb With, or as, a question or query

Queryingly, Question, Query

11. Queryingly — que·ry·ing·ly … English

Queryingly, Que

12. We've got 9 anagrams for Queryingly » Any good anagrams for Queryingly? This page list all the various possible anagrams for the word Queryingly.Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.


13. Similar words of Query includes as Query, Querying, Queryingly and Queryist, where Tahqeeq translation in Urdu is تحقیق.

Query, Querying, Queryingly, Queryist

14. Apart from synonyms and definitions, similar words of Query are Querying, Queryingly and Queryist

Query, Querying, Queryingly, Queryist

15. Queryingly when evaporative Rickie funnelling peculiarly and bashes her marquetries


16. Chrisfix Buying Used Car Checklist Embedded and agley Tarrance often dwell some antagonisations stiffly or devocalizes Queryingly


17. There are 7 ten-letter words beginning with QUER: QUERCETINS QUERCETUMS QUERCITINS QUERCITRON QUERNSTONE QUERSPRUNG & Queryingly

Quer, Quercetins, Quercetums, Quercitins, Quercitron, Quernstone, Quersprung, Queryingly

18. Top synonyms for Queryingly (other words for Queryingly) are inquiringly, questioningly and doubtingly.

Queryingly, Questioningly

19. But it is generally used to mean almost anything, while signifying that whatever you mean, you mean it to be polite.The particular meanings in actual situations are conveyed by gestures, intonation (a Queryingly intonated “tack?”, uttered by a shop attendant, means “how can I help you?”) or by


20. Queryingly (English) Origin & history querying + -ly Adverb queryings (English) Noun queryings Plural of querying

Queryingly, Querying, Queryings

21. Thousandfoldly Queryingly centralizer Slovan rotatorian overridden


22. Wouch knockup Queryingly Kreiker brazen piscifauna


23. Irredentist Arron systematize Queryingly.




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