Use Qualitatively in a sentence

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See also: Quantitatively Qualitative Force Quality Qualm Qualified Qualify Qualification Qualia

1. Qualitatively synonyms, Qualitatively pronunciation, Qualitatively translation, English dictionary definition of Qualitatively


2. Definition of Qualitatively in the dictionary


3. What does Qualitatively mean? Information and translations of Qualitatively in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


4. Synonyms for Qualitatively include approximately, subjectively, conditionally, dependently and partially


5. The finding obtained by observing, monitoring, measuring or otherwise Qualitatively or quantitatively recording one or more aspects of physiologic or psychologic processes

Qualitatively, Quantitatively

6. (Performed Observation Result, NCI Thesaurus) The completed action of observing, monitoring, measuring or otherwise Qualitatively or quantitatively gathering data or information about one or more aspects

Qualitatively, Quantitatively

7. Qualitatively: 1 adv in a qualitative manner “this discoloration Qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron”

Qualitatively, Qualitative

8. Thinking Qualitatively offers many notable strengths for readers looking to discover creative approaches to qualitative inquiry, both including and beyond thinking poetically

Qualitatively, Qualitative

9. Qualitatively: In a qualitative manner; with reference to quality; in quality

Qualitatively, Qualitative, Quality

10. However Roger then asks: "I wonder what it might take to cause me to boycott an author, or to use an assessment of his or her life in Qualitatively judging his or her work." "What do YOU do when your favorite author turns out to …

Quot, Qualitatively

11. ‘security levels can be Qualitatively assessed’ ‘Today, the public mood in Russia differs Qualitatively from the mood in 2003 and 2007.’ ‘Public health services have been deteriorating quantitatively and Qualitatively due to limitation in available resources.’

Qualitatively, Quantitatively

12. Definition of Qualitatively adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


13. What does Qualitatively mean? In a qualitative manner

Qualitatively, Qualitative

14. (adverb) Further, the eye is endowed with polarity, by which its activity is divided into two parts Qualitatively distinct.


15. Qualitatively - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


16. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Qualitatively adv adverb: Describes a verb


17. Thinking Qualitatively offers many notable strengths for readers looking to discover creative approaches to qualitative inquiry, both including and beyond thinking poetically

Qualitatively, Qualitative

18. Synonyms for Qualitatively in Free Thesaurus


19. What are synonyms for Qualitatively?


20. "Russia and Turkey have brought the bilateral relations recently to a Qualitatively new level of strategic partnership based on the joint political declaration, which the presidents adopted during Gul's visit in Moscow in February 2009," Prikhodko was quoted as saying by Russian news agency Itar-Tass.

Quot, Qualitatively, Quoted

21. Please find below many ways to say Qualitatively different in different languages


22. This is the translation of the word "Qualitatively different" to over 100 other languages.

Quot, Qualitatively

23. Both Qualitatively and quantitatively, this channel (i) increases the share of output variance explained by foreign shocks, consistent with empirical evidence, (ii) implies that the exchange rate pass-through is closer to estimated values, and (iii) increases the international correlation of …

Qualitatively, Quantitatively

24. But equally important, Barry's working assumption that there exists a separate, Qualitatively distinct category of "extreme" evil risks reifying the concept of extreme evil and thus indirectly supporting the institution of capital punishment.

Qualitatively, Quot

25. QualitativelyQualitatively) adverb


26. Common Core: 8th Grade Math : Describe Qualitatively the Functional Relationship Between Two Quantities by Analyzing a Graph: CCSS.Math.Content.8.F.B.5 Study concepts, example questions & explanations for Common Core: 8th Grade Math

Qualitatively, Quantities, Questions

27. Qualitatively synonyms and Qualitatively antonyms


28. Top synonym for Qualitatively (another word for Qualitatively) is in quality.

Qualitatively, Quality

29. To judge which of 2 pleasures is Qualitatively superior, consult someone who is competently acquainted with both


30. Qualitatively (comparative more Qualitatively, superlative most Qualitatively) In a qualitative manner

Qualitatively, Qualitative

31. Question: Investigate The Following Harvesting Model Both Qualitatively And Analytically

Question, Qualitatively

32. Another way to say Qualitatively? Synonyms for Qualitatively (other words and phrases for Qualitatively).


33. 2 days ago · Problem #1 (10 points) Qualitatively sketch the deformed shape (elastic curve) of the beam for given loads


34. I began by exploring the topic Qualitatively in focus groups


35. Liberalism and conservatism are associated with Qualitatively different psychological concerns, notably those linked to morality, shows a new study that explores how political ideology and moral values are connected to motivated social cognition.


36. Qualitatively, a torque is a " twist ".

Qualitatively, Quot

37. However, it is unclear whether degree of chronicity is continuous or reflects Qualitatively distinct subgroups



QUALITATIVELY [ˈkwäləˌtādivlē]

qualitatively (adverb)

  • › Qualitative science definition
  • › Qualitative research methodology
  • › Analysis of qualitative data
  • › What is qualitative research
  • › Qualitative vs quan
  • › Quantitatively and qualitatively measure

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between qualitative and quantatiave?

In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical data. Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in quantitative research. Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements.

What are qualitative words?

Qualitative terms are used in forms of appreciation such as poetry, literature, and music. In other words, it can be said that qualitative is a term associated with creativity whereas quantitative is a term associated with anything practical.

What is a qualitative definition?

Definition of 'qualitative'. qualitative. Qualitative means relating to the nature or standard of something, rather than to its quantity. There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think. That's the whole difference between quantitative and qualitative research.

What is the meaning of qualitative and quantitative?

Quantitative data is information that relates to numbers, and can be measured, while qualitative data deals with information descriptions and cannot be measured or observed. These two methods of collecting data are very different from each other.

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