See also: Quaestors Quaestor Quae Quaere Quaesitum Quaestuary
1. Quaestorship definition is - the office of quaestor
Quaestorship, Quaestor
2. The origin of the Quaestorship is obscure, but it was probably instituted simultaneously with the consulship in 509 B.C
3. Plural of Quaestorship Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
4. Translation for 'Quaestorship' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
5. For although I got great credit in it, still I consider that I have been employed since that in the highest offices of the state, so that I have no need to seek for much glory from the credit I gained in my Quaestorship; but still I do not fear that any one will venture to say that anybody's Quaestorship in Sicily has been either more
6. The Quaestorship was a political office in the Roman cursus honorum
7. The authenticity of the office prior during the early republic is doubted and Quaestorships prior to 446 BC might be fabricated
8. There are large gaps in the lists of quaestors and only a small percentage of all who held the Quaestorship is known.
Quaestors, Quaestorship
9. ‘Other magistracies, the aedileship and the tribunate of the plebs, might be held between Quaestorship and praetorship, but were not obligatory.’ More example sentences ‘As an individual aged he could expect to hold increasingly senior posts: the Quaestorship at twenty-seven, praetorship in his late thirties and the consulship at forty
10. A closely comparable question concerns the Quaestorship in Asia of M
Question, Quaestorship
11. The Quaestorship in the Roman Republic —the first comprehensive and exhaustive history of the Quaestorship and the men who were quaestors—constitutes a valuable addition to the growing body of literature on Roman Republican political institutions.
Quaestorship, Quaestors
12. The Quaestorship in the Roman Republic—the first comprehensive and exhaustive history of the Quaestorship and the men who were quaestors—constitutes a valuable addition to the growing body of literature on Roman Republican political institutions
Quaestorship, Quaestors
13. Alternative form of Quaestorship Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
14. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE Quaestorship 93 Most recently, in an original but cursory article, H.B
15. Mattingly has argued that not four but two Quaestorships were added in 267, Quaestorships which had nothing to do with the fleet, and he offered various suggestions about the sub-sequent development of the Quaestorship down to the reign of Claudius.'o My
Quaestorships, Quaestorship
16. Translation for 'Quaestorship' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.
17. "The Quaestorship of Favonius and the Tribunate of Metellus Scipio." Athenaeum, in press
Quot, Quaestorship
18. In a forthcoming article I argue that the terminus non post quem for his Quaestorship is 61, not 59: see "The Quaestorship of Favonius and the Tribunate of Metellus Scipio."
Quem, Quaestorship, Quot
19. Synonyms for Quaestorship in Free Thesaurus
20. What are synonyms for Quaestorship?
21. His Quaestorship of Sicily would give Cicero the opportunity to demonstrate his incorruptability and also provided him with sacro-sanctity as it …
22. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE Quaestorship 93 Most recently, in an original but cursory article, H.B
23. Mattingly has argued that not four but two Quaestorships were added in 267, Quaestorships which had nothing to do with the fleet, and he offered various suggestions about the sub-sequent development of the Quaestorship down to the reign of Claudius.10 My
Quaestorships, Quaestorship
24. A Quaestorship was the first magistracy sought by an ambitious young man.
25. The Quaestorship became the first magistracy sought by an ambitious young man
26. From the Quaestorship in Sicily to the consulship (B.C
27. 76 Cicero began his political career, becoming candidate for the Quaestorship (the lowest grade of the cursus honorum), 1 while Cotta was candidate for the consulship and Hortensius for the praetorship
28. Antony gets elected to the Quaestorship for 51 and right away returns to Caesar in Gaul, without waiting for the passing of the senatorial decree on the assignment of the quaestors to specific provinces, the Senatus Consultum de provinciis quaestorum (Cicero picks up on this in § 50: see below) 5 December 52
Quaestorship, Quaestors, Quaestorum
29. Throughout these years, the only position of administrative responsibility Caligula held was an honorary Quaestorship in A.D
30. The origins of the Quaestorship have always been murky and clouded owing to the office’s unhelpful treatment by the ancient source authors
31. We've got 0 rhyming words for Quaestorship » What rhymes with Quaestorship? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Quaestorship.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
32. This book is a work of reference, which also features an essay on the analysis of style, a contribution to the prosopography of the late Roman Quaestorship and a reflection on the fall of the Western and the survival of the Eastern Roman Empire
quaestor (noun) · quaestors (plural noun)
Alternative Titles: quaestores, quaestors, questor. Quaestor, (Latin: “investigator”)also spelled questor, Latin plural quaestors or quaestores, the lowest-ranking regular magistrate in ancient Rome, whose traditional responsibility was the treasury.
Quaestores parricidii were chosen to investigate capital crimes, and may have been appointed as needed rather than holding a permanent position. Ancient authors disagree on the exact manner of selection for this office as well as on its earliest institution, with some dating it to the mythical reign of Romulus.
During the royal period, the kings appointed quaestores parricidii (quaestors with judicial powers) to handle cases of murder. With the advent of the republic in the year 509 bce, each of the two consuls, who at first were called praetors, appointed a quaestor to be the custodian of the public treasury.
Ancient authors, perhaps influenced by etymology, reasoned that the investigative role of the quaestores parricidii had evolved to include financial matters, giving rise to the similarly-named later offices. However, this connection has been questioned by modern scholars.