See also: Quantified Quantitative Quandary Quantity Quantum Quantify Quan Quane Quants Quantis Quang Quante Quanted Quantel Quantifiable
1. Infinite is employed to denote the absence of all limitation—that which can not be bounded, measured, Quantified. THE THEISTIC CONCEPTION OF THE WORLD B
2. (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN) COCKER The predicate of this minor must be assumed as Quantified in thought, the subject being taken as co-extensive therewith.
3. Verb form of the word quantify. They Quantified the data easily and efficiently
Quantify, Quantified
4. Submitted by MaryC on March 30, 2020 How to pronounce Quantified?
5. Quantified is a behavioral science platform that creates extraordinary communicators.
6. Richard Remington, Quantified Inc provides study design, statistical analysis, and reporting for data-based studies
7. An ever-expanding and evolving company, QuantifiedHR has years of multi-industry experience in not just hunting valuable talent but also in providing expert HR Advisory assistance in driving organizational and cultural transformation and data visualization.
8. Andrea is a recent addition to Quantified Financial Partners
9. Quantified Ante is a content destination that explores timely and interesting topics covering investing, savings, financial planning, and so much more
10. Quantified In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives
11. Quantified IT provides intelligent solutions to businesses in a variety of industries throughout the country
12. Mathematical writing contains many examples of implicitly Quantified statements
13. Quantified Ag’s® ear tag for cattle helps pen riders easily spot which animals are sick so animals can receive treatment faster
14. The Quantified Platform is the 21st century company dialogue tool: we use this anonymous, digitalised opinion collection to replace focus groups, program preparation interviews, create democratic processes about team and house rules
15. “Since no Quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed
16. Quantifier phrases ' Quantified statements '
Quantifier, Quantified
17. Quantifysome of these can be readily Quantified, others such as severance are much more difficult to define and analyze
Quantifysome, Quantified
18. Quantifyy, the idea is to start with e and then throw in enough elements to make each existentially Quantified formula true.
Quantifyy, Quantified
19. Quantified: Biosensing Technologies in Everyday Life (The MIT Press) [Nafus, Dawn, Kragh-Furbo, Mette, Mackenzie, Adrian, Mort, Maggie, Roberts, Celia, Sherman, Jamie, Day, Sophie, Lury, Celia, Wolf, Gary, Nissenbaum, Helen, Patterson, Heather, Fiore-Gartland, Brittany, Neff, Gina, Greenfield, Dana, Mehta, Rajiv, Estrin, Deborah, Hanika, Anna de Paula, Nafus, Dawn, Böhlen, Mark, Taylor, Alex, …
20. Quantified definition: to discover or express the quantity of Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Quantified, Quantity
21. As the Quantified self enters the workplace, leaders must contend with a deluge of data, determining which information is most relevant and useful--and what data-driven responses are in workers' best interests as well as management's.
22. Quantified nutrition has been gaining importance in the recent time
23. "Quantified is a blueprint for fundamentally changing the nation's approach to conservation." Portland Tribune "If you believe in audacious, courageous and leapfrog solutions to save the …
Quot, Quantified
24. Through digital photographs, superimposed cephs (also digital), gnathologically mounted models, and Kernott analysis, the transverse functional philosophy of treatment can be Quantified, and our well kept secret path to a functional, nondestructive organic occlusion can be shared with the whole profession.
25. The kinds of self-research seen in the Quantified Self community are described by a thicket of labels
26. New to Quantified Self? We help you make discoveries using your own data
27. The Quantified Self Comes to Work
28. Well, the Quantified Self movement has come to work
29. 1 day ago · The Quantified Self Movement
30. Prenuvo is part of the Quantified self movement that focuses on monitoring and collecting personal data to improve your health
31. Considering the importance of the Quantified value proposition (QVP), the actual process of developing it could be one of the most valuable initiatives your company undertakes this year.
Quantified, Qvp
32. Quantified takes the position this would open up countless new avenues, reallocating disappearing resources, correcting bad management, and, dare we say it, new profit possibilities
33. Like the Quantified self, the macroscope is made possible by constantly improving and accessible data collection technology [source: Antephase]
34. Michael Nagle is the leader of a Quantified self group in Boston
35. Quantified Work is not about performance management, but rather about performance enhancement
36. UnQuantified definition is - not Quantified:
37. How to use unQuantified in a sentence.
38. Quantified Executive Tech Stack (Note: This is the first in a series of blue sky pieces I hope to do to explore the possibilities around the idea of a “Quantified executive,” especially in light of responding and recovering from a global pandemic.
39. Quantified Self Labs This global community is connected through Quantified Self Labs
40. NIST researchers have Quantified the link that exists between chemical vapor deposition and liquid solution electrodeposition for superconformal filling of high-aspect ratio, fine features
41. Quantified Funds employ dynamic asset allocation to adjust in uncertain markets
42. Is the Parent Company to Quantified Ante.I am the Founder and CEO of Greenfield Groves
QUANTIFIED [ˈkwän(t)əˌfī]
tr.v. quan·ti·fied, quan·ti·fy·ing, quan·ti·fies. 1. To determine or express the quantity of. 2. Logic To limit the variables of (a proposition) by prefixing an operator such as all or some.
› to measure or judge the size or amount of something: It's difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change. It’s difficult to quantify how many people will have to pay higher taxes. difficult/hard/impossible to quantify The economic costs of IT complexity are hard to quantify.
Definition of quantifier : one that quantifies: such as grammar : a word or number (such as "many," "few," "some," "two," or "2") that is used with a noun to show the amount of something
This comparison can be quantified using a statistical measure of central tendency and dispersion. Note that free variables are considered to be universally quantified. Rules are implicitly universally quantified, hence the role of variables is just place-holders in rules.