See also: Quality Qualitative Qualified Qualm Qualification Qual Qualis Qualifies Qualmy Quale Qualed Quall Quallo Qualys Qualia
1. Q factor (also known as Quality factor or Q-factor) is defined as a dimensionless parameter that describes the underdamped condition of an oscillator or resonator
2. The Quality factor measures the performance of a coil, a capacitor, or an inductor …
3. While the Quality factor has been identified in the literature (including papers such as “Buffett’s Alpha,” “Global Return Premiums on Earnings Quality, Value, and Size,” and “The Excess Returns of ‘Quality’ Stocks: A Behavioral Anomaly”), and there are now a number of investment vehicles with quality strategies (such as the iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality factor ETF, or QUAL
Quality, Qual
4. Quality factor definition is - quality
5. The Quality factor refers to the tendency of high-quality stocks with typically more stable earnings, stronger balance sheets and higher margins to outperform low-quality stocks, over a long time horizon
6. Quality factor, Q Reactive components such as capacitors and inductors are often described with a figure of merit called Q
7. Why is it called the "Quality factor"? Well, it clearly describes something important about an oscillating system: something related to the number of cycles it takes for the motion to die down
Quot, Quality
8. The Quality factor is about more than just profitability
9. Of course, profitability drives the Quality factor
10. The Quality factor of a radiation type is defined as the ratio of the biological damage produced by the absorption of 1 Gy of that radiation to the biological damage produced by 1 Gy of X-rays or gamma rays
11. The Quality factor or the Q factor of an inductor at the operating frequency ω is defined as the ratio of reactance of the coil to its resistance.
12. Thus for a inductor, Quality factor is expressed as,
13. The Quality factor Q for the circuit is the electric energy stored in the circuit divided by the energy dissipated in one period
14. The Quality factor (Q-factor) calculator calculates the Quality factor of either a bandpass filter circuit or a notch filter circuit
15. For a band pass filter, the Quality factor is the ratio of the center frequency of the bandpass over the entire bandpass region from the lower to upper cutoff frequencies.
16. Quality factor, or simply, Q, is a unit-less figure of merit for passive structures: a measurement of stored energy divided by dissipated energy
17. Components such as capacitors, inductors, filters, resonant cavities, even transmission lines have Quality factors associated with them
18. The Q factor of a capacitor, also known as the Quality factor, or simply Q, represents the efficiency of a given capacitor in terms of energy losses
19. It is defined as: where QC is the Quality factor, XC is the reactance of the capacitor, C the capacitance of the capacitor, RC is the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor, and ω0
Qc, Quality
20. The Quality factor—What Exactly Is It? - Quality Investing
21. This is a list of all Quality factor ETFs traded in the USA which are currently tagged by ETF Database
22. Quality factor or Q factor affects LC filter circuits in the same way that it does for inductors and capacitors
23. Quality factor The energy loss rate of a weakly damped (i.e., ) harmonic oscillator is conveniently characterized in terms of a parameter, , which is known as the Quality factor
24. IShares MSCI USA Quality factor ETF holds a diverse collection of stocks with strong balance sheets and stable earnings growth that should deliver better long …
25. Quality factor definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
26. In this case, the Quality factor can be determined from the Fourier transform of the field by finding the resonance frequencies of the signal and measuring the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the resonant peaks
27. Quality factor is the product of Non-Olympic Times
28. The Quality factor was planned by Professor Dr.Mohemmed Seraj Ansari (President of International Non-Olympic Committee) Concept was taken from Q Factor originated with K.S
29. The Quality factor (Q-Factor) gives details about the ratio between Inductive reaction and resistor components, which produce inductor losses during its operation
30. The Quality factor Formula is given below
31. The iShares MSCI Intl Quality factor ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index that measures the performance of large- and mid-capitalization developed international stocks as identified through three fundamental variables: return on equity, earnings variability and debt-to-equity.
32. The iShares MSCI USA Quality factor ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index that measures the performance of U.S
33. Quality factor Index℠, which is designed to reflect the performance of stocks of large and mid
34. Generally speaking, for an underdamped RLC system, the Quality factor (Q) provides a comparison of the resonant frequency (w0) and the rate of decay or damping factor of the oscillating states (a)
35. Quality factor definition: a property of ionizing radiations that affects their ability to cause biological effects Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
36. • The Quality factor increases with decreasing R • The bandwidth decreases with decreasing R By combining Equations (1.9), (1.10), (1.11) and (1.18) we obtain the relationship between the bandwidth and the Q factor
37. Quality factor synonyms, Quality factor pronunciation, Quality factor translation, English dictionary definition of Quality factor
38. The Q factor (Quality factor) of a resonator is a measure of the strength of the damping of its oscillations, or for the relative linewidth
39. The Quality factor characterizes the grade of the system, since the higher the Quality factor of the system, the lower the loss of energy in it during one oscillation
40. The Quality factor Q of an oscillatory system is associated with the logarithmic decrement 8; at small decrements, Q ≈ π/δ.
41. Quality factor of a resonator is called unloaded Q and assigned as Q 0
42. The Quality factor (Q) of a resonator may be defined as the resonance frequency divided by the resonator bandwidth: where the resonance frequency and bandwidth must be given in the same units (e.g., Hz)
43. The total Quality factor Q is a figure of merit for the sharpness of the resonance and thus the magnitude of the losses
44. As we discussed above that “In a Tuned Circuit, The ratio between Reactance and Resistance is called Q Factor or Quality factor … Or
45. Opposite of the Power factor is called the Q-Factor or Quality factor of a Coil
46. Figure 22 C shows a global Quality factor that represents the minimum degree of inversion in the full offset range of ± 4 kHz
47. The global Quality factor that is shown in Fig
48. 22 D as a function of the flip angles α and β is defined as the minimum of the Quality factor q …
49. Quality factor Concept of Non-Olympic Times
quality factor. noun. a property of ionizing radiations that affects their ability to cause biological effects. For weakly ionizing radiations such as gamma rays it has value 1 whilst for alpha rays it is about 20Former name: relative biological effectiveness.
The Q factor implies energy losses within a resonant device that might be anything from a mechanical pendulum, an entity in a mechanical structure, or from an electrical circuit, such as a resonant circuit. Q factor shows the energy loss due to the quantity of energy contained in the design.
The Q factor of the damped oscillator, or filter, is f c Δ f {displaystyle {frac {f_{c}}{Delta f}}} . The higher the Q, the narrower and ‘sharper’ the peak is.