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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of a string quartet?

A string quartet was playing Mozart. This quartet that once included six members is not always one big, happy family. The quartet happened to know some 1940s songs. What was the experience of recording this last album with the quartet ? And the pair is reportedly embroiled in a complicated love quartet .

What happens at the end of a quartet?

The quartet that ends the act reveals two intense, but very different relationships. Some say he was the luckiest guy on earth, a competent player who stepped into a million-dollar quartet . In them, the quartet of varying body types keeps in touch by passing around one pair of "magical" jeans during their summers apart.

Which is the third movement of a string quartet?

A movement in 3/4 time that is usually the third, but sometimes the second, of a four-movement symphony or string quartet. [French menuet, from Old French, small, dainty (from the small steps characteristic of the dance), diminutive of menu, small, from Latin minūtus; see minute 2.]

How does the quartet of varying body types keep in touch?

In them, the quartet of varying body types keeps in touch by passing around one pair of "magical" jeans during their summers apart. Her son then joined, cursing out the quartet .

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