QUAGMIREN [ˈkwaɡˌmī(ə)r]
quagmire (noun) · quagmires (plural noun)
Definition of quagmire. 1 : soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot. 2 : a difficult, precarious, or entrapping position : predicament.
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noun. 1 A soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot. 'torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire'. More example sentences. 'In the 19th century, the area was a quagmire with a creek running through it.'. 'The main landscape feature is endless peatbog, surrounded by marsh, leading into morasses, sloughs and quagmires.'.
quagmire (plural quagmires) A swampy, soggy area of ground. That quagmire regularly 'swallows' caught-up hikers' boots. Synonyms: marsh, marshland, mire, quag. (figuratively) A perilous, mixed up and troubled situation; a hopeless tangle; a predicament.