See also: Quorum Quarrel Quoiromantic Quorate Quorn Quarry Quarrelsome Quoad Quotidian Quota Quondam Quob Quog Quoz Quone Quong Quod Quof Quoft Quoi Quoif Quote Quoter Quotev Quoth
1. Quaoar is a planetoid that lies beyond Pluto's orbit in the solar system. Its discovery in 2002, as well as subsequent discoveries of other small worlds, led to a new classification and the
2. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft observations of Kuiper Belt object Quaoar ("Kwa-war"), which - at 690 miles or 1,100 kilometers in diameter - is roughly half the size of Pluto.
Quaoar, Quot
3. Quaoar has an orbital period of 284.5 years, and a sidereal rotation period of about 17.68 hours. Its orbit is also nearly circular and moderately inclined at approximately 8°, which is …
4. 50000 Quaoar ("Kwawar") is a dwarf planet found in the Kuiper Belt at approximately 1.6 billion kilometers (roughly equivalent to 1 billion miles, or 42 astronomical units (AU)) away
Quaoar, Quot
5. The term Quaoar comes from a character in a Native American creation story, and Weywot (the name of its apparent moon) is derived from Quaoar's son's name.
6. All-singing, all-dancing Creator God of the Tongva In the beginning was chaos. Then along came Quaoar with a spring in his step and a song in his heart
7. Quaoar is about the size of Pluto’s Moon, Charon. Compared to other solar system bodies, Quaoar’s diameter is 800 miles while Pluto is 1400 miles and our own Moon is 2100 miles
8. Quaoar is not considered to be Planet X or Transpluto
9. Quaoar was the first Trans-Neptunian object to be measured directly from Hubble Space Telescope images, using a new sophisticated method (see Brown’s pages for a non-technical description and his paper cited in references for details)
10. Given its distance Quaoar is on the limit of the HST resolution (40 milliarcseconds) and its image is consequently smeared on a few adjacent pixels.
11. Quaoar astrology is considered to be very important when it comes to having an impact on the lives of people
12. This is because the Quaoar asteroid sign is known to have a generational impact on people as it stays in one sign through many years.
13. Quaoar represents “out of the box” creativity. Steve Jobs had it conjunct the Sun
14. Approximately half the size of Pluto, the icy world 2002 LM60, dubbed "Quaoar" (pronounced kwa-whar) by its discoverers, is the farthest object in the solar system ever to be resolved by a telescope. It was initially detected by a ground-based telescope, as simply a dot of light, until astronomers aimed the powerful Hubble telescope at it.
Quot, Quaoar
15. Quaoar (dwarf planet) — Astronoo 1997 © − Astronomy, Astrophysics, Evolution and Earth science.
16. Quaoar Quaoar is a rock band from Bilbao (Spain) that plays rock with no limits or expectations
17. Dreaming, and get into the Quaoarian experience for yourself! Dreamers
18. Quaoar has only one moon, called Weywot
19. It orbits around Quaoar at an approximate 9000 mile distance
20. It’s thought that Weywot was created by a previous collision between Quaoar and another much larger object in the Kuiper belt
21. Quaoar itself might have been at least twice the size it is now before this collision.
22. Chingichngish (also spelled Chengiichngech, Chinigchinix, Chinigchinich, Changitchnish, etc.), also known as Quaoar (also Qua-o-ar, Kwawar, etc.) and by other names including Ouiamot, Tobet and Saor, is an important mythological figure of the Mission Indians of coastal Southern California, a group of Takic-speaking peoples, today divided into the Payómkawichum (Luiseño), Tongva (Gabrieliño and …
Quaoar, Qua
23. : a probable dwarf planet that orbits far beyond the orbit of Neptune with a mean distance from the sun of about 43.4 astronomical units (4.03 billion miles) and a diameter of approximately 890 miles (1430 kilometers) Discovered by Brown and his colleagues in 2002, Quaoar took center stage at a session of the planetary science meeting in Puerto Rico.
24. Quaoar (クワオアー) is a dwarf planet type Celestial and a character appearing in Solar Emissary.
25. Quaoar [ kwä ′ə-wär′ ] A Kuiper belt object that, with a diameter of about 1,288 km (800 mi), is the largest such object so far discovered
26. Quaoar is approximately the size of Charon, Pluto's moon, and has a …
27. Quaoar has an orbital period of 284.5 years, and a sidereal rotation period of about 17.68 hours
28. Quaoar is a crazy map made by The Neon Team
29. Learn about Dwarf Planet Candidate Quaoar with this Dwarf Planet Song! Quaoar may potentially be a Dwarf Planet in our Solar System but until the evidence is
30. Quaoar is a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt and has one moon Weywot.It is not officially recognized as a dwarf planetyet.
