See also: Quantification Quantitative Quandary Quantity Quantify Quantum Quan Quane Quants Quantis Quang Quante Quanted Quantez Quanto Quantic Quantifiable
1. Examples of Quantification in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Understanding how to balance these costs and benefits requires some degree of Quantification—we'd like to know both how effective lockdowns are at limiting infections, as well as a sense of their economic and emotional costs.
2. / ˌkwɑːn.t̬ə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃ ə n / the act of measuring or judging the size or amount of something: Quantification doesn't have to be complicated
3. There is an obsession with Quantification, especially in …
4. In logic, Quantification is the binding of a variable ranging over a domain of discourse. The variable thereby becomes bound by an operator called a quantifier
Quantification, Quantifier
5. Academic discussion of Quantification refers more often to this meaning of the term than the preceding one.
6. Quantification meaning The act of quantifying.
Quantification, Quantifying
7. Quantification (science), the act of counting and measuring Quantifier (linguistics), an indicator of quantity Quantifier (logic)
Quantification, Quantifier, Quantity
8. Quantifier expressions are marks of generality. They come in a variety of syntactic categories in English, but determiners like “all”, “each”, “some”, “many”, “most”, and “few” provide some of the most common examples of Quantification
Quantifier, Quantification
9. Quantification is the formal name for the concept of figuring out how many things you’ve got. Counting is just one method of Quantification
10. The techniques used are identical to qualitative methods, with Quantification as an added dimension. By analyzing the amount of protein in a …
Qualitative, Quantification
11. Hamilton's great paradox was the Quantification of the predicate; a fearful phrase, easily explained
12. A BUDGET OF PARADOXES, VOLUME I (OF II) AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN In this the principle of the Quantification of the predicate was first explicitly stated
13. Quantification is the mapping of human perception and thought to numbers
14. Quantification allows for the analysis of qualitative things and is widely used in science, medicine, public policy, business and management
Quantification, Qualitative
15. Quantification, in logic, the attachment of signs of quantity to the predicate or subject of a proposition
Quantification, Quantity
16. Quantification, the application of numbers to objects and events, has long been, and remains, an important area of interaction between the sciences (both natural and social) and the practical domain of business, administration, and the professions.
17. ‘Quantification procedures are being reconsidered in determining workload, and more creative ways of rewarding faculty for their time and effort are being advanced.’ ‘This is the standard Quantification in online learning analysis.’
18. Synonyms for Quantification in Free Thesaurus
19. 10 words related to Quantification: limitation, restriction, functional calculus, predicate calculus, measurement, measuring, mensuration, measure, gradation
20. What are synonyms for Quantification?
21. In addition to GHG emission reductions, Quantification methodologies are being developed to also estimate other benefits and key variables
22. Quantification is the process used to assign probabilities to human errors
23. ‘Quantification procedures are being reconsidered in determining workload, and more creative ways of rewarding faculty for their time and effort are being advanced.’ ‘This is the standard Quantification in online learning analysis.’
24. Am I wrong in using quantitation instead of Quantification, or are both equally acceptable? - Karen Last edited by Karen01 on Sun May 01, 2011 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total
Quantitation, Quantification
25. Re: quantitation Vs Quantification
Quantitation, Quantification
26. Description The Quantifiler Trio DNA Quantification Kit is a robust kit that enables forensic laboratories to simultaneously obtain a quantitative and qualitative assessment of total human and human male DNA in a single, highly sensitive real-time PCR reaction.
Quantifiler, Quantification, Quantitative, Qualitative
27. Quantification Courses These courses have been approved as General Education Quantification courses
28. Descriptions and learning criteria for General Education Quantification courses can be found in the Foundation and Knowledge Domains section.
