See also: Quantifiable Quantifiably Qualifiable Identifiable Quantitative Quandary Quantity Quantum Quantify Quan Quane Quants Quantis Quang Quante Quanted Quantel Quantified
1. For exploration companies one is often reduced to accepting what management offers in terms of estimated cost of production and other factors and modulating the estimated value by the non-Quantifiables.
2. What does Quantifiables mean? Plural form of quantifiable
Quantifiables, Quantifiable
3. Merchants kept track of Quantifiables using Roman numerals, performing calculations either by an elaborate yet widespread fingers procedure or with a clumsy mechanical abacus
4. We’ve been trained to measure our value with socialized Quantifiables—grades, dollars, things, pounds, “likes”
5. The fix: Quantifiables are translated in different ways for different job roles
6. Contextual translation of "Quantifiables" into English
Quot, Quantifiables
7. • Other Quantifiables - #3 (fill in the blank for any other response support activity not represented above) • Do you have another program you would like to report on? o If yes, Part III repeats up to two more times o If no, the “Thank you” message will show – “Thank you! We are all are faced with many
8. Ballard points out that CEOs tend to be operationally focused—too consumed with the nuts and bolts and Quantifiables of management to focus on recognition
9. Quantifiables aside, the Fit Sport’s auto is as good a unit as anyone could expect from a car of such economical purpose, with crisp shifts when the lever is in D as well as S (for sport) mode.
10. This index goes beyond measuring the monetary Quantifiables of GDP and looks at how governments use their money
11. While I appreciate the sentiment of the article – there are no Quantifiables
12. Troops; Quantifiables such as the number of tanks and artillery tubes—the correlation of forces
13. Reflecting in Quantifiables… The whole crew headed for a hike: One of the running jokes on our team is the constant search for quantifiable evidence that we're doing something worthwhile out here in Missouri
Quantifiables, Quantifiable
14. Here are the Quantifiables that stick out in my mind:
15. • Other Quantifiables - #3 (fill in the blank for any other response support activity not represented above) • Do you have another program you would like to report on? o If yes, Part III repeats up to two more times o If no, the “Thank you” message will show – “Thank you! We are all are faced with many
16. a l'ambition de créer un moteur de recherche orienté # PopCulture basé sur des faits Quantifiables !
17. As I said, PING speaks in Quantifiables, and to that end, the company says the Standard G400’s heel/toe MOI is near 5300
18. For a company that hasn’t always dealt in Quantifiables, Callaway has been ever so slightly more forthcoming about Rogue’s MOI numbers
19. Les suggestions pour une future recherche incluent: l'incorporation des effects du developpment induit par le tourisme sur les structures économiques régionales, et de la valeur économique des impacts non Quantifiables sociaux et environnementaux.
QUANTIFIABLES [ˈkwän(t)əˌfīəb(ə)l]
quantifiable (adjective)
Wiktionary (3.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: 1 quantifiable (Noun)nSomething that can be quantified; a measurable. 2 quantifiable (Adjective)nCapable of being quantified. More ...
: able to be expressed as an amount, quantity, or numerical value : capable of being quantified quantifiable risks/benefits There's a school of thought in Hollywood that good comedy is quantifiable, that you can measure a successful script or pilot on a punchlines-per-page or laughs-per-minute basis.
The definition of quantifiable is something that is capable of being measured or counted. An example of quantifiable is the number of people in a room. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Quantifiable.".
A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Collins! Collins! These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read more… This makes the analysis tools and processes more quantifiable and accountable.