31. hackfest2016: Quaoar, made by Viper
32. Quaoar is a dwarf planet that was discovered on June 4, 2002
33. Quaoar was added to this category, along with Pluto and Ceres.
34. Crystalline Ice on Kuiper Belt Object (50000) Quaoar
35. 7, 2002: Astronomers have dubbed it "Quaoar" (pronounced kwa-whar) after a Native American god
Quot, Quaoar
36. Quaoar and Charon exhibit the 1.5- and 2.0-μm H 2 O-ice bands as well as the 1.65-μm crystalline band, but none of the strong CH 4-ice bands seen on Pluto
37. Note that Quaoar has the 1.65-μm band despite having a larger semimajor axis, a = 43.6 AU, than Pluto, a = 39.8 AU.
38. Quaoar is the creation deity of the Tongva Native American people of southern California
39. Quaoar danced and sang the universe into existence, beginning with the higher beings (gods)
40. As each force was birthed into being, it joined its song to Quaoar’s, and more complex forms emerged, until the earth was populated with every variety of plant
41. 50000 Quaoar – a cubewano and probable dwarf planet in the distant icy Kuiper Belt
42. - Quaoar – Facts for Kids - Astronomy at BellaOnline
43. Here we present WFPC2 observations of the Kuiper belt object Quaoar, and its satellite Weywoot
44. Assuming that Quaoar has surface properties similar to that of the Uranian and Neptunian satellites
45. Quaoar was discovered in 2002; its diameter almost half the size of Pluto's and its orbit was more planetary (p
46. The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet Several other large KBOs have been discovered recently, including Quaoar (2002 LM60) and Orcus (2004 DW).
47. ‘Quaoar's composition is theorized to be largely ices mixed with rock, not unlike that of a comet, though 100 million times greater in volume.’ ‘Discovering Quaoar, the scientists say, fuels hope that more large-scale bodies will be found in the Kuiper Belt--perhaps even some larger than Pluto.’
48. Quaoar (pronounced KWAH-o-wahr) will reshape the way we think about ourselves, our spiritual evolution, and our place in The Universe
49. Western astrologers around the world will be taking careful note of Quaoar as Western astrology is the only astrological system in the world which accepts new planetary bodies and reformulates itself to take
50. Quaoar (pronounced kwa-whar) was discovered in 2002 and has not officially been designated a dwarf planet, but it almost certainly qualifies, researchers have said
Quaoar, Qualifies
51. Quaoar is a rock band from Bilbao (Spain) that plays rock with no limits or expectations
52. Quaoar (pronounced kwa-whar) is about half the size of Pluto
53. Like Pluto, Quaoar dwells in the Kuiper belt, an icy debris field of comet-like bodies extending 7 billion miles beyond Neptune's orbit
54. Now Quaoar may have lost its last remaining honour, as the densest object in the Kuiper belt
55. Here we report Wide-Field Planetary Camera 2 observations of the Quaoar-Weywot Kuiper Belt binary
56. The orbit reveals a surprisingly high-Quaoar-Weywot system mass of (1.6 ± 0.3) × …
57. クワオアー またはクワーオワー (50000 Quaoar) は、将来的に準惑星(冥王星型天体)に分類される可能性がある太陽系外縁天体の一つ。 エッジワース・カイパーベルトに位置し、太陽からおよそ60億キロメートル(43.7au)のほぼ真円に近い軌道を、約290年の周期で公転している。
58. Quaoar, labeled The Hypochondriac, is a minor planet orbiting the Sun
59. 50000 Quaoar, provisional designation 2002 LM₆₀, is a non-resonant trans-Neptunian object and a possible dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a region of icy planetesimals beyond Neptune
60. Quaoar is a hypochondriac, which means he is
61. Quaoar was named for the creator god of the Tongva Indians (also known as the San Gabrielito Indians), a Southern California tribe who once occupied more of the Los Angeles area than they now do
62. Quaoar, a force without form or gender, danced and sang Weywot, Sky Father, into existence; then, they created Chehooit, Earth Mother, and then Quaoar
63. Quaoar, Kuiper Belt object, artwork
64. Discovered in 2002 and with a diameter of around 1000 kilometres (about half that of Pluto), Quaoar is one of the largest objects yet found in the Kuiper Belt
65. Get our brand new album here!
66. Get our brand new album here!
QUAOAR [ˈkwouˌär]
Quaoar (noun) · Quaoars (plural noun)
Quaoar is named for the Tongva creator god, following the International Astronomical Union (IAU) naming convention for non-resonant Kuiper belt objects after creator deities.
Quaoar orbit around the Sun varies slightly, ranging from 45.114 AU (6.75 x 10 9 km / 4.19 x 10 9 mi) at aphelion to 41.695 AU (6.24 x 10 km 9/3.88 x 10 9 mi) at perihelion. Quaoar has an orbital period of 284.5 years, and a sidereal rotation period of about 17.68 hours.
Quaoar lurks in the Kuiper Belt, a group of icy objects beyond Neptune. It is about 42 astronomical units, or Earth-sun distances, away. That's about 4 billion miles (6 billion km) — a billion kilometers more distant than Neptune. It takes about 288 years for Quaoar to go once around the sun in a roughly circular orbit.
An artist's conception of Quaoar and its small moon Weywot. Quaoar is a planetoid that lies beyond Pluto's orbit in the solar system. Its discovery in 2002, as well as subsequent discoveries of other small worlds, led to a new classification and the redefinition of Pluto as a "dwarf planet."