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QUALMN [kwäm, kwälm]
qualm (noun) · qualms (plural noun)
20 Qualm antonyms. What are opposite words of Qualm? Certainty, sureness, trust. Full list of antonyms for Qualm is here.
qualm. noun. /kwɑːm/, /kwɔːm/. /kwɑːm/, /kwɔːm/. [usually plural] jump to other results. qualm (about something) a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right synonym misgiving. He had been working very hard so he had no qualms about taking a few days off.
Definition of qualm. 1 : a feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety had no qualms about asking for their help It was about an enduring secular world where people did unspeakable things, seemingly without qualm and without any grave consequences to themselves.— Jim Holt.
(plural qualms) (now chiefly UK dialectal) Mortality; plague; pestilence. (now chiefly UK dialectal) A calamity or disaster. A feeling of apprehension, doubt, fear etc. [from 16th c.] A sudden sickly feeling; queasiness. A prick of the conscience; a moral scruple, a pang of guilt.