See also: Quelling Quellingly Quelle Quelled Queller Quilling Qualled Quillon Quilled Quiller Quillet Quillette Quell Quel Quelea Quelch Quelite Quelque Quelched Quelqu'un Quelconque Quelf
1. Quellen serves as a Ministry under the cover of Antioch Network (American based 501(c)3 non-profit) 1101 W
2. Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte sind eine der größten bekannten Quellen von Schwermetallen und organischen Schadstoffen im Abfallstrom
3. Quellen translate: to pour, to stream, to swell
4. Verfahren und Vorrichtung um Quellen spezifischen Datenfluss zu steuern: Method and a device for controlling source specific data flow: In Trocknungszonen 8, 9 der Trocknungsvorrichtung 1 befinden sich Wärme- Quellen 7, beispielsweise IR-Dunkelstrahler
5. In drying zones 8, 9 of the drying device 1, there are heat sources 7, for example IR dark radiators.: Sie Quellen aus der Erde für Freude
6. Quellen serves as a Ministry under the cover of Antioch Network (American based 501(c)3 non-profit) 1101 W
7. Quellen (class 3 strong, third-person singular present quillt, past tense quoll, past participle gequollen, past subjunctive quölle, auxiliary sein) to well (issue forth, as water from the earth) to swell, to soak (expand by soaking up a liquid) Conjugation .
Quellen, Quillt, Quoll, Qu
8. Quellen {n} swelling Quellen (aus) to spurt out (from) Quellen erschließen to render sources accessible Quellen lassen to soak [peas, beans]gastr
9. Andere Quellen {pl} other sources heiße Quellen {pl} hot springsgeol.hydro
10. Kalte Quellen {pl} cold seepsgeol
11. Künstliche Quellen {pl} …
12. Quellen
Quellen, Quillt, Quoll
13. Quellen lassen (Hülsenfrüchte) poner a remojo, remojar
14. Quellen (herausQuellen): Quellen aus
15. The Quellen family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Scotland between 1861 and 1920
16. The most Quellen families were found in the USA in 1880
17. In 1880 there were 5 Quellen families living in Missouri
18. This was about 83% of all the recorded Quellen's in the USA
19. Missouri had the highest population of Quellen families in 1880.
20. Conjugation of the verb Quellen in all tenses: future, present and past
21. The Quellen team––US and Germany––is growing in depth and reach
22. English Translation of “Quellen” The official Collins German-English Dictionary online
23. Als Quellen bezeichnet man in der Geschichtswissenschaft – nach der vielzitierten Definition Paul Kirns – „alle Texte, Gegenstände oder Tatsachen, aus denen Kenntnis der Vergangenheit gewonnen werden kann“
24. Aus dieser und aus der inneren und äußeren Form der Quellen ergeben sich
25. High Mage Quellen is a playable hero in the expansion Lair of the Wyrm
26. As Quellen’s dubious title implies, he is an elf that no longer resides within the Aymhelin
27. The Latari don’t have such ranks within their own arcane institutions, and certainly an elf as young as Quellen would not have risen so high before even reaching his one hundredth year of service to Lord Aenoeth
28. Schwaben Quellen (in English, "Swabian Springs") is a large spa/waterpark complex located in Stuttgart, Germany.The Schwaben Quellen is associated with the SI-Centrum (Stuttgart International Centrum), an entertainment complex in Stuttgart.
Quellen, Quot
29. Families and children can play in the new water park with multiple slides, a baby pool and on the pirate ship.The Quellenhof is a unique family hotel near Merano.Don't let boredom get in the way with our modern games room, climbing hall with self-belaying, a 3D cinema with daily screenings and all-day care at the Kids Club.
30. German: ·(origin of a river or stream) spring· well (oil, gas)· source 2010 July 12, Gerald Traufetter, “Grüner fliegen”, in Der Spiegel[1], number 28, page 109: Optimistischen Schätzungen zufolge könnte im Jahr 2040 bereits die Hälfte des Flugzeugsprits aus biologischen Quellen stammen
31. In Culinary Reactions, author Simon Quellen Field turns measuring cups, stovetop burners, and mixing bowls into graduated cylinders, Bunsen burners, and beakers
32. Gut Reactions by chemist Simon Quellen Field shows readers how their bodies react to food and the environment and how their brains affect what and how much they eat
33. In einer grösseren Arbeit, welche in Word geschrieben wird, müssen die Quellen angegeben und am Schluss ein Quellenverzeichnis erstellt werden
Quellen, Quellenverzeichnis
34. Quellen Spiritual Center is enlisted philanthropy in California
35. Tutorial, wie man mithilfe von Zotero innerhalb weniger Sekunden Quellen zitiert und ein Literaturverzeichnis erstellt.Zotero Download-Link:http://www.zotero
36. Other articles where Quellen-Lexikon is discussed: Robert Eitner: …his greatest work, the 10-volume Quellen-Lexikon (1900–04), a unique reference book that located both printed music and manuscripts of early composers and theoreticians in more than 200 European libraries, and which was for 50 years a primary guide for music research.
37. Warme Quellen lounge San Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic ڈینگیں مارنا milling drogomistrz deciduous Delete Comment nutriens consonantly our gracious (Queen), honorific that attaches to name of a person or thing that has bestowed grace or favour upon you; agreeable condition fáma kovri class probability kibami collectivist
Quellen, Queen
38. Quellen bei Neueinträgen: Last post 16 Apr 09, 10:12: Ich verstehe ja, dass man gerne Quellen haben möchte für Behauptungen bzw
39. Angaben, aber Que… 12 Replies: Beispiele/Quellen (Antwortformular) Last post 28 Sep 09, 08:55: Warum wird diese Beschriftung im fertigen Gelbkasten zu "Quellen" reduziert (Übersetzungsfra… 0 Replies
Que, Quellen, Quot
40. Our "Apartment an den Quellen" consists of three bedrooms from which two are located to the quiet courtyard
Quot, Quellen, Quiet
41. Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by Eitner, Robert, 1832-1905
42. Hotel Drei Quellen Therme offers 103 accommodations with minibars and safes
43. Conjugação do verbo Quellen em alemão em todos os tempos e todos os modos
44. Aqui estão as tabelas de conjugação para o verbo Quellen em alemão
45. Conjugação do verbo "Quellen" nos …
Quot, Quellen
quellen ( class 3 strong, third-person singular simple present quillt, past tense quoll, past participle gequollen, past subjunctive quölle, auxiliary sein ) From Old Dutch *quellen, from Proto-Germanic *kwaljaną . This verb needs an inflection-table template. From Old English cwellan, from Proto-Germanic *kwaljaną .
We are pleased to inform you that the word kvell is derived from Yiddish kveln, meaning "to be delighted," which, in turn, comes from the Middle High German word quellen, meaning "to well, gush, or swell.". Yiddish has been a wellspring of creativity for English, giving us such delightful words as meister...
Quell definition is - to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity. How to use quell in a sentence.
transitive verb 1 : to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity quell a riot 2 : quiet, pacify quell fears 1 obsolete : slaughter 2 archaic : the power of quelling 1 : to stop or end by force Police quelled a riot. 2 : quiet entry 4, calm He quelled their fears.