29. Collibri Library Quantification Master Mix contains Platinum II Taq Hot Start DNA Polymerase, optimized buffer, dNTPs, primer mix targeting adapter sequences, SYBR green dye, passive reference dye, and a blue dye to track pipetting steps
30. DNA Quantification methods Pitfalls and solutions
31. Quantification (countable and uncountable, plural Quantifications) The act of quantifying
Quantification, Quantifications, Quantifying
32. Quantification:Quantification has two distinct sense
33. Quantification is the process of estimating quantities and costs of medicines and health products required for a specific period and determining when shipments of the products should be delivered to ensure an optimal and uninterrupted supply
Quantification, Quantities
34. Quantification has multiple aspects, including:
35. Quantification of BSH activity using a whole-cell–based bioluminescent readout
36. Western blot Quantification by Image J This is a simple protocol to quantitatively analyze western blot
Quantification, Quantitatively
37. DNA Quantification Fast, simple and accurate nucleic acid Quantification
38. DNA Quantification is an important pre-analytical method, which is of great importance for many molecular biological analysis methods and can even determine their success.
39. The Quantification cycle (Cq) of three reference genes including RNU6, cel-mir-39-1 and mir-16-5p was determined through real time PCR using SYBR green dye in …
40. Topics covered include instrumentation, fluorescent chemistries, Quantification strategies, data analysis software, environmental microbiology, water microbiology, food microbiology, gene expression studies
41. Now is the time for security leaders to adopt cyber risk Quantification and more easily demonstrate how cybersecurity organizations are protecting their business operations from disruption and
42. Figure 1: The Quantification of a RNA ladder using capillary electrophoresis which shows fluorescence units over time
43. Multiplexed Quantification of proteins and transcripts in single cells Nat Biotechnol
44. Purpose of review: The aim of this review is to provide an update on Quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) with positron emission tomography (PET) imaging
45. Technical and clinical aspects of flow Quantification with PET are reviewed
46. Recent findings: The diagnostic and prognostic values of myocardial flow Quantification have been established in numerous studies and in various populations.
47. XRD phase Quantification solutions
48. The Empyrean multi-purpose XRD platform is well-suited to phase Quantification
49. Aeris benchtop XRD is an excellent tool for routine phase Quantification tasks in both research and industrial environments
50. DsDNA Quantification from 1.5–13,750 ng/µL; 96 UV/Vis reads in about 10 minutes; Purpose-built applications for nucleic acid Quantification of any sample; Simple A260/A280 and A260/A230 quality control metrics; Microfluidic circuits to protect samples from evaporation and cross-contamination
Quantification, Quality
51. Quantification “The act of assigning a quantity to (something).” Tom Gilb defines Quantification thusly: “Quantification, even without subsequent measurement, is a useful aid to clear thinking (what is this about?) and good communication (this is the goal, gang).” ~ Tom Gilb
Quantification, Quantity
52. Based on their studies the accuracy of the BCA protein Quantification could be improved fivefold, making the accuracy of BCA quantitation comparable to that the more expensive approaches
Quantification, Quantitation
53. 3 qPCR Quantification Protocol Guide Introduction This document describes a qPCR method for quantifying libraries generated using the Illumina® sample preparation protocols
Qpcr, Quantification, Quantifying
54. The detection and Quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid is hampered by challenges in its sampling and analysis
55. Using a qPCR-based solution, KAPA Library Quantification Kits provide accurate and reliable Quantification of libraries prepared for sequencing on Illumina and IonTorrent platforms, across a wide range of library types, concentrations, fragment distributions and GC content
Qpcr, Quantification
56. Kits include KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix, a platform-specific library Quantification primer premix, and a pre-diluted
Qpcr, Quantification
QUANTIFICATION [ˌkwän(t)əfiˈkāSH(ə)n]
quantification (noun) · quantifications (plural noun)
Quantification has several distinct senses. In mathematics and empirical science, it is the act of counting and measuring that maps human sense observations and experiences into members of some set of numbers. Quantification in this sense is fundamental to the scientific method.
Princeton's WordNet (1.50 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: 1 quantification (noun)na limitation imposed on the variables of a proposition (as by the quantifiers `some' or `all' or... 2 quantification (noun)nthe act of discovering or expressing the quantity of something More ...
In mathematics and empirical science, quantification (or quantitation) is the act of counting and measuring that maps human sense observations and experiences into quantities. Quantification in this sense is fundamental to the scientific method.
(plural quantifications) the act of quantifying. (economics) the expression of an economic activity in monetary units. (logic) a limitation that is imposed on the variables of a proposition.